

This was published 7 months ago

The venomous invader threatening koalas and platypuses

By Mike Foley

Koalas, platypuses, echidnas, turtles, birds and other native species face a deadly threat if an outbreak of venomous fire ants is not eradicated.

The federal Environment Department has told a parliamentary inquiry that fire ants – whose bite can cause severe and, in rare cases, fatal allergic reactions in humans – can injure and kill Australian wildlife, particularly defenceless hatchlings.

Fire ants can sting native wildlife to death.

Fire ants can sting native wildlife to death.Credit: Monique Westerman.

Fire ants invaded south-east Queensland in 2001 and are threatening to gain a foothold in other states. Incursions have been detected in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania in the past year.

The department said the venomous pest, which is native to South America, could deliver painful bites to animals’ eyes, noses and mouths.

Arboreal animals such as koalas risked being stung and killed by ants as they travelled across the ground, while turtles, including threatened loggerheads, were also in danger.

“[Fire ants] may kill and injure vulnerable hatchlings, and are attracted to nests by the mucous and moisture released by a laying female,” the department’s submission, published last week, said.


Nest-bound hatchlings of platypuses and short-beaked echidnas could be killed by swarming fire ants “given they shelter in terrestrial dens and are unable to protect themselves or flee”, while birds that nested low in trees or on the ground, including the bush stone-curlew, black-breasted button-quail, little tern and rainbow bee-eater, were also at risk.

Carnivorous marsupials, such as the spotted-tail quoll, that fed on larger invertebrates might be affected due to declines in their food source, the department said.


Agriculture Minister Murray Watt is responsible for biosecurity matters and his department is working with state governments to eradicate fire ants.

But the Environment Department’s submission highlights the responsibility of federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, who is required to protect endangered species from extinction threats under Commonwealth law. She declared after the May 2022 election that there would be “no new extinctions” of native wildlife.

A 2013 departmental study warned that fire ants could reduce populations of birds by 45 per cent, mammals by 38 per cent, reptiles by 69 per cent and amphibians by 95 per cent in affected regions at their peak.

Australia Post in Tasmania found a fire ant last week in plant material imported from the mainland the first discovery of the ant on the island and the fourth in Australia beyond Queensland’s borders in the past year.

Fire ants have been detected near Ballina in northern NSW in the past month, and six nests were found at Murwillumbah in the same region in November. A fire ant queen was discovered on a pallet in Melbourne last February.

The invasive pest, which has spread across America’s South, is capable of forming colonies in 99 per cent of mainland Australia and 80 per cent of Tasmania.


The federal government is co-ordinating a national fire-ant eradication program, with plans for a near-$600 million effort in Queensland to reduce the threat to the rest of the country.

Advocacy group the Invasive Species Council has said the funding is insufficient to ensure fire ants do not advance beyond their Brisbane stronghold.

The council’s fire ant expert, Reece Pianta, said national environment laws required Plibersek to take an active role in the eradication program given the threat to endangered species.

“In Texas, we know fire ants get into and repeatedly sting the eyes, mouth and nose of cattle and can even kill their calves. The same fate awaits our koalas if they happen to disturb a nest while moving between trees,” Pianta said.

Plibersek said the federal government recognised the threat fire ants posed to native wildlife, which was why it was contributing nearly $300 million to the $600 million eradication program.

“Red fire ants have the potential to do more damage to our environment and agriculture than many of Australia’s worst invasive pests combined,” she said.

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