

This was published 8 months ago

Think last year had weird weather? La Nina may already be on the way back

By Laura Chung

The La Nina weather event that brought widespread flooding to Australia’s east coast is set for a potential shock return later this year, international weather models show.

While much of the country sweated through an El Nino event last year, it has already begun to weaken.

Four weather agency models, including those of the Canadian and US weather organisations, that show sea surface temperatures dipping into negative anomalies, indicate La Nina, which means Little Girl in Spanish, could be present from June.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the US weather agency, said neutral conditions would most likely occur for two months between April and May, before a La Nina event occurred from July to September.

If a La Nina event were to occur this year, it would be unusual, said Weatherzone meteorologist Corine Brown. That’s because it’s fairly uncommon to switch from an El Nino event to La Nina. Usually, there are a few years of normal conditions between the two events.

“What’s much less common is flip-flopping [to an El Nino] after back-to-back La Ninas, mainly because back-to-back La Ninas are themselves quite rare, only occurring one other time in 120 years of records,” Brown said.

“As such, flipping from an El Nino to a La Nina after back-to-back La Ninas has also occurred only once.”

El Nino and La Nina are two sides to a climate system called ENSO (the El Nino-Southern Oscillation). Both are fairly common and occur in a cycle that ranges from two to eight years, with El Ninos slightly more frequent.


Since 1900, Australia has had 20 La Nina events, 13 coinciding with flooding in eastern states – the average rainfall from December to March has been 20 per cent higher than the long-term average.

During a La Nina event, trade winds strengthen and more warm water piles up near Australia. Air is more likely to rise and create clouds and rain, which can translate into above-average rain in winter and spring for eastern Australia – and a more-active-than-normal tropical cyclone season.

Meteorologists measure temperatures across the tropical Pacific Ocean, both at the top and below the surface of the ocean, trade wind strength, atmospheric pressure, and ocean currents in a part of the ocean called the Nino 3.4 region.

If waters exceed a certain cool threshold level for at least three months, a La Nina is declared; if the temperatures are warmer than usual by that same rate, it’s El Nino time. It can also be neither, or neutral.


Just what the threshold is varies slightly between agencies. For Australia, the necessary exceedance is 0.8 degrees Celsius, while for the US’s National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration, 0.5 degrees suffices.

It will still be some time before we’re able to say if a La Nina event is definitely under way, and even longer until meteorologists can say how strong or weak the event will be.

A Bureau of Meteorology spokesperson said that, at this stage, it was too early to forecast a La Nina event.

“Historically, La Nina has developed around 40-50 per cent of the time after an El Nino. La Nina tends to begin closer to autumn,” the spokesperson said.

About half of the years since 1900 have been either La Nina or El Nino. La Nina occurs on average every three to seven years.

ENSO conditions have been neutral (neither La Nina nor El Nino) in about half of the years since 1900.

The weather bureau forecasts El Nino to continue through to autumn. The bureau regularly provides climate summary updates on its website. The next update is due next week.

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