

This was published 7 months ago

This Aussie rat dies by sex. Now we know it’s a cannibal, too

By Angus Dalton

The sex life – or more precisely, death – of the antechinus was already a gory affair. And it just got grislier.

The male carnivorous marsupials copulate so fiercely their bodies fall apart and their organs shut down. At the end of their annual one- to three-week mating frenzy, nearly all the females are pregnant and their sires are dead.

The antechinus is famed for its once-in-a-lifetime breeding frenzy.

The antechinus is famed for its once-in-a-lifetime breeding frenzy.Credit: Gary Cranitch

Now new research reveals the antechinus mating massacre is also a cannibalistic feast, after a dusky antechinus was observed devouring its fallen brethren.

“This is something that we thought might happen, given that there’s so many dead bodies around at a certain time of the year, but we’ve never actually observed it in the wild before,” Associate Professor Andrew Baker, lead author of the Australian Mammology paper, said.

In August last year, naturalist Elliot Bowerman was hiking to Point Lookout in New England National Park in north-eastern NSW. He heard a rustle in the bushes and spied an antechinus – bleeding and missing an eye, signs of sex-induced decay – dragging the body of another across the leaf litter and eating it.

A male black-tailed dusky antechinus.

A male black-tailed dusky antechinus.Credit: QUT/Andrew Baker

“He wasn’t quite sure of the import of it, but he just whipped out his phone and took a video,” Baker, who works on evolutionary biology at the Queensland University of Technology, said. “Our team looked at the video and just went, ‘whoa’.”

The antechinus is between the size of a rat and a mouse but has a pointy, bandicoot-like face.

Baker’s hypothesis for why the antechinus dine on their dead is that when the males die, the surviving individuals leap on the “opportunity for cheap energy gain via cannibalism for still-living males and pregnant or lactating female antechinuses”.


Suicidal reproduction, also known as semelparity or “big bang” reproduction, is extremely rare in mammals. Pacific salmon spawning once and dying shortly after are a classic example, as are octopuses, which begin to deteriorate and die as they nurse their eggs.

A dusky antechinus eating a member of its own species.

A dusky antechinus eating a member of its own species.Credit: Elliot Bowerman

The antechinus’ kamikaze sex style is a quirk of evolution. It’s thought females prefer big mates with big testes, so males have evolved to be huge – three times the weight of females – with oversized testes that overload their system with testosterone. That disrupts their ability to regulate the stress hormone cortisol.

“This testosterone is going gangbusters during breeding and they can’t turn the cortisol switch off. It’s just like a tap it’s left on and all of those stress hormones are poison.

“Their immune system completely malfunctions and any injuries they get internally or externally, they can’t fix. Most of them are probably dying of internal bleeding.”


The mass die-off each season complicates conservation, particularly for the two species that are endangered. Survival comes down to the pregnant females, which might carry 14 babies from different males.

A drought, fire, feral cat or bout of land clearing could wipe out the females and destroy a population in one fell swoop. The silver-headed antechinus is only found in three locations and was feared extinct after Black Summer.

“If you want to sit down and design a breeding system, this is not the one you come up with for security reasons for the species,” Baker said.

“Someone said to me recently it’s like a sex orgy. And what’s an orgy without a feast?”

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