

This was published 8 months ago

This service costs $720 a year for Victorian students. In NSW, it’s free

By Robyn Grace

Victorian parents are forking out hundreds of dollars each year for basic services and equipment that some other states provide to students for free.

The “Education State” charges metropolitan students $720 a year to catch public transport. In NSW, most students travel for free on school days.

Karen Taylor is relieved to be facing just one set of costs this year after her daughter, Emelia Chernishov, graduated from high school last year.

Karen Taylor is relieved to be facing just one set of costs this year after her daughter, Emelia Chernishov, graduated from high school last year.Credit: Wayne Taylor

It’s one of several big-ticket education costs offered at no charge to all families, regardless of income, in other states.

In the ACT, all secondary state students are given a free Chromebook, while Victorian parents are forced to pay hundreds of dollars for laptops. NSW students are also given $50 vouchers twice a year for active and creative activities. And in Queensland, all public school families are granted an automatic annual textbook and resource allowance of up to $337.

Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in November showed Victorians are going backwards at the fastest pace in the nation, as cost-of-living pressures, mortgage pain and population growth deliver the biggest financial hit in more than 30 years.

Non-means-tested help for public school students is offered through State Schools’ Relief but devices and textbooks aren’t covered and families need to request assistance through their schools, meaning those reluctant to ask are left to bear the financial burden.

Hastings parent Karen Taylor is relieved to be facing just one set of costs this year after her daughter graduated from high school in 2023. Even still, textbooks and a new device for her son in year 11 will cost her $1500.

“And we don’t need any top-up uniform … there was one year he changed clothes size three times,” she said.


Taylor used State Schools’ Relief in 2019 after the breakdown of both her marriage and business partnership. Now she’s back on her feet, Taylor is helping others use the service and trying to remove the stigma attached to asking for help.

“There is a sense of shame involved when you need to put your hand up, but children’s education shouldn’t be something that we have to make a choice about,” she said.

Victorian Council of Social Service chief executive officer Juanita Pope said making public transport free for all students would deliver immediate cost-of-living relief to families, particularly those on low incomes. VCOSS has also made a budget submission calling for additional funding so schools can cover the cost of devices, textbooks and stationery.

Community legal service West Justice ran a trial offering free 30-day public transport passes for students in crisis in Wyndham in 2018. The program was so successful, it was rolled out to selected students statewide in 2022.


Chief executive officer Melissa Hardham said there was strong advocacy for Victoria to follow NSW’s lead and provide free transport to all students, including those in university.

“Particularly if you’ve got people, bankers and lawyers, travelling for free up and down Collins Street and in the CBD,” she said.

A spokesperson for Transport NSW said free travel was offered during school terms to students living more than 2.3 kilometres’ walking distance from their school in years 3 to 6, and more than 2.9 kilometres from school in years 7 to 12. The pass works on school days from 7am to 7pm. Outside those hours, students must use a child’s ticket, which costs half the rate of an adult fare.

Victoria’s Students in Crisis travel passes last 30 days but can be reissued as many times as needed. Almost 14,000 passes have been distributed to more than 3000 students since the program began in 2022.

Public Transport Users Association spokesman Daniel Bowen said encouraging Victorian students to use public transport could reduce traffic congestion around schools and give children a sense of independence.

But he said making it free for all students, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, would make no difference to those who didn’t have good public transport options.

“For many parts of Melbourne, there simply isn’t a good enough service to be a viable alternative to driving, even if it’s free,” he said.

State Schools’ Relief chief executive office Sue Karzis agreed there was merit in offering long-term public transport passes, but said a year-round relief program for other items was much more effective than one-off back-to-school vouchers for everyone.


“For a fraction of that cost, we can support students … a number of times a year,” she said.

Karzis said requests for support had increased from 67,000 applications in 2021-22 to 74,000 in 2022-23. This year, she was expecting more than 80,000.

People can access help by speaking to their schools. Teachers and principals also refer students for items including uniforms, shoes, bags, calculators, swimwear, work boots and stationery packs.

Gail McHardy, from Parents Victoria, said the rising cost of living meant many families not in the low-income bracket were now struggling with school costs. But she said fully funding public schools would make more difference than one-off vouchers.

The opposition pledged to make public transport $1 a day for concession cardholders, including students, before the last election. They also promised free school lunches for public school students. It is not yet known if either policy will be revived next election.

The Education Department said it offered free transport to some students in rural and regional Victoria, and other support with school breakfasts, uniforms and glasses. However, these programs are only available in certain areas and to eligible students, or to those referred by their schools.

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