

This was published 1 year ago

Kristina Keneally’s police officer son denies fabricating evidence to advance career

By Georgina Mitchell

The police officer son of former NSW premier Kristina Keneally has denied he was trying to boost his career when he claimed a man had made threats to kill police, which was later debunked by a recording of the conversation.

Daniel Keneally, 25, was on duty at Newtown Police Station on the evening of February 24, 2021 when he answered a call from Luke Brett Moore, who was phoning police stations across the state to criticise the practice of strip-searching.

Daniel Keneally (right) leaves court this week with his lawyer Paul McGirr.

Daniel Keneally (right) leaves court this week with his lawyer Paul McGirr.Credit: AAP

Keneally claimed in a statement, written that evening, that Moore referred to a specific detective in Goulburn during the 12-minute-and-18-second call, and said he wanted him “off this planet”, “good as gone” and “dead”.

“I’m coming for him when he least expects it, I know where he works and I’ll follow him home,” Keneally wrote in quotation marks in the document.

Moore was charged with using a carriage service to menace and threaten to kill and was refused bail, spending three weeks in custody. When he produced the recording he had made of the phone conversation, charges were withdrawn.

Keneally was charged in October 2022 with one count of fabricating evidence with intent to mislead a judicial tribunal, to which he pleaded not guilty.

On Tuesday, prosecutor Daniel Boyle suggested to Keneally that he “made up” the conversation he detailed in his statement.

Daniel Keneally pictured with his mother, former NSW premier and federal senator Kristina Keneally.

Daniel Keneally pictured with his mother, former NSW premier and federal senator Kristina Keneally.Credit: Twitter

“Absolutely disagree,” Keneally said.


He said his statement was “a reflection of what I truly believed at the time I had experienced” and he did not know it was incorrect, but he now accepts there are “significant” differences between his recollection and the recording.

Keneally denied the statement was made with the intention of misleading a court, and said he was surprised to learn several months later that the conversation had been recorded.

Boyle asked if Keneally thought it “might help your career” if he suggested threats had been made against police.

“Absolutely not,” Keneally said, adding that the only way he could have been promoted as a constable was by accruing years of service.

Keneally said he “wasn’t totally focused” on the conversation with Moore due to the busy station environment.

He said he looked at various things during the phone call, including Moore’s website “I Sue Police” and his profile on the police computer system, and also had the police dispatch system open to look at jobs assigned in the Newtown area.

Forensic psychiatrist Dr Olav Nielssen told the court the “sheer number of different inputs” being accessed by Keneally before he wrote his statement could have had a “contaminating effect” which undermined the accuracy of his recollection, which became “fixed and vivid” over time.


“The essence of my opinion is that our memory is not reliable,” Nielssen said. “Normal people, with no psychiatric disorder, no cognitive problems, can remember things inaccurately.”

Dr Stefanie Sharman, a senior lecturer in psychology, said a person’s memory of a conversation decays quickly, and may have been affected “quite significantly” even a couple of minutes later.

“When we split our attention across multiple tasks, the information that’s encoded from any of those sources is less,” she said. “He likely had difficulty encoding the information.”

Keneally said Moore’s profile on the police computer system made him “heightened”, because it suggested he had a “propensity for violence” and psychiatric issues.

The court heard Moore had written on his website: “Police have started a war, a war we’ll win with words not weapons. I would never advocate for violence against police unless it was reasonable in the circumstances.”

In a closing address, Keneally’s lawyer Paul McGirr said Moore was “ranting” and “appeared to be unhinged” during the phone call, and his client had a mistaken recollection due to being under stress and looking at a number of sources simultaneously.

He said there was “no real smoking gun” for why his client would have intentionally falsified evidence, because he did not know Moore or the Goulburn detective. He urged the court to find Keneally not guilty.

Boyle said the court could “comfortably infer” that Keneally had fabricated the quotes in his statement, knowing they were false, and his guilt had been proven beyond reasonable doubt.

“The Crown submission is this was not a mistake,” he said. “Looking at the transcript of the conversation and his statement, they’re not even close.”

Magistrate Rodney Brender will deliver his decision on November 21.

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