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This was published 1 year ago
‘Robs Peta to pay Peta’: Union hits out at Netball Australia as bitter pay war escalates
By Carla Jaeger
The netballers’ union has accused Netball Australia of “weaponising” the looming pay deal deadline to pressure players into signing a new collective player agreement, in the latest escalation to Super Netball’s bitter pay dispute.
A letter sent to players on Tuesday, obtained by this masthead, detailed the Australian Netball Players’ Association decision to reject Netball Australia’s latest pay deal, which the union said would “run the very severe risk of locking the players into an unsatisfactory deal for a long time”.
The netball player union is not happy with Netball Australia’s proposed deal.Credit: Getty Images
The negotiations to secure a new pay deal have been under way since as early as February, with the previous agreement expiring at the end of the 2023 Super Netball season.
A one-year extension to the existing deal was agreed in June after Netball Australia initially refused to announce the World Cup squad until an agreement was signed, a move widely criticised by the netball community and described by former Diamonds coach Lisa Alexander as “outrageous behaviour”.
In an escalation to the lengthy battle, the letter sent on Tuesday accused the administration of using tactics in the negotiation room to put “deadline pressure” on the players, who could stop receiving pay on September 30 when the extension ends.
Netball Australia rejected the claim it was weaponising the expiry of the current deal, asserting it had not set a deadline. It said it was open to negotiations, and was willing to meet with the union “as often and as necessary as they want”.
But the union said: “The current NA proposal effectively robs Peta to pay Peta by funding wage increases from a player payment pool.”
Chief among the board’s decision to reject Netball Australia’s latest pay offer was its tabling of a three-year deal, instead of providing new terms to its previously offered one-year deal.
“ANPA’s understanding after our last meeting on Monday 21 August was that NA would present its best offer based on a one-year term.
“However, a three-year term offer has still been proposed along with an inferior one-year option, despite ANPA clearly articulating ad nauseam that a three-year option was not acceptable to players.”
It said the three-year offer put on the table by Netball Australia would provide players with a three per cent increase in base salary, and private health insurance. However, the “inferior” payment terms for the one-year deal proposed by the sport would only provide a 2 per cent increase.
Outlining why a three-year deal was not acceptable for the playing group, the union listed a “lack of clarity on the finances” and uncertainty regarding a strategic direction for netball.
“Put differently, to accept a three-year deal at this moment would run the very severe risk of locking the players into an unsatisfactory deal for a long time.”
In detailing why the one-year deal was not satisfactory, the ANPA said:
“This offer also fails to include any ‘upside’ mechanism which allows player to share in extra revenue they help generate for the game.”
“NA’s latest offer is also silent on ANPA’s proposal that would allow players and teams to enter one, two and/or three-year player contracts based on 2024 salary and marketing caps with these amounts being adjusted in 2025 and 2026 once the CPA is agreed for those seasons.”
The union also accused Netball Australia of “failing to develop and share a detailed understanding the true financial operations of netball”.
It said the administration had displayed a pattern of cancelling and postponing meetings, not meaningfully considering the priorities of the playing group, and failing to work cooperatively on developing financial models.
“The latest correspondence from NA adds to our frustrations,” the letter read.
The union said it would make a counterproposal.
In addition to seeking better player payments and minimum wages, the ANPA said it was seeking a revenue share, consultation and agreement protocols with players, improved parental and pregnancy policy and increased elite player opportunities.
“All of which needs to be based on a mutual and detailed understanding of the true financial status of the entire sport. Something which remains elusive for netball in Australia.”
Asking players to show their determination as negotiations continue, the letter said:
“We must remind ourselves as proud and capable female athletes that we see nothing more than a fair partnership with NA.
“Look after each other as we fight for a fair partnership. We will not be pressured by a weaponising the September 30 deadline.”
Netball Australia said the three-year deal it tabled was a strong offer.
“It sees players receive a 9 per cent pay rise over the course of the agreement, with a profit share mechanism introduced,” it said in a statement.
Acknowledging the ANPA does not support a three-year deal, the governing body said: “Due to this, Netball Australia has put forward a one-year rollover of the current CPA with a two per cent pay increase for players.”
It said increasing player wages was a priority for netball.
“Super Netball players are the best netballers in the world. They deserve a pay increase, however anything more than what has been offered would come at the cost of responsible financial management and funding for community and pathway programs.”
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