

This was published 1 year ago

$1 a day for half your life: The cost of contraception is a bitter pill to swallow

By Natassia Chrysanthos

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Everyone has purchases that make them squirm. For me, it’s birth control. I wince every three months or so when the time comes to tap my card at the chemist and spend another $85 on the pill.

At this rate, I’m up for about $11,000 in out-of-pocket costs over my lifetime* on contraception alone. That’s before doctor’s appointments, prescriptions and pregnancy itself are factored in.

There are 26 brands of contraception that aren’t on the PBS in Australia.

There are 26 brands of contraception that aren’t on the PBS in Australia.Credit: iStock

It’s a frequent source of outrage, but I’ve only recently understood why the bill is so high.

The benefits of birth control have been established for decades: it’s not just good for women, it’s good for the economy. A 2022 report from women’s healthcare company Organon found the economic impacts of unintended pregnancy in Australia cost $7.2 billion a year – 37 per cent of which is carried by governments.

“There’s a lot of justification for making contraception free, just from an economic point of view,” says Professor Danielle Mazza, chair of general practice at Monash University.


“Contraception is pretty fundamental to the trajectory of women’s lives. It enables them to plan their pregnancies, to receive an education, develop their career options, work productively. [Birth control] is also used in the management of period pain, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, acne, which are very, very common issues in women.”

So why does it cost me – and thousands of others – $1 a day for almost half of our lives?


I started reporting on Australia’s health system in January. It was only while covering the Senate inquiry into reproductive healthcare earlier this year that I realised it’s because my pill – Yaz – is not subsidised under Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Its total cost is out-of-pocket.

And it wasn’t only Yaz: 26 brands of contraception in Australia aren’t on the PBS. A 2019 survey of almost 7000 Australian women found one-third were using non-subsidised contraception.

France has made contraception free for women up to 25-years-old – an acknowledgment that cost was a barrier to uptake and leading to unwanted pregnancies.

France has made contraception free for women up to 25-years-old – an acknowledgment that cost was a barrier to uptake and leading to unwanted pregnancies.Credit: Generic

It’s worth noting here that the pill is considered the default contraceptive option for Australian women, and the uptake of long-acting contraceptives such as IUDs is low compared with other countries, despite their benefits. That’s an issue for another day.

There are 23 contraceptive brands listed on the PBS and therefore capped at $30 a script – but they tend to be older products.

It means newer and more popular contraceptive pills such as Zoely ($87.99), Yaz ($84.95), Slinda ($76.95), Marvelon ($87) and Qlaira ($89.39) – which cater to a range of other health conditions and may have reduced side effects – are up to three times more expensive than pills from decades ago.


Full disclosure: I’ve been a pretty passive healthcare consumer for most of my 28 years. When a doctor prescribed me a subsidised, progesterone-only pill while I was at university, I paid $20 every four months and didn’t think much of it when I was crippled with intense pain and heavy periods every few weeks.

Several years later, I was recommended Yaz – one of those newer non-subsidised pills that costs $85 for an 84-day script – to help with PCOS symptoms. Many people have adverse experiences on Yaz, but for me it was great. It eased my periods, eliminated pain and I noticed no side effects. For four years I have skipped around as if that monthly burden never existed.

Which brings me to my most recent dilemma.

Two months ago, my script ran out. Facing a $50 average gap fee to get a renewal from yet another new GP now that I’ve moved to Canberra, and then hundreds more dollars for the pill itself, I’ve stopped taking it. This is an era of across-the-board budget tightening, after all.

The result? I am smothered in heat packs as I write this newsletter, suffering a monthly pain I have re-discovered makes me far less productive at work for several days – and that’s before we get into the economics of unwanted or unplanned pregnancy.

Which leaves me wondering how any of this makes sense. An unrepresentative, nonrandom sample survey – I know this is a science newsletter, but it was the best I could do – I have taken of friends and acquaintances suggests many feel the same.

The women around me have similar experiences: they are forking out more than double for pills that have a lesser impact on their mood after spending years suffering side effects on cheaper options; they’ve moved off the pill but have been forced to spend $500 in one go for an IUD; or they’ve given up on hormonal contraception full stop, because of cost or cumulative bad experiences.

This was also the gist of the evidence presented to this year’s Senate inquiry. Healthcare experts including GPs, pharmacists and academics have been unanimous in their criticism of the barriers Australian women face, particularly the money issue.


Doctors’ colleges told the inquiry that long and costly approval processes for medicines in Australia were one factor that stopped pharmaceutical companies applying for their contraceptive options to be supplied here or listed on the PBS.

A representative from the Pharmacy Guild said companies could also struggle to prove their pills were more cost-effective than options already available – a condition for getting medicines subsidised.

The health department rejected a lot of that analysis and said pharmaceutical companies often wanted to set their own prices. In any case, the government doesn’t have the power to compel companies to apply for the PBS.

But it could do more. The inquiry’s final report said contraceptives should be more affordable and the federal government is due to respond to the recommendations in the coming weeks.

A glance overseas shows some options it could take.

The United Kingdom offers contraceptive advice and supplies for free under its National Health Service.

France last year made birth control free – both contraception and related procedures – for women up to 25-years-old in an acknowledgment that cost was a barrier to uptake and leading to unwanted pregnancies.

In Canada, British Columbia became the first jurisdiction to give its residents free birth control in April. Its government said free contraception would prevent unplanned pregnancy and help people manage chronic conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis.

The province says free contraception will cost it $119 million over three years for a population of 5 million, but it will save someone who spends $25 on the pill every month up to $10,000 over their lifetime. Australia spent $54 million on subsidised contraception through the PBS in 2021-22.

In the United States, a non-prescription contraceptive pill will soon be available on supermarket shelves – tackling the access barriers that come with getting a prescription.


It’s a controversial decision that seems unthinkable in Australia, considering that doctors are opposed to trials allowing pharmacists to prescribe the contraceptive pill and pharmacies are opposed to letting supermarkets sell medicines.

*Rough estimates suggest Australian women spend about 35 years of their lives trying to avoid pregnancy. The average age for first sexual activity is 16, while menopause is 51 and women these days have about two children, rounded up, which would typically require about five years of planning.

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