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IBAC findings spur planning shake-up

By Ben Schneiders, Royce Millar and Rachel Eddie

Victoria is poised to introduce the most sweeping overhaul of planning and housing policy in decades in response to an anti-corruption report that found property developer John Woodman paid about $1.2million to former Casey Council mayors in return for their support for lucrative planning decisions.

The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission tabled its Operation Sandon report on Thursday, finding Woodman made the payments to former Casey mayors and Liberal Party members Sam Aziz and Geoff Ablett – including cash in suitcases and shopping bags.

Developer John Woodman rides along St Kilda Road ahead of the IBAC report being tabled on Thursday.

Developer John Woodman rides along St Kilda Road ahead of the IBAC report being tabled on Thursday.Credit: Eddie Jim

Sandon also highlights how Woodman and associates sought to influence state planning decisions, showering Labor and the Liberals with donations and political spending totalling almost $1 million over nine years and 180 transactions – the bulk of it never disclosed – and targeting local MPs and candidates from both major parties.

If the report’s 34 recommendations are accepted, the IBAC inquiry will trigger a shake-up in Victoria’s local government and planning laws, including the possibility of stripping some planning powers from local councils, the expanded taxing of windfalls from land use changes and the tightening of donation and lobbying laws.

In response to the report, Premier Daniel Andrews said his government intended to reduce the planning powers of councils over significant developments, but the state cabinet was yet to work through the recommendations.

“It does take some time and I think doing it properly is better than doing it quickly. It needs to be done in a proper process. And that’s exactly what we will do,” he said.

Premier Daniel Andrews answers questions  about the IBAC report

Premier Daniel Andrews answers questions about the IBAC reportCredit: Wayne Taylor

Andrews said last week “everything is on the table” as part of an overhaul of the state’s planning laws, but responding to the Operation Sandon report on Thursday he went further, saying it was the government’s “clear position” that “the role of local councils in significant planning decisions should be reduced”.

“To have part-time councillors making decisions to turn say farmland into a new suburb where you are talking about vast amounts of money – there’s clearly a risk that things can go wrong,” he said.


Andrews said he was concerned about cash for access, evidenced by the government’s 2018 reforms to donation laws.

Opposition Leader John Pesutto, accusing Andrews of overseeing a culture of secrecy, cautioned against using the IBAC report as an excuse to centralise planning power in state government, a view echoed by the Municipal Association of Victoria.

Operation Sandon is the most lengthy, costly and sweeping investigation of raw corruption in Victoria since IBAC was established more than a decade ago.

The Sandon investigation centred on issues first publicly raised by The Age in 2011 and more substantially in 2018 around land deals at the City of Casey and the outsized influence of flamboyant developer and planner Woodman.

IBAC’s investigation focused on four planning matters involving Woodman and his associates, all of which were highlighted by The Age in October 2018.

IBAC acting Commissioner Stephen Farrow said councillors at the City of Casey were elected to make decisions in the public interest. “Our investigation found that to the contrary, some of their planning decisions were influenced by very significant undisclosed payments and benefits from property developers who stood to gain from their decisions,” he said.

“It was done through elaborate financial arrangements that were designed to conceal the nature and source of those [payments]. Councillors who received the funds manipulated council processes in favour of these interests.”

He said the investigation uncovered broader issues than just at the City of Casey. “[We’ve] identified a range of systemic corruption risks at the state and local government level.”

The key case study in the report was a bid to rezone industrial land in Cranbourne West to residential, a move that would have netted construction giant Leighton Properties, now owned by CIMIC, Woodman and others a combined windfall worth tens of millions of dollars.

After The Age revelations in October 2018, a decision on the rezoning was deferred and finally rejected by then planning minister Richard Wynne in April 2020, just months after Casey Council was sacked by the government.

Sandon found that Woodman and his associates “directly paid” councillors Aziz and Ablett in exchange for their support, donated to state candidates and MPs intending to influence them to help, and funded a residents’ action group which actively backed the rezoning.

Andrews was privately examined as part of the five-year inquiry, but has been cleared of any wrongdoing. He was questioned over a lunch he had with Woodman and Labor-linked lobbyist Philip Staindl at the Flower Drum in Chinatown in 2017 and separate lobbying from Staindl at a fundraising event in early 2019 over the Cranbourne West rezoning.

Andrews said he could not remember having the 2019 conversation with Staindl or the contents of it. But Andrews said some of Staindl’s recollections – which the lobbyist later conceded may have included some exaggerations – did not “ring true”.

IBAC found the “general tenor” of the conversation was as Staindl described it, including that the premier may have invited him to convey his regret to Woodman that the application had been deferred.

On Thursday, the premier said he did not regret his interactions with Woodman and that there was no reason to suspect he was acting inappropriately.

“I’m not about regrets, I have too much to do. I’m focused on the future,” Andrews said.


Pesutto said it was extraordinary that IBAC preferred Staindl’s recollection of his 2019 conversation with Andrews, and that the premier appeared to pass on his regret to Woodman.

“That was not becoming of Victoria’s premier,” Pesutto said.

In the 304-page report IBAC gives adverse comments against a long list of political and business figures, including sitting Labor MP for Cranbourne Pauline Richards.

Deputy commissioner David Wolf said it related to Richards’ dealings with Woodman. “It’s more the nature and involvement in the donations scheme, the receipt of donations, the meetings with the donor and allocation of donations across the party.”

Woodman donated $20,000 to her 2018 election campaign and a further $10,000 to other Labor candidates at her suggestion, and IBAC disputed that they should be treated distinctly.

Richards in a statement defended her conduct and said the IBAC report confirmed she had not approached the then planning minister or his office to lobby him over the rezoning. IBAC said in its report it did not have any evidence to suggest Richards had done so.

Andrews defended Richards as a “person of absolute integrity and character”.

Ablett and Woodman, in a written response to IBAC, denied wrongdoing.

Ablett said he rejected any inferences of corrupt, illegal or unethical conduct and that he received any payments, gifts or benefits in exchange for favourable council outcomes. IBAC rejected Ablett’s submissions.

Woodman denied he had corrupted Casey council and said it was a “false statement without evidence” that his firm relied on a core group of councillors to advance his interests.

“There is no evidence that the work of Mr Woodman as a consultant was to improperly influence, i.e. dishonestly or unlawfully, or unduly influence decisions by council via any or all the mechanisms alleged.”

IBAC rejected Woodman’s assertions and said he had directly paid councillors Aziz and Ablett for their support. Aziz did not respond to the report, but has previously denied he was corrupt.

Leighton Properties said any improper conduct by former employees and consultants was taken outside “the scope of their authority and contrary to the terms of their employment”.

Former mayor Amanda Stapledon, who took her own life in early 2022, was referred to in the report as Councillor A. IBAC found she regularly declared a conflict of interest at council in her dealings with Woodman, but in incomplete terms. She was reported as saying she had been “bitterly disappointed” in herself.

Councillor A was listed among those people with adverse findings against them, but IBAC noted, due to her passing, she was unable to respond or refute any allegations, comments or findings.

IBAC vowed to review its practices after criticism in June from a coroner who investigated Stapledon’s death.

Casey is one of the biggest and fastest-growing municipalities in Australia where instant fortunes are made whenever councillors and planning ministers earmark humble cow and vegetable fields as new housing estates.

IBAC’s Farrow said planning decisions had an impact on the liveability of all Victorians, so it was vital that such decisions be protected from improper influence and corruption.

Farrow said the investigation showed how ministers, members of parliament, councillors, ministerial advisers and electorate officers may be targeted by lobbyists, and “how limitations in the current regulation of lobbyists present corruption vulnerabilities”.

So effective was Woodman in winning access and influence, that IBAC heard through 40 days of public hearings and 800 hours of recordings that he had made Casey councillors his “puppets” and a group of sitting and aspiring state MPs effectively part of his team.

The Victorian Greens called on Andrews to make ministerial diaries public – as is the case in NSW and Queensland – and legislate codes of conduct for lobbyists.

Brunswick MP and Greens integrity spokesman Tim Read said Victoria’s donation cap laws should be applied to local government, and political donations from the property industry should be banned altogether.

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