

This was published 1 year ago

A rescue mission for three lives of potential cut tragically short

By Barry Jones

Life So Full of Promise: Further Biographies of Australia’s Lost Generation
Ross McMullin
Scribe, $49.99

Ross McMullin is one of the rare Australians historians whose income is derived entirely from royalties and prize money, not performing in university lecture halls. His scholarship is impeccable, he writes like an angel (although identifying a heavenly equivalent is a challenge) and his narrative gift is Blaineyesque. His specialities are radical politics in Australia, World War I and its impact, and sport.

His Farewell, Dear People: Biographies of Australia’s Lost Generation (2012) won the Prime Minister’s Award for Australian History. It covered the lives and deaths of 10 who perished in World War I, a group with a great diversity of skills – including engineering, medical research, winemaking, politics, football and the law. Its sequel, Life So Full of Promise, confines itself to three subjects, all extremely gifted, with dedication, cricket, and early death as the common theme, set in the context of social changes and coping with loss.

Brian Pockley was probably the first Australian soldier killed in World War I.

Brian Pockley was probably the first Australian soldier killed in World War I.Credit:

Brian Colden Antill Pockley (1890-1914) was born in Sydney to a privileged family that had arrived in NSW with Lachlan Macquarie. Son of an ophthalmic surgeon, he lived in a mansion, was educated at Shore, and became an accomplished cricketer, rugby union player, long jumper and debater. He graduated in medicine at Sydney University. Pockley had no time to marry and his parents were at war with each other. Loyalty to “home” – that is, England – impelled him to enlist and seek a commission in August 1914, just as war was declared. Within days he found himself as a medical officer with the rank of captain in the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force (ANMEF).

Life So Full of Promise

Life So Full of PromiseCredit:

An early priority for Australia in 1914 was to destroy Germany wireless stations in the Pacific. Captain Pockley sailed for New Britain, and his shipmates included chums from Shore. “Personally,” he wrote, “I think it will be a very pleasant little picnic.” On September 11, 1914, Pockley was killed near Rabaul, probably the first Australian soldier killed in action in WWI. His death was widely reported in Sydney, and deeply mourned.

The second subject, Norman Frank Callaway (1896-1917), was born in Hay and educated without distinction at Hay Public School. His father had been an expert cricketer, soap maker, later a poultry breeder, and active in the ALP. The family had lived in a cottage.

Callaway showed exceptional skill in cricket and baseball, and the family moved to Sydney to support his career prospects. His accomplishments are set out in encyclopaedic detail, but there seems to be a puzzling omission. In a period before sport became big business, athletes were expected to be amateurs. How did the Callaway family support itself? Did they have a patron? But who?

In February 1915, aged 18, Norman Callaway, playing for NSW against Queensland, scored 207 runs in just over 206 minutes at the Sydney Cricket Ground. It was his first – and only – game in first-class cricket, and the last of its kind until after the Armistice in November 1918.


Cricket NSW applied moral pressure on cricketers to join the forces, so Callaway faked his age, claiming to be 21, volunteering in May 1916, and after training was sent to France as a private. He was killed in the second battle of Bullecourt, May 3, 1917, having just turned 21. His portrait adorns the cover of Life So Full of Promise.

Murdoch ‘Doch’ Mackay at his graduation.

Murdoch ‘Doch’ Mackay at his graduation. Credit:

Murdoch Nish Mackay (1891-1916), known to all as “Doch”, is the third subject and McMullin’s account runs to 263 pages, enough for a significant volume on its own. He was born in Bendigo to a prominent family. His father, George, had been editor of The Bendigo Advertiser. Both parents were very active conservative political activists.

Doch Murdoch was educated at St Andrew’s College, Bendigo, Ormond College at the University of Melbourne, won the Supreme Court Prize in 1911, was mentored by “Pompey” Elliott, lawyer and soldier (subject of McMullin’s 2002 biography) and became a successful barrister. He was the third generation of his family to excel at cricket.

In May 1915 he married Margot Watson, daughter of the clerk of the Victorian parliament. Two days later, he went to camp at Broadmeadows and five days later was on a troopship for Gallipoli, which he survived. He then went to Egypt, and finally to France with the rank of major, commanding the 22nd Battalion. He was mown down in the slaughter at Pozières on August 5, 1916, aged 25. Australian historian C. E. W. Bean singled him out for his courage and leadership.


Doch’s letters to Margot are remarkable: the calligraphy is excellent, full of dry humour and sharp observation. He wrote a consoling letter to her to be delivered only in the event of his death. Margot Mackay remarried and died in London in 1973.

Ross McMullin reflects on the parallels between Doch Mackay and Robert Menzies: both from provincial Victoria, Ormond College, Melbourne barristers, and concludes that “a factor in Menzies’ superiority in his party was that alternative political leaders – Murdoch Mackay perhaps among them – had been lying in faraway battlefield graves for decades.”

Barry Jones’ most recent book is What Is to Be Done (Scribe).

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