

This was published 1 year ago


What the PwC scandal tells us about a broken system, and how to fix it

A single number confirms the weakness of the federal officials who discovered they were dudded by one of the world’s biggest consulting firms. It took five years – yes, five – for some of the most powerful people in Canberra to figure out how to sanction PwC for sharing secret Treasury information in ways that could have cost taxpayers $180 million a year. While the consulting firm raced to help big companies dodge new tax laws, the authorities struggled to expose and punish the deeds.

The documents revealing this conduct started to arrive at the Australian Tax Office in late 2017. That is when officials began to see the internal PwC emails that dominated this week’s hearings in Canberra into what transpired. Only in late 2022, however, did the authorities make the firm and its key tax partner, Peter Collins, suffer any consequences. And they did so in such a gentle way that hardly anybody noticed.

Illustration: Simon Letch.

Illustration: Simon Letch.Credit:

More inquiries will uncover further details, but we already know enough to make three broad conclusions about the broken system that is supposed to pursue tax avoidance. First, officials were far too patient in going after a tax partner who breached their trust. Second, the secrecy rules in taxation law stopped federal agencies talking to each other about what to do. Third, the ATO did not have enough power to investigate on its own.

“We are not afraid to take on the big end of town,” the ATO commissioner Chris Jordan told an estimates hearing on Tuesday. The trouble is, every word after that declaration tended to confirm that he and others were hobbled in their pursuit. Jordan has been a capable leader of the ATO for more than a decade after many years at KPMG, making him a classic poacher-turned-gamekeeper who knows the dark paths through the woods. The issue is not the regulator’s fear but its power. There is no hint in the emails that Collins and PwC had any anxiety about the ability of Treasury or the ATO to stop them.

At least four agencies had to deal with what went wrong – Treasury, the ATO, the Australian Federal Police and the Tax Practitioners Board – and the dates disclosed this week showed their tortured response. Treasury shared information with PwC in what it thought was a confidential consultation before and after the Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law was passed at the end of 2015, but it never twigged to what Collins had done. The ATO identified the risk to revenue as soon as January 2016 when it observed big companies trying to circumvent the law, but it took until late 2017 to break through PwC’s claims of legal privilege and gain the emails and other documents.


Only in 2018 did the ATO call in the Australian Federal Police to consider a criminal investigation into the leaks. Crucially, the ATO lacked the powers under criminal law to investigate on its own and believed the police needed to run the inquiry, but the police made no headway. Finally, in July 2020, the ATO referred the matter to the Tax Practitioners Board, which eventually terminated Collins’ registration as a tax agent and told PwC to lift its standards on conflicts of interest.

The policy professionals, tax experts and the white-collar crime investigators seemed far too comfortable with this slow pace. The ATO did not tell Treasury what it knew, so Treasury signed a new confidentiality agreement with Collins. The Tax Practitioners Board found there were barriers to getting the information it wanted from the ATO and Treasury. Bizarrely, nobody told any ministers that revenue had been put at risk when Treasury chose to consult PwC and others on the draft law.

The agencies are blaming confidentiality rules for this maddening inability to work together, so there has to be a debate about the privacy rules in taxation law. At the same time, the officials needed to be tested on their claims. They seemed to have a very broad definition of what they could not do under these rules, rather than taking a more expansive interpretation of the law. Is there really no way for the ATO commissioner to let the Treasury secretary know – even if only over a coffee – that lucrative information is being leaked?


The debate has to look at the power of the authorities as well. Should the ATO have the power to launch its own investigations under criminal law, something the Internal Revenue Service can do in the United States? Again, the claims heard this week have to be tested. Taxpayers have raised concerns in the past that the ATO has too much power, not too little – as Adele Ferguson and others at this masthead have revealed. Was it really the weakness of the law that slowed the investigation into PwC, or was it a lack of urgency at these federal agencies?


Nobody seemed to feel any outrage at what went on. There were no headlines late last year when the investigation came to an end. It was all very polite, until journalist Neil Chenoweth revealed the outcome at The Australian Financial Review and Labor Senator Deb O’Neill decided to ask questions.

The PWC scandal is unusual by Canberra standards. No politician is implicated in the wrongdoing – at least so far – and there is no good reason for this to be a partisan dispute. The politician who should be angriest is Joe Hockey, who was treasurer when the tax law was put to parliament and now finds out that PwC was breaching confidentiality to undermine the law from the start.

This is a pure policy problem. It is about the culture at the agencies when they have to act with speed. It is about the balance between secrecy in tax affairs and the need to protect federal revenue. It is about whether authorities need more power to prosecute cases in the fogged landscape of tax avoidance – as well as their willingness to use every power they already have.

The political dimension comes next – because that is when Labor will have to decide how to fix a broken system and the Coalition will have to choose whether to vote for tougher laws. Only then will we know whether it will take five years to act if this ever happens again.

David Crowe is chief political correspondent.

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