

This was published 1 year ago


Ukraine set to strike back. But what would success look like?

Since last year, many have speculated about the next Ukrainian offensives. After the successful Kharkiv and Kherson operations, it was natural to look for the next potential Ukrainian campaign to recapture its territory from the invading Russians.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with NATO leadership in April.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with NATO leadership in April.Credit: Getty Images

For some time, Ukrainian military planners have been preparing for these offensives. In a December interview with The Economist, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, described how “we have made all the calculations – how many tanks, artillery we need and so on… May the soldiers in the trenches forgive me, it’s more important to focus on the accumulation of resources now for the heavier battles that may begin next year.”

It appears that time is close at hand. Over winter and into the new year, Ukrainian training institutions have been preparing soldiers and leaders. Combat units have been undertaking collective training. Huge quantities of new equipment have been accepted, absorbed into the Ukrainian military and issued to units. New brigades have been formed, and logistics stockpiling has been taking place.

Recent articles have discussed the political importance of the coming Ukrainian offensives. The focus has often been about the consequences of failure. A recent article in The New York Times argued, “Without a decisive victory, Western support for Ukraine could weaken, and Kyiv could come under increasing pressure to enter serious negotiations to end or freeze the conflict.” But what might such a decisive victory look like?

In all the speculation there has been no clear explanations of the measures of success and failure, or how it might be perceived in Ukraine, Russia or in the West. Therefore, setting measures of success for the coming offensives will be an important method by which Ukraine, and others, might assess the impact of the offensives. There are many outcomes by which we could measure success, but four stand out.

A Ukrainian soldier fires the howitzer at the Russian positions on the frontline near Kremenna, Luhansk region last month.

A Ukrainian soldier fires the howitzer at the Russian positions on the frontline near Kremenna, Luhansk region last month.Credit: AP


The first is that Ukraine takes back large amounts of its territory. By achieving battlefield successes, after fighting through Russian obstacles, recapturing large parts of its territory and liberating Ukrainian citizens will be a crucial measure of success for the counter-offensives. If large parts of Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia are recaptured, this would be an excellent outcome. And it would be a foundation for future operations to recapture Crimea and Donetsk.

A second measure of success will be if Ukraine captures or destroys large parts of the Russian forces in Ukraine. The Russians have to be beaten, and they must be seen to be beaten. A successful Ukrainian offensive will reduce the quantity of Russian forces that the Ukrainians have to fight. Such a success will also ensure sufficient Russian combat power is destroyed to prevent them conducting any follow-on offensives for the remainder of 2023.


A third important measure of success will be that Ukraine preserves sufficient forces to continue defending some areas and conducting subsequent offensives in others. While the Ukrainians will invest a significant part of their air and land combat power in this offensive, they will want to do so in a way that they avoid massive casualties. The degree to which Ukraine can inflict disproportionate destruction on the Russian forces will be an important measure of success.

Finally, not only must Ukraine achieve considerable tactical and operational success in its operations, the Ukrainian people, foreign leaders and populations must believe they have succeeded. Ongoing strategic communication from the Ukrainian government will be a vital part of telling the story about the offensives. The perception of success is essential to Ukrainian morale, and an indispensable element of sustaining physical and moral support from the West. It will also assist Ukraine in rejecting hollow Chinese “peace” overtures that would see an immoral freezing of the conflict to Russia’s (and China’s) immense benefit.

Much has been sacrificed by the Ukrainians to arrive at this point of the war. Ukrainian civilians have endured endless missile and drone attacks, have seen their cities obliterated, and their fellow citizens tortured, raped and wantonly killed by the Russians.


The Ukrainian armed forces have fought on the land, in the air, at sea and in the information domain – and suffered tens of thousands of casualties. Through it all, they have not wavered, nor have they backed away from the agonising choices required to defend some areas, cede ground in others, while also building up their forces for this coming offensive.

The success of this Ukrainian campaign may not just determine the level of support from Western nations. Depending on the degree to which they achieve success, it may well provide a foundation for Ukrainian victory. A massive wave of steel and fire will shortly be unleashed on the Russians to give the Ukrainians the best chance of achieving this.

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