

This was published 1 year ago

A breath of fresh air: Three options for building better apartments

Sustainable communities. Build-to-rent-to-own. ‘Gentle’ density. Rather than wait for new apartment design rules, some developers are making new models to attract people.

By Michael Bachelard

Sabrina Baker and Nagesh Seethiah with son Marcel, 2, happily living in an Assemble apartment.

Sabrina Baker and Nagesh Seethiah with son Marcel, 2, happily living in an Assemble apartment.Credit: Wayne Taylor

As Sabrina Baker and husband Nagesh Seethiah contemplated buying into Melbourne’s housing market for the first time, they had a few conditions.

“We didn’t want to be hamstrung by a huge amount of debt in a suburb we hate,” Sabrina says. They wanted to live somewhere that felt like a community and be close to their friends, who all lived near the city.

It seems like the impossible dream for a pair of middle-income millennials. But as the high school teacher and chef sit with their two-year-old son Marcel in the cool breeze flowing through their (relatively) spacious inner-suburban apartment on an autumn afternoon, they seem pretty pleased with their choices.

They live in a development called Assemble, an architect-designed building of 73 apartments in Kensington that boasts a short walk to shops and train station and an intriguing business model.

Sabrina, Nagesh and Marcel enjoy the cool through breeze.

Sabrina, Nagesh and Marcel enjoy the cool through breeze.Credit: Wayne Taylor

If poor, sometimes unlivable, apartment design is standing in the way of Melbourne boosting the population of its inner-ring suburbs, then Assemble is one of a number of potential solutions.

With Nightingale – a much-lauded medium-rise community currently growing out of its Brunswick home base – and a state government project called Future Homes, a number of different groups are attacking the problem in their own ways.


Assemble: Rent to own

The building in Kensington where Sabrina and Nagesh live, and the ones that are soon to follow it, represent a new financial model as much as a housing development. It goes by the ungainly name of “build-to-rent-to-own”. Residents rent their apartment at market rates for five years and then have the option of buying.

By then they must have saved 10 per cent of the purchase price as a deposit, and be able to organise a loan. There are saving plans and financial coaches to help them get there, and the rent they pay is fixed ahead of time, no matter what happens to the broader rental market. The purchase price is also known at the start. Nobody is allowed in if the rent will cost them more than 30 per cent of their income.

The breezeway between apartments at Assemble Kensington.

The breezeway between apartments at Assemble Kensington.Credit: Fieldwork/Tom Ross

It’s a business, not a charity, and Assemble managing director Kris Daff acknowledges it’s still somewhat experimental. To pay off financially, 60 per cent of residents will need to buy after five years. He’s confident.

“We back ourselves in and say we think we’re going to give you such a fantastic home you’ll want to stay – you try before you buy and you’re going to know your neighbours,” he tells The Age.

Residents moved in last spring, and when they were surveyed in December, a very high proportion said they intended to buy.


Sabrina, Nagesh and Marcel are among them. Their apartment has a reasonably sized kitchen, a decent balcony, bare concrete ceilings, a laundry and two bedrooms that are larger than in many Melbourne apartments. It also has a glass front door that looks across a “breezeway” (open to the weather to promote cross-ventilation) to the glass front door of their neighbour.

That, Sabrina says, was a little controversial at the outset.

“No one is weird and looks in,” she insists, “but you do know they’re home when the curtain is closed.”

“It’s not that different from waving across the fence,” says Assemble’s head of brand, Sophie Rzepecky. One of the key aims is to develop a sense of community. Residents were introduced to each other before moving in, and now on numerous Facebook chats discuss issues and make plans to catch up.

“I feel connected but not obligated to go beyond what I want,” says Sabrina. “You can tap in and tap out if you like. But a kid is already offering to babysit. There’s lots of shared dog walking. People are getting comfortable, parking their bikes in the breezeway.”

They have met more families at nearby parks and the cafe downstairs. And even though they’re renters, they can decorate how they want and don’t worry about a negative reference from an agent because the Weet-Bix Marcel has spilt has set like concrete.


“Having a family in a rental situation is difficult,” Sabrina says. “I wasn’t aware of the stress of it until after we left.”

Rzepecky says there are 10 apartments per floor and common areas including a room on the roof that’s available to book for parties – along with dog washing, a vegie garden, washing line and sandpit.

There are restrictions. You can only sublet your apartment for two years. But living costs are low because good insulation and a centrally negotiated power deal mean electricity bills might be as low as $40 per month.

Assemble in Kensington.

Assemble in Kensington.

Daff says two more buildings of this type are coming, one in Brunswick and another in Kensington, with three more projects in planning making 1500 Assemble “build-to-rent-to-own” apartments altogether. Another project, also in Kensington, will be “build-to-rent” and will include a proportion of affordable and social housing.”

The model has attracted investments from superannuation funds, including Australia’s largest, Australian Super. The cost to build will be reduced, Daff says, by applying a volume manufacturing model to construction and buying appliances in bulk.

“There will be nuances site by site, but behind the scenes will be pretty consistent.” The super funds are expecting a 10 per cent return – smaller than the margins normal apartment developers expect – but if all goes to plan, the return will be reliable.


The funds were “also interested in the impact”, Daff says. “The average salary of an Australian Super member is $60,000 to $70,000, so they’re interested in models that generate a return but also enable members into an asset outside super – home ownership.” There is no social housing component in the first Assemble building, but seven apartments are being rented at 20 per cent below the usual rate for essential workers.

In five years, all going well, Sabrina and Nagesh expect to be among the buyers. “We get longevity, security and functionality,” Sabrina says. “And at the end we get to choose if we buy.

“We have a lot of power in this situation.”

Nightingale: sustainability and community

Nightingale, on the other hand, is a not-for profit entity. Talk to designers, architects and urban planners in Melbourne about apartment quality and they’ll send you to have a look. Some are evangelical about it.

Since starting with a building called the Commons in the formerly industrial dead space between Sydney Road and the Anstey train station in Brunswick, 10 Nightingale blocks have been built in Brunswick alone (six on one site to the south of the original Nightingale building called “The Village”) as well as one each in Brunswick East, Fairfield, Ballarat, Fremantle in Western Australia and Bowden in South Australia. Seven more are under construction and 10 are on the drawing board, though one has recently run into strife with the council in Brunswick.

They are built to be environmentally sustainable communities. Residents put down a 10 per cent deposit and buy an apartment at cost price. A studio-style apartment sells for $275,000 to $300,000, a one-bedroom apartment is $450,000 to $550,000; two bedrooms is $600,000 to the high $700,000s, and three-bedroom apartments sell for up to $995,000.


Prospective owners apply in a ballot and have their name drawn out of a hat. The successful ones start getting invitations straight away to meet and get to know their future neighbours, even as the building is under construction. The apartments have recycled timber floors and, like Assemble’s, concrete ceilings. They are architect-designed to be functional and well insulated, with larger-than-usual internal spaces and big balconies oriented to the sun, with deep pots for plants.

But there is no car park and no washing machine. This saves costs and promotes two key attractions of Nightingale: sustainability and community.

Instead of a car park, Nightingale has negotiated a deal with car and ebike sharing schemes. Asked about the need to drag shopping home from the shops on foot, chief executive Dan McKenna, who is also a resident, says: “We’re close to supermarkets.”

As for the laundry, common washing machines and washing lines are on the roof. It’s become one of the model’s most talked-about features. Asked if people were squeamish about hanging their smalls out in front of their neighbours, McKenna says: “Nobody cares – and it saves a couple of thousand dollars in taps, washing machine and saves space.”

The only bath for children is also on the roof, and is first come, first served. Up there is also a vegetable garden, a shared induction cooktop and common room, rainwater tanks, a heat pump for the building and a solar array.

It is designed as a gathering space, to build a community.

Nightingale hosted a balcony disco during lockdown - a sign, its proponents say, of a healthy community.

Nightingale hosted a balcony disco during lockdown - a sign, its proponents say, of a healthy community.

A key element of the model is scale: the blocks are divided so there are no more than 40 apartments in each. They want people to buy in and then stay: “We’re pushing against the idea in the Australian apartment context that people come and go in six to 12 months”, McKenna says.

But when residents move in they cede a certain amount of autonomy. They sign a deed promising that, for 20 years, they will not sell their apartment for more than the average house price increase in the suburb in which the building is located.

“When you’re selling houses at cost price, you don’t want people to rake profits,” McKenna explains. Asked if anyone had breached the deed, he said they had not yet had to take enforcement action and that “everyone buys into the framework”.

Those whose circumstances change can rent out their property “as long as it adheres to the spirit of the model and avoids price gouging”, McKenna says. No Airbnb is allowed. The money to build them comes from “impact investors” such as Sefa, superannuation funds and banks.

McKenna runs it and gladly lives in it. “I talk about it with my partner as such a great way for our daughter to grow up. We know everyone in our building, and I think it’s a fantastic way of saying, ‘this is the kind of people we encounter in life’.”

Future Homes: ‘Gentle’ density

If you have a spare couple of suburban blocks of land in Maribyrnong within 400 metres of an activity centre or train station and on a street nominated as a priority by the council, then your state government needs you. For $15,000, you can buy a plan for one of four architect-designed, low-rise apartment blocks.

Future Homes is an attempt by the Office of the Victorian Government Architect, in concert with the state’s planning department, to inspire developers, groups of homeowners or downsizers to increase the density of their neighbourhood with “gentle” development.

The plans are for buildings of no more than three storeys, which means they can fit between 12 and 17 apartments into existing suburban height limits under the planning code. If developers are building a Future Homes design, they get a fast-tracked planning process that avoids challenges at VCAT.

And they are carefully designed by architects to be great places to live. The government architect ran a competition and selected four designs that fit strict criteria including liveability, affordability, quality, sustainability and adaptability – that is, they can be replicated on different sites and scaled all over the city. They are light, bright and naturally ventilated.

One of the winning architects, Andres Lopez, the founder of Agency for Design Strategy, said most of the designs he’d created with agency IncluDesign were positioned in the corner of the building, giving ventilation, natural light on three sides and common areas where neighbours can encounter each other as they enter and leave the building.

He was after “a sense of belonging” and connection with neighbours and the surroundings. It challenges the Australian idea of privacy in favour of building community.

“I’m from Colombia, so the idea of community-oriented living is much more common there, older,” he says. Lopez was struck when he came to Australia that the focus of social activity was in the backyard and occurred by invitation, without the serendipity that comes with semi-public entertaining.

In his Future Homes plan, “you are exposed to people seeing you, but in a clever way. It’s privacy that’s acceptable, but bearing in mind you live in a community ... It’s the idea of sharing.”

With luck, he says, this means that if your elderly neighbour falls down in the street or your child gets lost, people are more likely to know how to help.

Light and bright: One of the apartments in the state government’s Future Homes plans.

Light and bright: One of the apartments in the state government’s Future Homes plans.

Victorian Government Architect Jill Garner, one of the brains behind Future Homes, said she was inspired by the Small Homes Service – a mid-century collaboration between The Age and architect Robin Boyd – which produced home designs that suggested new ways of living in postwar Australia. It used open plans, window walls, sunlight, cross-ventilation and emphasised the indoor-outdoor relationship.

Her second inspiration came from the inner-south suburb of Elwood, which was shaped by European migrants with experience of dense cities, apartment homes and streetscapes as public places. Without feeling crowded, it’s the 12th-densest suburb in Melbourne, with plenty of trees among the early 20th-century apartment architecture, which often includes large family-sized dwellings. It also feels like a community.

“We need people to look at density and not be frightened,” Garner says of Future Homes.

Each of the Future Homes designs, like the Small Homes Service houses, gives access to light, air, ventilation and landscape. She believes this can also be done affordably: if enough of these designs are built, components could be manufactured in bulk, bringing down costs. And if developers are building one of the designs, they can get a fast-tracked planning process, avoiding the time and cost challenges that often hit apartment buildings of this type.

Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny said it would “demonstrate to Victorians how apartments and townhouses can be built in a way that is sensitive to the existing community while also providing a sustainable and liveable environment to residents.”


So far, its reception has been mixed. Builders and commercial developers, accustomed to the higher returns of denser developments, are not tooled up to construct low-rise apartments. And the planning department has had trouble getting councils on board for a two-year trial.

Darebin and Monash as well as Maribyrnong were supposed to be part of it. But Darebin said in a statement that they were “unable to meet the State government’s compressed timeframes” to review and consider the Future Homes model.

Monash mayor Tina Samardzija said the council had decided not to take part because it wanted more details about the location of homes and the impact on existing homeowners.

“We were also seeking greater involvement from other councils so outcomes could be seen across a range of different areas,” she said.


It’s a common complaint of proponents of denser living that councils cannot hear the voices of future residents over the objections of current residents.

However, Maribyrnong CEO Celia Haddock said with the municipality’s population expected to double by 2051, and with 1000 new homes required per year to accommodate that growth, her municipality wanted to be building multiple low-rise apartments in established areas.

“Our community has told us of their vision for high-quality developments that prioritise quality and environmentally sustainable design and materials that will enhance social cohesion, access to public and active transport, green spaces, and light,” she said in a statement.

As for how it’s going: “Council has received two general enquiries, but no applications as yet from developers.”

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