

This was published 1 year ago

Leave in a year or be the next Jacqui Lambie: What might Lidia Thorpe do next?

By Lisa Visentin and James Massola

By the time Lidia Thorpe quit the Greens on Monday, walking away from the party that secured her a fresh six-year term in the Senate in May, confidantes and political allies had known for months the senator had been planning her exit.

Thorpe’s staunchly held views on Aboriginal sovereignty – and, in her mind, the threat posed to it by enshrining an Indigenous Voice to parliament in the “colonial Constitution” – had put her on a collision course with her federal colleagues, all of whom were eager to support the Voice.

As the federal parliament cranked into gear for the first day of the new sitting year, the Victorian senator pulled the pin, announcing she would become an independent on the crossbench and use her seat to lead and amplify a national black sovereignty movement.

Senator Lidia Thorpe at Parliament House on Monday as she announced her exit from the Greens to lead the black sovereignty movement.

Senator Lidia Thorpe at Parliament House on Monday as she announced her exit from the Greens to lead the black sovereignty movement.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Her defection has weakened the Greens’ hold on the balance of power in the Senate, while handing her a potentially powerful bargaining position for her unpredictable agenda.

For party leader Adam Bandt, her departure is damaging because she appeals to an energetic section of the party base. However, it has stabilised the federal party room, liberating them to swing behind the Yes campaign for the Voice in line with the views of the party’s broader voting base, which they resolved to do in a meeting within hours of Thorpe’s departure this week.

While some Greens are truly saddened by Thorpe’s decision to quit, including Bandt, who bent over backwards to try to keep her in the tent, her defection is not being universally mourned.


One Greens MP who spoke to this masthead briefly this week – MPs have largely circled the wagons and avoided speaking publicly or privately about Thorpe – said the Victorian’s decision to quit was the best possible outcome for the party.

But it has ignited a furious backlash among the Greens’ more radical members, including the party’s First Nations Network known as the “Blak Greens” that Thorpe helped set up. In a statement this week, the network declared it would “stand with Senator Thorpe” in rejecting “being forced into the racist Constitution by the so-called sovereign Australian government”.

Split a long time coming

Thorpe’s split had been in train for some time and came as no surprise to some Aboriginal elders and longtime activists in the grassroots sovereignty movement who are fiercely opposed to the Voice referendum, as well as her close allies in the Blak Greens.


“I knew it was coming last year. We had a couple of talks about it,” says elder Gary Murray, 71, an executive of the Victorian Traditional Owners Land Justice Group, who has known Thorpe since she was a child.

“I’m glad she stepped away [from the Greens]. They weren’t progressing the issues properly.”


Murray says Thorpe’s next step should be to set up a black political party – a concept he says has long been canvassed in activist circles.

“We will all join it. We will bypass the mainstream parties and we will start setting that up,” he says.

For more than 50 years, the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra has been the embodiment of the fight for Indigenous self-determination. The word “sovereignty” is staked into the ground at the protest site opposite Old Parliament House.

Senator Lidia Thorpe at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy at Old Parliament House in 2020. Embassy ambassador Gwenda Stanley said Thorpe did not formally advise them of her plans to represent the sovereignty movement but had her support.

Senator Lidia Thorpe at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy at Old Parliament House in 2020. Embassy ambassador Gwenda Stanley said Thorpe did not formally advise them of her plans to represent the sovereignty movement but had her support.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Gwenda Stanley, one of the ambassadors of the embassy, says Thorpe had no formal discussions with the embassy about her plans before she announced them, but she had heard on the grapevine that it was in the works. She says Thorpe has since reached out and a meeting is being planned.

“She’s got our support. But this is up for further discussion now. She knows herself as a sovereign woman that she speaks on behalf of her sovereign rights, on behalf of her clan groups, and now she needs to come back and sit with the rest of us. And I think everyone’s looking forward to that,” Stanley says.

But she is more circumspect than Murray about whether the embassy would sign up were Thorpe to establish a political party, saying: “That’s a decision that needs to be made as a collective.”


“It has to be a sovereign Aboriginal party. This is what we’ve been talking about for many years. We can’t be just having a tokenistic voice,” she says.

Thorpe’s long-held anti-Voice convictions

Thorpe, a Gunnai Gunditjmara woman who grew up in a Collingwood housing commission flat, entered the Senate in September 2020, after a brief stint as a Victorian Greens state MP, filling the casual vacancy of former party leader Richard Di Natale.

There was no mistaking what her agenda would be. In an interview with this masthead after her preselection in June 2020, she made clear her vehement opposition to constitutional recognition without first securing a treaty between the nation and its First Peoples, describing it as a “grave mistake”.

In a prescient remark that should have put the Greens leadership on notice about where her loyalties lay, she said her driving force would be her family and community of black activists.

“It is my people that have put me here. The Greens just stamped it,” she said at the time.


Thorpe maintains that she hasn’t finalised her position on Voice and is still negotiating with the government on the issue. But her opposition to the idea, and conviction that treaty must be the priority, dates back to 2017 when she, accompanying a small group of protesters, walked out of an Indigenous national convention at Uluru declaring: “We need to protect and preserve our sovereignty.”

The convention led to the Uluru Statement from the Heart, endorsed by 250 Indigenous leaders from across the country, which called for a constitutional Voice to parliament to be the priority followed by treaty and then a truth-telling commission.

The Greens were the first party to fully endorse the Uluru Statement, but in 2020, on the guidance of the Blak Greens, the party’s national convention adopted a new policy endorsing a different sequence, prioritising truth and treaty with Voice placed last. The move was controversial and triggered a number of resignations from the party by pro-Voice Aboriginal Greens members, among them James Blackwell, a Wiradyuri man and Australian National University academic, who said he had been “bullied, berated, and belittled by some in the party” over his support for the sequence laid out in the Uluru Statement.

Over the summer, as Bandt went on holiday leave, Thorpe intensified her criticism of the proposed Voice to parliament – an idea she had rubbished months earlier as a “waste of money” in an interview with this masthead.

Federal Greens MPs became increasingly exasperated as Thorpe, who held the First Nations portfolio, reshaped the party’s public positioning on the issue from one of broad support to borderline opposition. She criticised the Voice as a body that would have “no power”, praised Nationals senator and No campaigner Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s efforts in challenging the proposal, and before thousands of people at an Invasion Day rally in Melbourne declared: “We deserve better than an advisory body ... We want real power, and we won’t settle for anything less.”

Privately some Greens MPs and party members bristled as her comments went unchecked by Bandt, noting that the party’s decision to prioritise treaty and truth did not mean it was opposed to the Voice.


Adding to the complexity, polling has consistently shown very high levels of support for the Voice among the Greens base, with the latest Resolve Political Monitor survey finding 72 per cent of Greens voters backed a Yes vote in the referendum.

As a debate erupted in Greens’ circles this week over whether Thorpe should have handed the seat back to the party, she was quick to reject the idea in media interviews, saying it was the right thing for a “good ally” to do in making way for black voices.

“Not at all,” Thorpe said when asked by ABC Melbourne radio host Raf Epstein whether she considered leaving the Senate altogether.

Greens leader Adam Bandt and deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi said they were sad to see Lidia Thorpe leave, as they responded to her decision to quit the party this week.

Greens leader Adam Bandt and deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi said they were sad to see Lidia Thorpe leave, as they responded to her decision to quit the party this week.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“We need a black sovereignty movement in this country that doesn’t have to toe any lines, that doesn’t need to have consensus from a party room. It’s time in this country that we had that black voice and as I said, I thank the Greens for allowing that to happen,” she said.

“It’s what a good ally does, right? They step back for black voices. Well, it’s in line with what the Greens are about anyway, so it should be celebrated.”

Indicating she knows her time in the Senate will end with this term, Thorpe said the Greens would get the seat back in 5½ years, but framed it in terms of her life expectancy as an Indigenous woman saying it “doesn’t give me longevity”.

Her limited political longevity, however, is underscored by the most recent Senate count in Victoria, where the Greens gained 529,429 primary votes, close to a full quota, with the vast majority of the support above the line for the party, while she gained only 40,174 votes in her own name.

Shifting Senate dynamics

It’s not yet clear if Thorpe will happily settle into the Senate for the next five years, make use of the platform the seat affords her and use it to advance the issues that matter most to her – or if, after a year or two on the fringes of political debate, she will walk away.

If she chooses to, Thorpe could also control a consequential vote in the more delicate balance of power in the Senate.

Because of her defection – and if it can’t secure the Coalition’s support – Labor will need the votes of all 11 Greens plus two more independents to pass bills through the Senate. In practice, that means a combination of votes coming from crossbenchers David Pocock, the two Jacqui Lambie senators, Thorpe and – though it’s much less likely – the Pauline Hanson bloc and UAP’s Ralph Babet.


How Thorpe handles this will test her negotiation skills and strategy. But losing the infrastructure of belonging to a political party will hinder her and will entail a steep learning curve.

One former Greens colleague expects Thorpe will quit within a year or two because she doesn’t actually enjoy being a politician.

That colleague, who asked not to be named so they could speak freely, said Thorpe’s exit had been in prospect for at least a year and that at times she had expressed a desire on more than one occasion to be the “black Jacqui Lambie” – that is, a straight-talking member of the crossbench able to make deals with the government for her constituency (Lambie, incidentally, also has Indigenous heritage).

This person was not surprised by Thorpe’s exit and also noted it had been timed to do maximum damage to the Greens, on the first day of parliament’s return.

Murray, who describes Thorpe as his “cultural daughter” says he believes she is in it for the long haul.

“I hope she stays in there,” he says, but adds: “If she chooses not to that’s her business. She’ll stick her guns on this stuff, doesn’t matter which role she takes.”

Fallout within the Greens

A Greens member close to Bandt said the sense of loss over Thorpe’s exit was genuine and that the leader had fought to keep her in the tent right until the end, pointing to the extraordinary concessions Bandt had made. This included a compromise deal that would have allowed her to remain as First Nations spokeswoman while carving out the Voice to parliament issue, for which he would assume responsibility.

Dr Tjanara Goreng Goreng, one of the co-convenors of the Blak Greens and co-author of the statement that decried Thorpe’s departure and re-committed to opposing the Voice, struck a more conciliatory note when approached by this masthead at the end of the week.


She confirmed the Blak Greens had advised the party room there would be “some scenarios where a vote for yes would be OK”, including if it was clear there was overwhelming support among Indigenous people for the Voice. She said while many Blak Greens members continued to oppose the Voice and some would follow Thorpe and join the sovereignty movement, the federal party room’s decision to campaign for the Yes case would mostly be accepted as long as it continued to push for treaty and truth-telling.

“We don’t have a problem because we know the loss of the Yes vote might impact ever getting a treaty,” she says.

But in a sign of the ongoing divisions, the group does not want the party’s only remaining Indigenous senator, Dorinda Cox, who had a fractious relationship with Thorpe, to take over responsibility for the First Nations’ portfolio, preferring Bandt or deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi.

Cox, for her part, declared her support for the Voice this week, saying she had confidence in the government’s advice that sovereignty would not be affected and First Nations groups in her electorate had told her they backed the Voice.

Goreng Goreng said Thorpe’s exit came as no surprise to her, but she left with strong support and friendship within the group.


“She is extremely radical, and if the party couldn’t move and hold that radicalism, then she would have needed to have gone,” she said, adding the party and Bandt had been “willing to move quite a lot” to try and accommodate her.

“It’s actually OK because what’s wrong with having somebody on the radical left to push the government? Cory Bernardi, and all those radical rights, did it. What’s so big about this? This is just a black woman standing for her mob.”

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