

This was published 1 year ago


Progressives who love Andrews should be troubled by coroner’s finding

As Premier Daniel Andrews nears 3000 days in office, he has much to celebrate. Three election wins, an infrastructure pipeline that is radically transforming Melbourne and a legacy of social reforms that – in his words – proves Victoria is the most progressive state in Australia.

But there is an inconvenient truth that doesn't square with that progressive claim; that of criminal justice reform.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has vowed to loosen Victoria’s bail laws.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has vowed to loosen Victoria’s bail laws.Credit: Scott McNaughton

Sitting behind the government’s progressive rhetoric is the bothersome reality that bail changes introduced by this government are the harshest in the country and have resulted in people who pose no risk to the community routinely being remanded for low-level crimes.

Between June 2010 and June 2020, the state’s prison population jumped by 57 per cent, triggered by a huge surge in the remand population.

It might not feature on Andrews’ prolific social media feed, but Aboriginal Victorians are overrepresented in these statistics.

This was recently highlighted by the tragic case of Indigenous woman Veronica Nelson who died alone in a cell at the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre in January 2020, after begging for assistance for several of the last hours of her life.

She had been denied bail after she represented herself at a Melbourne Magistrates’ Court hearing.

Veronica Nelson’s mother, Aunty Donna Nelson (right), with Veronica’s partner, Percy Lovett, family and friends.

Veronica Nelson’s mother, Aunty Donna Nelson (right), with Veronica’s partner, Percy Lovett, family and friends.Credit: Joe Armao

In his findings into her death, coroner Simon McGregor singled out the state’s bail laws as having a “discriminatory impact on First Nations people” which he said had resulted in grossly disproportionate rates remanded in custody.


In a single sentence McGregor obliterated the government’s progressive credentials by describing its reverse onus changes – which force the accused to prove they won’t be a risk to the community rather than police having to argue that bail be denied – as incompatible with human rights.


To Andrews’ credit, McGregor’s findings prompted the premier to promise to reform the state’s bail laws within the next six months. Conveniently, this comes after the election and long since the government was made aware of the harm the reforms had caused.

Make no mistake, the coroner’s damning findings came as little surprise to the government, which has been grappling with the issue of bail reform for the past three years but has so far lacked the political will to act.

While largely celebrated for its progressive policies on equality, voluntary assisted dying, abortion reform and a First Nations treaty, the Andrews government knows a leftward lurch on the criminal justice policy is politically less palatable.

That’s because, come election time, tough-on-crime policies sell. Maybe not the ham-fisted approach taken by the Coalition in 2018, but it is reflective of the political reality that a regime which prioritises community safety over the rights of criminals is likely to be more appealing to politicians trying to win votes.


Standing up for unsentenced prisoners is a hard sell in marginal seats.

The Andrews government is not immune from this type of penal populism, in which politicians race to introduce severe and costly punishments, however ineffective.

The government was certainly in a difficult position when the changes to bail laws were implemented. Victoria was, and is still, haunted by the crimes of high-profile convicted killers including Adrian Bayley who was on parole and James Gargasoulas who was on bail when they committed heinous acts.

This goes some way to explaining the current internal debate dogging the Andrews government as it grapples with how best to address the bail laws disaster.

Several Labor MPs, frustrated by the apparent delay, confirmed that proposals to fix bail laws have been bandied about the cabinet table for the best part of 18 months, with little pre-election appetite for change.

After the coroner’s findings, and with the election out of the way, some of the more progressive cabinet members are finally confident their push for radical action to reduce incarceration rates – particularly of Aboriginal people – is being heard.

While Aboriginal legal groups want the government to abolish its 2018 changes to bail laws altogether, it remains politically problematic for the premier who, just five years ago, spruiked the changes as the toughest in the country.

Wholesale changes would force the government to admit it got it wrong and provide the Coalition with a wedge to present Labor as soft on crime.

With the government now locked in to delivering changes, Labor MPs believe the likely focus will be on prisoner welfare and adopting a more targeted approach to the reverse onus regime, making it applicable to only the most serious offenders.


Meanwhile, voters who favour progress politics and celebrate the state government’s reformist agenda should be troubled by the Andrews government’s delay in addressing bail laws, creating better health services in custody and giving better consideration to First Nations people. The finding that the current regime violates human rights is a stain on the government’s record.

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