

This was published 1 year ago

NSW to pay new recruits $3000 to attend police academy

By Jenny Noyes

Aspiring police officers in NSW will be paid $3000 to attend the state’s academy and the cost of studying online will be reduced as part of a bid to address stagnating police numbers.

NSW Deputy Premier and Police Minister Paul Toole announced the $17 million package of new financial incentives aimed at removing barriers to entry for prospective recruits on Monday.

From January 1, those training on campus will receive a $3000 allowance, which Toole said comes “on top of free accommodation and free food”.

Police Minister and Deputy Premier Paul Toole announces the new financial incentive on Monday.

Police Minister and Deputy Premier Paul Toole announces the new financial incentive on Monday. Credit: NSW Police

The cost of an online entry component of the course, which is completed before attending the academy, will be slashed by more than half, from about $1800 to $700, and its length will be reduced from eight weeks to four.

The announcement comes as turnover spiked at more than 1200 officers over the past year, nearly doubling the 2018-19 figure. The total headcount fell by 68.

It follows a $100 million package of reforms announced last month, which includes a new mental health program aimed at improving retention rates by better looking after officers’ physical and psychological wellbeing.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said the changes would assist with recruitment in a tight national labour market, and help those who had “always had a dream” to join the police to take the next step.

Webb said there were no age limits, and the incentives, particularly in relation to flexibility, were as much to entice people who might be considering a career change to join the force.

“If people have already got a career and are considering joining the police, sometimes they have financial commitments, families in certain locations, so these incentives will allow them maintain their lives,” Webb said.


“Then when it comes time to go to Goulburn to do the last part, the financial incentives will be of great assistance.”

Webb said the waitlist to join the academy, once numbering in the thousands, had been reduced significantly. She said NSW Police was not immune to the competitive nature of the labour market but said it is “a very appealing employer”.

Police Association president Kevin Morton said the latest announcement, along with last month’s, showed a recognition of both the financial barriers and the need to address mental and physical wellbeing to keep officers in the force.

He said the reduction in course fees and length, plus the $3000 allowance, made the dream of joining the police “achievable” for a “diverse and talented group of people” who may not otherwise have been able to.

But he said it was still “the first step in many steps”.

“It’s breaking down one barrier, that is the financial barrier, that precludes some people from entering into the NSW Police Force. There’s many others as well,” Morton said.

Morton said the police association wanted to see a return to “police teaching police” to ensure that when recruits “walk into that truck on the first day, that they understand what they’ve got themselves into”.

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