
Medicare rorts

Medicare rorts

Billions of dollars are being rorted from Medicare each year, including by billing dead people and falsifying patient records to boost profits.

30 stories
Unfit Medicare system haemorrhaging up to $3 billion a year

Unfit Medicare system haemorrhaging up to $3 billion a year

A government-commissioned report into Medicare found it is so poorly structured and loosely scrutinised that it is no longer fit for purpose.

  • by Natassia Chrysanthos
Medicare review blows apart the AMA’s ‘nothing to see here’ argument

Medicare review blows apart the AMA’s ‘nothing to see here’ argument

A major review proves trying to preserve the status quo is no longer an option.

  • by Adele Ferguson
‘Medicare haemorrhaging’: The rorts and waste costing billions of dollars a year

‘Medicare haemorrhaging’: The rorts and waste costing billions of dollars a year

Medical practitioners are making mistakes or charging for services that aren’t necessary or didn’t even happen – including billing dead people and falsifying patient records to boost profits.

  • by Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett
‘Little frauds’ debated on doctors-only Facebook groups

‘Little frauds’ debated on doctors-only Facebook groups

Boosting revenue by billing Medicare is a hot topic among doctors in private online groups, following reports of large-scale rorts in the healthcare system.

  • by Ben Cubby
Urgent reform needed to cure ailing Medicare that bleeds money

Urgent reform needed to cure ailing Medicare that bleeds money

Major reforms will take years but the immense reward will be the continued existence of Medicare as an accessible and affordable source of health care for all Australians for years to come.

  • The Herald's View
‘Outrageous overservicing’: Public pays for unnecessary stents

‘Outrageous overservicing’: Public pays for unnecessary stents

Doctors say some stent procedures have little benefit and should not be supported by Medicare.

  • by Ben Cubby
Medical centre chain rorted Medicare as authorities ignored tip-offs

Medical centre chain rorted Medicare as authorities ignored tip-offs

New documents show failed bulk-billing chain Tristar rorted Medicare, with some doctors claiming 18 hours of consultations per day.

  • by Adele Ferguson and Ben Cubby
Butler ‘open’ to Medicare watchdog reform

Butler ‘open’ to Medicare watchdog reform

The health minister says he will consider “sensible suggestions” about how to improve the Medicare watchdog, but has stopped short of directly addressing concerns that it has strong links to the powerful Australian Medical Association.

  • by Lisa Visentin
Health minister raises stakes by calling independent inquiry into Medicare

Health minister raises stakes by calling independent inquiry into Medicare

The review is an attempt to curb fraud, errors and over-servicing within the troubled universal healthcare system.

  • by Adele Ferguson
‘Distressed and appalled’: Eye doctor sees red at overcharging by peers

‘Distressed and appalled’: Eye doctor sees red at overcharging by peers

David Kitchen is furious at how ophthalmologists are ripping off the Medicare system by overdoing injections for macular degeneration.

  • by Adele Ferguson
Medicare watchdog investigates just 0.07 per cent of medicos each year

Medicare watchdog investigates just 0.07 per cent of medicos each year

The watchdog responsible for policing Medicare fraud is also led by directors with strong links to the powerful Australian Medical Association.

  • by Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett
The case for fixing Medicare can no longer be ignored

The case for fixing Medicare can no longer be ignored

The system that monitors Medicare payments is inadequate and only detects a tiny fraction of the billions of dollars lost each year.

  • The Herald's View
Medicare rorts expose inflated bulk billing rates

Medicare rorts expose inflated bulk billing rates

One of the country’s largest telehealth companies has bulk billed some patients at the same time as charging them a fee, a practise that is illegal.

  • by Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett
Political courage needed to tackle vested interests and save Medicare

Political courage needed to tackle vested interests and save Medicare

It is time for governments to demonstrate the courage needed to hold the medical profession accountable for its delivery of health services.

  • The Herald's View
Medicare rorts are a national scandal requiring an urgent fix

Medicare rorts are a national scandal requiring an urgent fix

The truth is that Medicare - the bedrock of Australia’s health system - is sick, and could soon be placed on life support. 

  • The Age's View
Minister commissions report after Medicare waste and rorts revealed

Minister commissions report after Medicare waste and rorts revealed

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has also signalled Medicare rorting could form part of the government’s audit of wasteful spending as the peak doctors’ group said the revelations were “an undeserved attack on the whole profession”.

  • by Rachel Clun
Doctors taught how to ‘pack and stack’ Medicare billings to boost revenues

Doctors taught how to ‘pack and stack’ Medicare billings to boost revenues

A joint investigation has obtained access to teaching materials from an online course that offers doctors step-by-step guides on how to maximise returns.

  • by Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett
The AMA’s leadership is in urgent need of a reality check

The AMA’s leadership is in urgent need of a reality check

For too long, the AMA has wielded power within this country totally disproportionate to the size of its membership.

  • The Herald's View
Cosmetic surgery industry exploiting Medicare for services it is not entitled to claim

Cosmetic surgery industry exploiting Medicare for services it is not entitled to claim

The $1.4 billion cosmetic surgery industry is illegally claiming Medicare rebates for Botox, facelifts and tummy tucks.

  • by Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett
Medicare rorting is a national scandal needing urgent fix

Medicare rorting is a national scandal needing urgent fix

The truth is that Medicare – the bedrock of Australia’s health system – is sick and could soon be placed on life support. 

  • The Herald's View
Government considers independent review of Medicare rorts

Government considers independent review of Medicare rorts

The federal government has acknowledged its internal review of the health department’s auditing system for Medicare may not go far enough.

  • by Anna Patty
Medicare open to rorting from doctors and patients

Medicare open to rorting from doctors and patients

GPs trying to do the right thing by the taxpayer say Medicare is too easily rorted, and not just by medicos.

The bulk of doctors aren’t overbilling you for their care

The bulk of doctors aren’t overbilling you for their care

General practitioner Dr Samantha Saling says she was ashamed to hear about the stories of those who aim to game the system.

  • by Dr Samantha Saling
Don’t protest too loudly, doctors - we do have a Medicare crisis

Don’t protest too loudly, doctors - we do have a Medicare crisis

Fraud is a concern but the real threat to Medicare is the insidious billing of perfectly legal but low-value care. As a profession, we need to own it - and fix it.

  • by Dr Nick Coatsworth
AMA president admits he hasn’t read the Medicare research he claims is wrong

AMA president admits he hasn’t read the Medicare research he claims is wrong

Professor Steve Robson also said an estimate of $8 billion in annual waste had been “debunked”, but couldn’t say by who.

  • by Adele Ferguson
Since exposing Medicare rorts, I’m afraid to leave home. Doctors, read the evidence

Since exposing Medicare rorts, I’m afraid to leave home. Doctors, read the evidence

Margaret Faux runs a business that processes Medicare bills for the medical profession. Here she urges anyone who doubts her estimate of 30 per cent leakage from Medicare to follow the evidence.

  • by Margaret Faux
Sleeping patients billed by doctors in latest case of Medicare rorts

Sleeping patients billed by doctors in latest case of Medicare rorts

A flood of complaints has poured in following an investigation that revealed $8-billion worth of Medicare fraud.

  • by Adele Ferguson and Chris Gillett
‘Dracula in the blood bank’: Years of inappropriate billing for spine surgery revealed

‘Dracula in the blood bank’: Years of inappropriate billing for spine surgery revealed

Many surgeons have been inappropriately billing Medicare and private health insurers for expensive spinal surgery, a leading surgeon claims.

  • by Liam Mannix
‘Debate is about the scale of fraud’: Why Medicare needs a royal commission

‘Debate is about the scale of fraud’: Why Medicare needs a royal commission

The Health Services Union says a departmental inquiry is not enough.

  • by Adele Ferguson
Medicare doesn’t need a check-up, it needs a full-body examination

Medicare doesn’t need a check-up, it needs a full-body examination

No one even denies Medicare is being rorted. But to fully protect our cherished health system, a royal commission is not just a good idea, it is essential.

  • by Gerard Hayes

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