

This was published 1 year ago

Australia’s inequality machine runs on insecure labour and wage theft

By Ben Schneiders

The symptoms of rising inequality are visible all around us — especially in the celebration of excess and extreme wealth of the “rich listers”, and the vastly different worlds people inhabit while living in the same country or even a few suburbs apart in the same city. Even how likely someone was to get sick and die of COVID-19 in the first years of the pandemic was shaped by these material divides.

Whether it is over access to private education, private health, housing, adequate superannuation, or the jobs that people get to do, a whirring, self-perpetuating inequality machine has been created in Australia. It runs from the cradle to the grave, creating a parallel society for those who have the good fortune to access the gilded system or are born into it. The machine now appears nearly impossible to stop or slow.

Gina Rinehart’s wealth has tripled in a decade while the numbers of households in Australia worth less than zero has doubled since 2004.

Gina Rinehart’s wealth has tripled in a decade while the numbers of households in Australia worth less than zero has doubled since 2004.Credit: Bloomberg

Rising inequality, along with climate change, are the major crises of our age, undermining democracy. Now about one-quarter to one-third of the workforce is locked in a cycle of job insecurity, low pay, and, often, wage theft. (About a quarter of employees are engaged as casuals, according to the Bureau of Statistics - a significant increase since the 1980s. There are also large numbers of workers in labour hire, engaged as contractors or in the gig economy.)

A sprawling de facto guest-worker program of up to 1 million non-citizens on a range of work and student visas has been created, Home Affairs department figures show, mostly servicing the wealthy and the affluent middle class.

Most of this is obscured from view, not part of the dominant narrative of what Australians tell themselves about life in this country. Yet based on statistical measures of income inequality, Australia has not been this consistently unequal since the 1930s, and is now more unequal than most of the countries in the OECD, ranking 13th out of 38 nations.

It is now more unequal, by income, than Poland, Greece and Ireland.


Yet inequality, much like climate change, may increase too slowly to create a vivid and immediate existential crisis in the way the pandemic has. Eventually, much like climate change, rising inequality causes fundamental changes to a society, as we have seen in countries with the sharpest disparities of wealth and income. When we look to the US, or parts of Europe, we can see the results: the lack of hope for a better future, and the lure of the authoritarian leader.

Since the 1980s, Australia has become seriously rich as we opened our economy more fully to global capital and trade flows, and as China boomed. We can see the exaltation of great wealth, the tens of billions owned by Twiggy Forrest, Mike Cannon-Brookes or Gina Rinehart. These were unimaginable sums a few decades ago. The richest Australian in 2001 was Kerry Packer, worth $6.2 billion. Twenty years later, the richest Australian was mining heir Rinehart, who was worth $31 billion, her wealth having tripled in a decade.

It is not just the super-rich. Households worth more than $10 million have tripled from 2004 to 2018, while those worth less than zero — because their debts exceed their assets — have doubled to 1.4 per cent of households, according to Bureau of Statistics data. Now the top 1 per cent in Australia controls more wealth than the bottom 60 per cent of households combined, or more than 15 million people.

All this has been a fundamental challenge to Australia’s political and economic system, which was built through the 20th century, and produced far greater levels of material equality. Much changed from the 1980s onwards. Deregulation, privatisation and free trade were first implemented at scale here by a Labor government. There was a social bargain agreed with the introduction of Medicare, the widespread extension of superannuation and the retention of an award safety net. All this made for a less harsh adjustment than occurred in Britain, New Zealand, and the US at that time, although real wages in Australia still fell in its aftermath and inequality rose.

Over time, these changes from the 1980s have transformed the country. Unions went from representing about half the workforce to around 14 per cent as the union movement collapsed under the weight of the demise of manufacturing, the introduction of anti-union laws, and, in part, some of its own failings. Now, much of the labour movement appears exhausted after decades of decline and attacks.

Former Polytrade worker Vimalsan Thalaisingham worked in horrific conditions while being significantly underpaid at the recycling company. “I got chest pain on the left side, blood noses and blood in the mouth.”

Former Polytrade worker Vimalsan Thalaisingham worked in horrific conditions while being significantly underpaid at the recycling company. “I got chest pain on the left side, blood noses and blood in the mouth.”Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui


The country has changed in many other ways, too. In many of our imaginations, the working class toil in factories or in high-vis outfits on construction sites. It’s an almost entirely male picture. And while these jobs still matter and exist, it is not the 1980s any more. Industries exposed to trade and competition, such as manufacturing, have shrunk in relative numbers, while service and social assistance jobs, often dominated by women, are now occupied by much of what we could now call the working class. Wages and conditions for many of them are stagnating.

In 2010, when the Fair Work laws were introduced, about 1.3 million workers had their pay set by the minimum wage of the award. By 2021, that had grown to 2.7 million. These workers have little ability to lift their wages due to low union density, the proliferation of small firms and the use of part-time casual roles, as families juggle limited paid work with unpaid caring roles. Without being able to bargain directly with their employer, they are stuck in a minimum-wage cycle. Unlawful underpayment is common.

Since 2015, in my role as an investigative reporter at The Age, I’ve written hundreds of articles about wage theft, mostly with my colleague, Royce Millar. That work has exposed more than two dozen companies for underpaying their workers, including Australia’s largest private employers, Coles, Woolworths and McDonald’s. It has also exposed some of the most famous restaurants in the country and companies operating across the farming sector. In that time, I’ve spoken to hundreds of workers, ranging from undocumented workers to those on temporary visas, and to underpaid local workers.


Through telling the stories of these workers, I have shown how some of these business models work and why so many people are left unpaid, underpaid and exploited. And how businesses owned by private equity or by rich families operating through tax havens, or traded on the stock exchange, often operate. It is a story told through the prism of power — who has it and who does not.

Many casual or labour-hire workers only know if they’ll have paid work the next day when they receive a text message the night before. How do they plan ahead to do the things that most people crave? To start a family, to have relationships, to see friends, to own a home? For a temporary migrant worker, the fear is that if they speak up, they could lose their job and then their ability to stay in the country.

If you’re a gig worker, the business giving you work says you are not an employee, and you exist in a grey area somewhere between the traditional world of regulated work and the world of contractors and subcontractors. In a society of abundance, this is how we’ve decided to construct our political economy for those with the least — basing it on chronic insecurity.


This is also a story of failed institutions: the industrial relations system and regulators, and the political system. It is a story of how those who own substantial capital are seeing their wealth accelerate, and to discuss the long-term effects of this on inequality, politics and, in the end, people’s ability to live fuller lives.

Penny Vickers sued Coles for underpaying her over a long period.

Penny Vickers sued Coles for underpaying her over a long period.Credit: Glenn Hunt

Since the 1980s, the evidence of growing disparities has been clear, whether it was the increasing share of national income going to capital as opposed to labour, wealth inequality, or even the number of strikes, which have dwindled significantly as unions have lost power. None of it happened by accident. Over several decades, economic restructuring has largely favoured business. The burden of deregulation, de-unionisation, and shifting economic patterns means that millions are stuck in what economist Guy Standing calls “the precariat”, those in near-permanent forms of economic insecurity. Its growth has cut across traditional, more narrowly defined, social notions of class and status to affect both a casual academic with a PhD and those with a year 10 education. Yet no matter their background, all these types of workers are experiencing a similar dynamic of being placed in a state of uncertainty.

Labour market economist Alison Pennington told me that shifts in the structure of the economy were contributing to rising inequality. Australia’s economy, she said, had become increasingly low-investment, low-productivity, services-heavy and extractive-based. “We have lots more low-hours, piecemeal, low-productivity, public-facing jobs than we had in our more capital-intensive past … the bulk of work is increasingly in services where underpayment is rife. We’re experiencing the slowest sustained pace of growth in wages on record.”

As the Albanese government took office in May, workers were experiencing the largest fall in real wages in decades as inflation surged. The new government has been forced to make tough choices. But it remains the case that if it fails to strike a new political and social compact, increases in political extremism, violence, conspiracy theories and crime are just some ways that the pathologies of inequality will assert themselves.

Hard Labour by Age and Sydney Morning Herald journalist Ben Schneiders

Hard Labour by Age and Sydney Morning Herald journalist Ben SchneidersCredit:


New ideas are needed to support new ways of working, to make workplaces more democratic, to find ways to expand and enrich the lives of all of us.

Otherwise, we may one day wake up in a country where some may be rich beyond their dreams but too scared to leave their yachts and walled compounds, while many of us will live lives of unnecessary insecurity and precarity. In different ways, we would all be poorer if that were to happen.

Hard Labour: wage theft in the age of inequality by Ben Schneiders (published by Scribe, $32.99) is out on October 18.

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