

This was published 2 years ago

Wet summer more likely as La Nina strengthens again

By Laura Chung

The east coast of Australia is likely to have another wet summer after the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) upgraded the likelihood of a La Nina occurring.

The new alert status means there is a 70 per cent chance of a La Nina, much higher than the previous 50 per cent likelihood that has lingered for months.

There is a 70 per cent possibility of a La Nina event occurring this summer.

There is a 70 per cent possibility of a La Nina event occurring this summer.Credit: Kate Geraghty

The status change follows a renewal of cooling in the tropical Pacific Ocean towards La Nina thresholds over recent weeks, as well as strengthened trade winds at La Nina levels.

Australia has experienced 19 La Nina events since 1900 and 12 have coincided with flooding in eastern states. The average rainfall from December to March in La Nina years is 20 per cent higher than the long-term average.

BoM meteorologist Hugh McDowell said the last time Australia experienced three consecutive La Nina events was in 1998 to 2001. Since records began, this has happened in Australia only three times.


“We are more confident a La Nina could develop,” he said. “It is very rare [for three to occur back-to-back].”

But the following year, the country has always been scorched by an El Nino event. This pattern could be possible next year.

“It is pretty rare, it does seem to be roughly in a 20-year cycle, but we’re not sure if that is just chance or there is something more in that.”


The world’s oceans are absorbing most of the heat emitted globally. During La Nina years, the ocean absorbs more heat. There are three phases of the ENSO pattern, as conditions seesaw between El Nino and La Nina and the neutral stage in between.

While La Nina causes warmer than average sea temperatures off Australia’s coast which drive storms, it cools down ocean temperatures in the northern hemisphere which creates drier onshore weather.

Australia’s wet weather will linger throughout late winter and spring after a negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) was declared earlier this month. If a La Nina does occur, it would be the first time on record that we have seen three consecutive La Nina events coinciding with back-to-back negative IOD events.

When the Indian Ocean is cooler than average on the western side, and warmer than average on the eastern side, it causes more moisture-laden air to flow to Australia and fuels the north-west cloud bands that develop over north-western Australia, extending to the south-east of the continent.

It also brings a high chance of above-average rainfall over large areas of Australia in late winter and spring.


This is the second negative IOD in a row, with the same weather pattern occurring last year. This is only the second time a negative IOD has occurred back-to-back since reliable records began in 1960.

University of Melbourne climate scientist Andrew King said there were not enough long-term records to be able to say if climate change was a factor in a possible third La Nina event. But he said climate projections show these types of events could become more intense or frequent as climate change worsens.

“Climate change is having big effects in terms of heatwaves and things like that, but in terms of rainfall variability and La Nina and El Nino, it is harder to see the climate change element at the moment,” he said. “We need to see these things that occur every few years and we need to have long-term record observations to build a pattern and we don’t have that yet.”

NSW SES Commissioner Carlene York said water systems and saturated soils would exacerbate flooding risks. She urged people to prepare emergency evacuation kits now.


The possibility of a third La Nina event is the last thing many flood-affected residents across Australia will want to hear. It comes as those in NSW wait for the government to release the much anticipated independent flood inquiry which will recommend a partial merger of the State Emergency Service and NSW Rural Fire Service.

The partial merger would see the RFS and SES combine their back-of-house functions, although each agency will retain its core purpose of responding to floods or bushfires. The report will also recommend that any flood operations be managed from RFS headquarters rather than the SES’ Wollongong base.

The independent report will recommend that Resilience NSW boss Shane Fitzsimmons be dumped and the disaster management and response agency dramatically scaled down. It will also suggest a new deputy police commissioner be appointed to emergency and disaster management.

The report is likely to be released in the coming days.

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