

This was published 2 years ago

Trump slams Congressional hearings as ‘a smoke and mirrors show for the American people’

By Farrah Tomazin

Washington: Donald Trump dismissed his campaign advisers’ guidance that he should not declare victory at the 2020 election until more votes had been counted and instead followed drunk lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s advice to “just claim he won”, a Congressional hearing has been told.

But the former US president, in a statement after Monday’s hearing, rejected the inquiry as “a smoke and mirrors show for the American people”.

After opening its public sessions last week accusing Trump of being at the centre of a deliberate conspiracy to overturn his defeat, the second public hearing of the January 6 Capitol attack centred on Trump’s false narrative of election fraud.

Trump supporters erected a noose prop near the US Capitol on January 06, 2021, and threatened to get then vice president Mike Pence.

Trump supporters erected a noose prop near the US Capitol on January 06, 2021, and threatened to get then vice president Mike Pence.Credit: Getty Images

The investigating committee produced more fresh video evidence of multiple people in Trump’s orbit - including his own campaign manager Bill Stepien. They all repeatedly told him on the night of the election that he should wait for more postal votes to come through before declaring victory.

The only person arguing to the contrary was Giuliani, the former New York mayor who became his personal lawyer and an adviser during the 2020 campaign.

On the night of the November 3 election- as it was becoming increasingly clear that Trump might struggle to win - an “intoxicated” Giuliani demanded to see the president and tell him to declare victory.

This is something that Trump eventually did late on the night, in a move that not only shocked the nation, but also his key advisers.

Hair dye runs down the face of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani  during a press conference in November.

Hair dye runs down the face of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani during a press conference in November. Credit: AP

“It was far too early to be making any calls like that. Ballots were still being counted and ballots were still going to be counted for days,” Stepien told the committee in videotaped evidence.


This was backed up by another adviser, Jason Miller, who gave evidence that: “I think effectively, Mayor Giuliani was saying: We won it; they’re stealing it from us; where did all the votes come from? We need to go say that we won and essentially, anyone who didn’t agree with that position was being weak.”

Another video deposition was also played of Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump. Asked what her view was of Giuliani’s advice to her father, she replied: “The results were still being counted. It was clear that the race would not be called on election night”.

The session also heard once again from former attorney-general Bill Barr, who told the committee he was worried Trump was becoming increasingly delusional in the aftermath of the election as he continued to make claims of rigged voting machines and fake votes being dumped in battleground states.

Barr gave evidence last week saying that he thought Trump’s claims of a rigged election were “bullshit”.

One of the most outlandish claims that year suggested that a cabal of bad actors, including Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro and liberal financier George Soros, conspired to hack into voting machines manufactured by a company called Dominion Voting System.

Top White House lawyer Eric Herschmann told the committee that he never saw any evidence the claims against Dominion were true, while Barr told investigators: “Boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has … become detached from reality.”


The committee is expected to hold more hearings in coming weeks to give the public insight into the 11-month-long investigation that has so far amassed about 140,000 documents, interviewed 1000 witnesses and cost $US3.5 million ($5 million).

In this second hearing, over two the committee laid out in meticulous detail the extent of Trump’s efforts to keep himself in office. It made the case that Trump not only incited the Capitol attack but was central to a sweeping and methodical conspiracy to overturn Joe Biden’s victory despite the advice of his top aides and family members.

Trump rejected the claims, issuing a 12-page statement describing the investigation as a sham and accusing the January 6 “Unselect Committee (of) disgracing everything we hold sacred about our Constitution”.

“If they had any real evidence, they’d hold real hearings with equal representation,” Trump wrote. “They don’t, so they use the illegally constituted committee to put on a smoke and mirrors show for the American people, in a pitiful last-ditch effort to deceive the American public … again.


“The truth is that Americans showed up in Washington, DC in massive numbers (but seldom revealed by the press), on January 6th, 2021, to hold their elected officials accountable for the obvious signs of criminal activity throughout the election.”

But committee members used today’s hearing to further advance their claims, and accused Trump of using “the big lie” of a stolen election to create “the big rip-off” - convincing supporters to donate to a newly created slush fund called the Election Defence Fund.

According to the committee, Trump’s supporters donated $US100 million in the week following the election, but large chunks of that money were not used to fight the “rigged election” as Trump had claimed but to prop up the coffers of Conservative causes aligned to the former president.

Among other witnesses was Chris Stirewalt, a former political editor for Fox News who was “restructured” from his job after projecting on election night that Biden would win the key battleground of Arizona. The decision infuriated Trump and his top aides, some of whom reportedly complained directly to the Fox leadership.

Another key witness was election attorney Benjamin Ginsberg, a respected Republican who played key roles in the George W. Bush campaigns - including the 2000 Florida recount against Al Gore - and Mitt Romney’s two presidential campaigns. He told the hearing that “the 2020 election was not close” and detailed the failed court cases by Trump’s legal team.

Byung J Pak, a former Republican US attorney, also testified about his investigation of voter fraud in Georgia - which found that there was no widespread fraud - and Al Schmidt, a Republican city commissioner who counted votes in Philadelphia and received threats against his family after Trump attacked him on Twitter.

The third committee hearing will take place at 10am on Wednesday, US time.

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