

This was published 2 years ago

Lib challenger to take preselections appeal to High Court

By Michael Koziol

The High Court will be asked to make the final decision on an extraordinary legal challenge to the validity of Liberal Party preselections on the eve of Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling the election, after a NSW court threw out the case on Tuesday.

Sources close to the challenger, NSW Liberal Party state executive member Matthew Camenzuli, said an application for special leave to appeal to the High Court was being prepared and would be lodged on Wednesday. However, the court is not bound to hear the appeal.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison campaigning in Sydney on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison campaigning in Sydney on Tuesday.Credit: Janie Barrett

The court challenge had attempted to overturn a federal intervention in the troubled NSW division and the preselection of three sitting Liberal MPs by a troika of Mr Morrison, NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet and a former party president, Christine McDiven.

Also at stake was the endorsement of nine other Liberal candidates for NSW seats – some of them winnable for the government – by the same three-person committee last weekend, bypassing local branch members.

The NSW Court of Appeal dismissed Mr Camenzuli’s application on Tuesday, ruling it was an internal political party dispute that was not justiciable – meaning it was not capable of being arbitrated by the court.

Even if the High Court agreed to hear an appeal and decided the matter was justiciable, the Court of Appeal made it clear it would not accept Mr Camenzuli’s claims.


“In the interests of finality and against the possibility that we are wrong”, the court assessed Mr Camenzuli’s claims on the substance of the dispute and said that if it were entitled to rule on the validity of the claims, it would reject the challenge.

Court of Appeal judge John Basten said the federal Liberal Party’s constitution conferred upon the federal executive “a broad power” to intervene in a state division, including the endorsement of candidates. The resolution of the special committee led by Mr Morrison to endorse the three sitting MPs should therefore stand, he said.


At the weekend the committee also used its power to endorse candidates in nine other NSW seats including lawyer Jenny Ware as the candidate in Hughes, lawyer Katherine Deves in Warringah and businesswoman Maria Kovacic in Parramatta.

The decision to install candidates and bypass local preselections by party members has caused enormous controversy within the NSW Liberal Party. Many members have blamed Mr Morrison and his key ally Alex Hawke for delaying preselections until it was late enough to justify intervention.

A source close to Mr Camenzuli – who wished to remain anonymous, citing internal party rules – said the High Court should take the case to provide clarity because a Victorian court had recently found a similar matter involving the Labor Party was justiciable.

The High Court is not compelled to hear the appeal and already rejected an opportunity to hear Mr Camenzuli’s case last week, instead remitting the matter to the NSW Court of Appeal – though that does not preclude it from accepting his special leave application, if made.

In analysing the party’s constitution, Mr Camenzuli’s counsel Scott Robertson argued there was a difference between taking over the “management” of the division and taking over “control” of the division. Mr Robertson asserted that simply taking over management of the NSW division’s affairs did not give the federal committee the power to select candidates for an election.

The Court of Appeal said this “semantic point” provided little insight into how that section of the party’s constitution should be interpreted, and “there are other ways of reading the document”.


Shortly before Tuesday’s judgment was delivered, Mr Camenzuli emailed party members urging them “not to retreat” no matter the outcome. A copy of the email was forwarded to the Herald and The Age.

“Our leaders have failed us,” wrote Mr Camenzuli, who is a member of the NSW Liberal Party’s hard-right faction and an ally of outgoing Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells.

“Right now, your leaders are asking you to dig deep whilst they silence you. You are now denied even the few preselection plebiscites that were originally planned in NSW.

“This election didn’t sneak up on us. There is no excuse for why plebiscites could not have been run in line with the constitution. And now is not the time to retreat.

“If the court upholds the ‘captains pick’, it’s just another step in the process. More than ever, you must be ready to boldly defend your rights.”

A federal Liberal Party spokesperson said: “We welcome the decision of the Court of Appeal. Right across NSW, the Liberal Party has selected outstanding candidates who will fight for their communities and work to build a stronger economy and a stronger future.”

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