

This was published 2 years ago


Memo to political campaigners: remember Barbra Streisand’s mansion

Two decades ago, the singer and movie star Barbra Streisand called in the lawyers when she learned of a photograph that displayed her mansion perched on a clifftop in Malibu, California.

She sued for $US50 million - five separate claims for $US10 million each - citing privacy and anti-paparazzi laws.

Barbra Streisand’s Malibu mansion in 2011.

Barbra Streisand’s Malibu mansion in 2011.Credit: Alamy

Her decision wasn’t terribly smart.

The picture was taken for the California Coastal Records Project, which had then built an archive of 12,000 pictures (it now stands at 96,000) of the entire California coastline.

The photographs are available free to those wishing to study coastal erosion - governments, universities and so on - and are published on the project’s website.

Streisand’s compound is not easily hidden. Its various sprawling buildings are large enough to boast 19 bedrooms and 20 bathrooms.

Almost no one, however, had looked at the coastal project’s picture of the Streisand property. It had been downloaded precisely six times, and two of those were by Streisand’s lawyers.

Streisand never got her $50 million: in 2004, a court threw out her lawsuits and ordered her to pay $US154,000 to those she had sued.

Her excursion into the law made the photograph hot property: millions who may never have known Streisand had a home said to be worth around $US100 million can merrily Google the picture any time they wish.


Streisand’s misfire gave rise to the term “the Streisand Effect”, for an attempt to suppress something that turns around and bites you on the bum.

When people learn information is being kept from them, or they are being prevented from doing something, they become immensely keen to find out the detail and spread the word.

An earlier form of this phenomenon occurred when then British prime minister Margaret Thatcher’s government tried to stop publication of ex-MI5 agent Peter Wright’s book Spycatcher.

Malcolm Turnbull and Spycatcher author Peter Wright at a press conference in Sydney to discuss developments in the Spycatcher case, December 1986.

Malcolm Turnbull and Spycatcher author Peter Wright at a press conference in Sydney to discuss developments in the Spycatcher case, December 1986.Credit: John Nobley

Wright lived in Tasmania. A young barrister, Malcolm Turnbull - later to become Australian PM - defended in court Wright’s right to publish. He won in 1987, and again on appeal in 1988, humiliating Thatcher.

If Thatcher hadn’t been so fast on the draw, Spycatcher might have sold a handful of copies. Instead, it sold two million.

Those responsible for the recent attempt to stop supporters of independent candidate Zoe Daniel erecting political campaign signs in the Melbourne bayside electorate of Goldstein must have missed the memo.

The seat is currently held by Liberal Tim Wilson, Assistant Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction.

In February, Wilson wrote to constituents inviting them to dob in householders displaying pro-Daniel signs, claiming it was unlawful to do so until the federal election was called.


His letter gained publicity way beyond the electorate, supercharged by social media. Much of the commentary wasn’t entirely complimentary.

Bayside City Council, which covers the electorate, initially backed the right of Daniel’s supporters to political expression but then flipped, threatening to issue $909 fines to residents who displayed her signs.

This put the council in the awkward position of being the only body in the state to have taken such a stance. Ever.

If anyone had been unsure about who Daniel was, they were in no doubt once this Streisand Effect willy-willy blew into a cyclone.

Considering nearby electorates had been plastered with campaign signs for months, the suspicion arose, rightly or wrongly, that someone was so concerned at Daniel’s growing popularity that they felt it necessary to suppress her electoral profile.

Meanwhile, Daniel’s campaign manager took the matter to the Supreme Court, where Justice John Dixon ruled this week that the council was wrong and Daniel and her supporters were perfectly entitled to erect campaign signs.

Within hours, Daniel’s army of supporters ensured Goldstein’s streets were bedecked in a festive outbreak of campaign signage, adding to those that had been erected before the brouhaha and which, despite the threats, had not been taken down.

Wilson stoutly maintained that his campaign - which hadn’t erected signage - had simply wanted consistency, which had now been achieved.

The council may not be so sanguine. Having failed to understand its planning laws, it has to pay the court costs of the Daniel campaign, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars.


Up north, the Streisand Effect was raging in the streets of Hornsby City Council in Sydney.

The council took umbrage on behalf of a complainant about the appearance of stickers on residential wheelie bins that offered unkind wishes for Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his government.

One of the stickers urges voters to “bin” Morrison. The other features a picture of Morrison and deputy PM Barnaby Joyce admiring a lump of coal, accompanied by the words “chuck them out”.

You and I may never have heard about the wheelie bin sticker campaign if the council had not written to a ratepayer threatening to cease collecting his rubbish, or even to seize his bins, if he did not remove the stickers.

Once the Sydney Morning Herald picked up and ran with the story, prompting a Twitter storm and follow-ups by other news organisations, the little campaign became supercharged.


The fact that the mayor of Hornsby is former Liberal minister Philip Ruddock kicked things along splendidly.

Thanks to the Streisand Effect, demand for the offending stickers reportedly became so enthusiastic that supply can barely be maintained.

Forget Barbra Streisand and her clifftop mansion at your peril.

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