

This was published 2 years ago

Political staffers who were bullied and harassed will get harm acknowledged

By Katina Curtis

Political staffers and others who faced bullying, sexual harassment and sexual assault in parliamentary workplaces will hear a formal statement acknowledging the harm they faced at the opening of the new political year next week.

The government has confirmed it has begun work to implement recommendations from Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins to clean up the workplace culture in Parliament. One of the recommendations is for a statement acknowledging harm, which will be read out in Parliament on Tuesday.

Speaker Andrew Wallace will make a formal acknowledgement of the harm caused to political staffers by bullying and sexual harassment in parliamentary workplaces.

Speaker Andrew Wallace will make a formal acknowledgement of the harm caused to political staffers by bullying and sexual harassment in parliamentary workplaces.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

However, the future of stood-aside cabinet minister Alan Tudge is still unclear,

with Prime Minister Scott Morrison saying the “processes” of investigating allegations about a relationship between Mr Tudge and a former staffer was not yet resolved.

Mr Morrison asked respected investigator Vivienne Thom to examine the relationship between Mr Tudge and his then-staffer Rachelle Miller late last year.


Ms Miller made new allegations in December about the nature of the relationship, saying it was emotionally abusive and on one occasion physically abusive. Mr Tudge has said he regrets the affair but denies it was in any way abusive.

Ms Miller said she was prompted to speak out to put pressure on the government to implement in full Ms Jenkins’ recommendations for dealing with sexual harassment and bullying.

The government commissioned the review of parliamentary workplace culture after former ministerial staffer Brittany Higgins went public with allegations a colleague raped her in Parliament House in March 2019. Her case is going to trial in June.


The review found a third of those surveyed had been sexually harassed and nearly two in five were bullied. One per cent had been sexually assaulted in their workplace.

A new group that will drive the changes Ms Jenkins recommended met for the first time on Thursday. It is led by former senior public servant Kerri Hartland and includes Minister for Women Marise Payne, Finance Minster Simon Birmingham, Special Minister of State Ben Morton, their opposition counterparts Tanya Plibersek, Katy Gallagher and Don Farrell, Greens Senate leader Larissa Waters and independent MP Zali Steggall. They will be in charge of tracking and reporting progress on the 28 recommendations.

Ms Jenkins said multi-party support for her review was “an important pillar” and she welcomed the continued involvement of all sides of politics.

The new taskforce discussed the delivery of a statement of acknowledgement of harm caused by bullying, sexual harassment and sexual assault, which was Ms Jenkins’ first recommendation.

The Human Rights Commission told people who had participated in the review that acknowledgement would be delivered at the opening of Parliament on Tuesday.

Senator Birmingham said the government will put initial legislative changes to Parliament next week that would ensure staffers are covered by the workplace and discrimination laws that exist for other workers.

He has also commissioned a comprehensive review of the legislation governing the employment of staff, known as the MOP(S) Act. This will report by September.


“The government looks forward to continuing to work constructively with colleagues across the Parliament to make the changes we need to ensure our workplace is safe, supportive and respectful,” Senator Birmingham said.

Asked when the government would respond to Ms Miller’s allegations, Mr Morrison said on Friday that “we are working through those processes now”.

“We won’t have those processes resolved by that time,” he replied to a question on whether Mr Tudge would return as minister on Tuesday.

Dr Thom’s report was supposed to be handed to the government a week ago but it is unclear whether it has been completed. The government declined to answer questions on Friday about whether it had her report.

Last weekend, the Herald and Age reported Ms Miller did not take part in the inquiry after the government wouldn’t negotiate on the terms of reference and guarantee she would get a full copy of the final report.

Ms Higgins and last year’s Australian of the Year Grace Tame are speaking jointly at the National Press Club next Wednesday.

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