

This was published 2 years ago

‘This mess will not be over before mid-2024’: Supply chain pain hits retailers

By Dominic Powell, Jessica Yun and Nick Toscano

On Tuesday morning, Woolworths boss Brad Banducci delivered a grim prognosis for the beating heart of Australia’s retail sector. The country’s supply chains, essential for everything from shipping parcels to keeping food on shelves, were on their last legs, having sustained months of continued battering by the COVID-19 pandemic.

On a call with media and analysts, the experienced executive calmly painted a picture of a logistics network besieged on all fronts: shipping costs near all-time highs, pallets (and the wood and nails needed to make them) scarce, fuel costs soaring, essential fuel additives unavailable, and reliable labour in short supply. It was a perfect storm, with retailers right at the centre.

“It would be fair to say there is enormous pressure on all aspects of that supply chain currently,” Banducci says. “I wouldn’t gild the lily on that one.”

Australia’s all-too-crucial supply chains are in the middle of a ‘imperfect’ storm, threatening everything from groceries to electronics.

Australia’s all-too-crucial supply chains are in the middle of a ‘imperfect’ storm, threatening everything from groceries to electronics. Credit: Getty Images

For months, market watchers had flagged supply chain issues as a risk for major retailers, but until last Tuesday the raw reality of the situation hadn’t been laid bare. The problems, which Banducci made clear were still unresolved, would cost the company at least $220 million, seriously denting its half-yearly profits. Woolworths’ shares were swiftly sold off, with nearly $4 billion in value wiped from the company’s valuation by the day’s end.

Woolworths’ announcement, and the market’s savage reaction, will likely be a catalyst for both investors and consumers to sit up and take notice of the anaemic state of global supply chains, which, with record levels of consumer demand, are likely to get worse before they get better.

So far, retailers have assured shareholders and shoppers that shelves should be well-stocked through to Christmas, with many starting their inventory planning as far back as August to ensure customers can get what they need for the festive season.

Now everybody is talking about [AdBlue]. Without it, our economy will really start grinding to a halt.

Innes Willox, AI Group

But shopping is for life, not just for Christmas, and consumer demand is unlikely to abate come Boxing Day. Indeed, the Australian Retailers Association expects a record $21 billion to be spent in stores and online in the post-Christmas period as shoppers indulge in some retail therapy post-2021’s harsh lockdowns.

This will likely put even more strain on supply chains and the country’s dwindling supply of key fuel additive AdBlue, essential for keeping trucks on the road. It’s an outlook that has some retailers and experts worried that Australia could be forced to endure anaemic supply chains until 2024.


No end in sight

Woolworths’ warnings, coming from one of the country’s most stable grocery retailers, are worrisome enough, but the situation is far more difficult for fashion and consumer goods retailers, many of which rely on international shipments to keep their stores stocked.

Woolworths chief executive Brad Banducci said direct COVID-19 costs had reached $150 million in the first  half.

Woolworths chief executive Brad Banducci said direct COVID-19 costs had reached $150 million in the first half. Credit:

Former Myer chief executive Bernie Brookes, who now owns handbag seller Colette, is candid about current conditions. “I can’t remember seeing the disruption in supply chains as bad as it is at the moment,” he tells The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

“It’s an unfortunate, imperfect storm.”

Brookes agrees that the post-Christmas period could be when the full extent of supply chain issues manifest for consumers, pointing to the February Chinese New Year celebrations as a looming crunch point.


“That shuts China down for a period of three weeks, so it’s going to take a long time to restart after Chinese New Year,” he says, “So while there’s plenty of stock for Christmas, post-Christmas there’s going to be a continued shortage of product for at least the first six to nine months.”

But closer to home there’s a more immediate crisis playing out. Sometime in the past fortnight, staff at truck stops across the eastern seaboard began sticking up paper signs: stocks of the diesel-exhaust fluid called AdBlue are running low, and customer purchases must now be limited.

“If you’d asked people two weeks ago what AdBlue was, nobody would have a clue,” says Innes Willox, chief executive of the Australian Industry Group. Indeed, on Tuesday’s calls, Banducci admitted he had to phone a colleague to ask what the obscure product was.

“Now everybody is talking about it,” Willox says. “Without it, our economy will really start grinding to a halt.”

Just about everything you see in supermarkets and other retail stores, at one point or another, has spent some time on a truck to get there. And for about half of Australia’s diesel trucks to be able to run, they need to be filled up with AdBlue, an additive used to remove pollution from diesel exhaust.

AdBlue, a little-known fuel additive, is now in short supply.

AdBlue, a little-known fuel additive, is now in short supply.Credit: Bloomberg

However, a global shortage and rising prices of urea - the key compound needed to make AdBlue - have prompted the world’s biggest urea supplier China to curb its exports to protect its domestic farming industry, which relies on it as an ingredient in fertilisers.

As a result, Australia is facing the threat of an AdBlue shortage within the next seven weeks.

“The supply of AdBlue is just as important as the supply of fuel,” says David Smith of the Australian Trucking Association. “We are already seeing suppliers restricting orders or raising prices.”


According to some in the industry, the price of AdBlue has surged four-fold already. Fuel suppliers including BP and Viva Energy, which runs Australia’s network of Shell petrol stations, say they are working with their AdBlue suppliers and monitoring stock levels closely.

Price hikes, but no shortages

For Australian consumers, a looming shortage shouldn’t be a cause for concern or panic-buying, stresses Edith Cowan University associate dean Flavio Romero Macau.

“The worst-case scenario - it’s not the most probable scenario - we go so low that we cannot replenish AdBlue for those truckies. And then what will happen is, depending on the location, you may see some shelves running empty,” he said.

But even then, it’s not like everything everywhere will disappear all at once. Rather, some items may be missing from shelves in certain regions from time to time, and Mr Macau cautioned that regional Australia might be more vulnerable than metropolitan cities.

Everybody in retail can swallow some of the costs, but not all of them.

Former Myer CEO Bernie Brookes

“It won’t be a synchronised event that will hit Australia at the same time … it will be like flashes of up-then-down shortages. The system should be able to work on that. So, it will not be the end of the world - even in the worst-case scenario.”

Australians will more likely experience the AdBlue shortage borne out as price hikes - though this is just one of several factors pushing costs up higher at the moment as Australia navigates a labour shortage.

Rising prices, in general, are almost inevitable in the current high-inflation, high-cost retail environment. While Banducci on Tuesday reinforced that Woolworths would absorb its higher costs, rather than passing them on to customers, if conditions continue to worsen companies will inevitably look to halt the erosion of their all-important profits.

Australia’s acute shortage of pallets is set to get worse.

Australia’s acute shortage of pallets is set to get worse.Credit: Bloomberg

“All retailers have got ambitious targets for profit, and the market encourages ambitious profits,” Brookes says. “And everybody in retail can swallow some of the costs, but not all of them.”

“Inevitably, we are going to see some inflationary pressures in the whole environment, and particularly in retail.”

Two years of instability

In a report published this month, economists and analysts at major investment bank Citi declared there would be a long and complicated road back to “normal” for the world’s supply chains, with no simple, single solution available to relieve the current stress on shipping. With a whole raft of caveats, the report tentatively suggests that it could be another 12 months, or longer, until things return to pre-pandemic levels of functionality.

“It was easy to say early in the pandemic that ‘demand is running ahead of supply’ and that it will ‘take time for supply to adjust.’ But what we are currently experiencing is qualitatively more severe,” the report reads.

“This episode underscored that the world is in an unpredictable and risky place, and the farther supply chains get from home, the more vulnerable they become to a range of foreseeable (and unforeseeable) shocks.”

Others see this problem sticking around for much longer than that. “It’s going to take three or four years for it to be untangled,” PwC chief executive Tom Seymour told the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. “It’ll be diesel this week, it’ll be semiconductors next week.”

Similarly, Macau believes we’ll be in the thick of these problems for years. “This mess will not be over before mid-2024,” he says. “We should expect more instability for the next two years.”

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