

This was published 2 years ago

Australia could not wait, now it is once again ahead of the pack on China

By Eryk Bagshaw

There is an order to things in China. It governs where leaders sit, the sequence they walk into official gatherings and when they speak. It also means they are keenly aware of the order in which other countries announce decisions.

The United States on Tuesday announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics. A day later, Australia became the first country to follow its lead by explicitly linking its own diplomatic boycott to China’s human rights record.

Australia had hoped that other countries would go ahead of it or that a joint statement could be organised but a combination of persistent media questioning, bipartisan support from Labor and the inevitability of its position meant that when Scott Morrison was asked on Wednesday, he jumped.

China’s President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

China’s President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Credit: Nine

“The human rights abuses in Xinjiang and many other issues that Australia has consistently raised, we have been very pleased and very happy to talk to the Chinese government about,” Morrison said on Wednesday.

“But the Chinese government has consistently not accepted those opportunities for us to meet about these issues. So it is not surprising that Australian government officials would not be going to China for those Games.”

Diplomatically, going second can be as risky as going first. In this case, it will mean that Australia will once again be badged by Beijing as Washington’s deputy-sheriff in Asia, a title that, to an extent, it embraces for security purposes, but it is not without consequences.

The cartoons in Chinese state media have already started - on Wednesday, a kangaroo was seen tied to a US balloon floating into a blood-red sky.


Canberra now faces a nervous wait to see if other governments will follow suit, most notably Canada - a Winter Olympic powerhouse - and Japan, with reports emerging out of Tokyo that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is now also considering only sending lower-level bureaucrats to the Games, not official representation.


Germany, with a new chancellor at the helm, has so far been hesitant, as has the United Kingdom despite its politicians voting in favour of a diplomatic boycott motion in July.

If Australia is to avoid further punishment from Beijing, the next 24 hours are crucial.

Unlike those other countries, Australia has no diplomatic back channels through which it can voice its concerns about China’s treatment of Uighurs, Hong Kong activists, military harassment of Taiwan or plight of tennis star Peng Shuai.

Neither does it have a private avenue through which it can meaningfully protest its own economic coercion at the hands of Beijing ($20 billion in trade strikes) or the ongoing detention of Chinese-Australians Yang Hengjun and Cheng Lei on vague national security grounds.

Morrison’s position is consistent with those fundamental disputes in the relationship. He used the loudspeaker of a boycott to press home Australia’s concerns.

The reality is an official delegation, whether welcomed by China or not, would have been a charade.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd and Sports minister Kate Ellis sit behind the Bush family at the Beijing 2008 Winter Olympics.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd and Sports minister Kate Ellis sit behind the Bush family at the Beijing 2008 Winter Olympics. Credit: Andrew Meares

Then-prime minister Kevin Rudd went to the last Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. It is hard to imagine Sports Minister Richard Colbeck making similar inroads into the relationship in 2022, while other ministers cannot get their Chinese counterparts on the phone.

More likely, an Australian delegation would have been trumpeted by the Chinese government as one of the dozens of nations who had supported Beijing’s successful hosting of the Games.

That is what happened last week when 173 nations out of 193 signed the Olympic truce at the United Nations, a pledge derived from Ancient Greece, that ensures conflicts do not disrupt the competition.

“The fact that the Olympic Truce Resolution was adopted by consensus and co-sponsored by an overwhelming majority of UN member states demonstrates countries’ support for the Beijing Games and international Olympic movement,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian.

But the list of 20 who did not sign is instructive. Australia and the US are there but so are India and Japan, and significantly Turkey - a muslim-majority country with heavy Chinese Belt and Road investment and much at stake over its position on the Uighurs.

How many of the remaining 18 will follow suit on a diplomatic boycott remains an open question.

China has professed that like millions of spectators around the world it does not care if government representatives get a taxpayer-funded junket to see Beijing on ice. But it is sensitive to the issue.

In contrast to its silence on Peng Shuai, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has devoted reams of comments to the attacks of US allies on the Olympic spirit in recent weeks, some of them Dorothy Dixers from its own state-media representatives.

“If the US is bent on going down this path, China will take resolute countermeasures,” said Zhao.


Many of its responses have been communicated not only to the outside world but also behind the Great Firewall to China’s domestic audience through state media.

“This will cause a serious offence to all the Chinese people and this move by the United States is bound to suffer new failures,” Xinhua said on Thursday.

What does this mean? The Chinese government is framing the Olympic boycott as an attack on China’s sovereignty and another front for its nationalistic push at home.

Beijing has chosen not to ignore this slight but harness it, fuelling a narrative of China against the West that makes an already volatile international outlook even more unpredictable.

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