

This was published 2 years ago


Jacqui Lambie’s journey: In the beginning I was like Pauline Hanson, and it was scary

After spending over a decade serving with the Australian army, Jacqui Lambie first came into the Senate in 2014 with the Palmer United Party, before leaving to carve her own path and in recent times has been ever more outspoken in her inimitable fashion on the virtues of vaccination, the dangers of One Nation and the failings of the Morrison government.

Wrecking ball: Jacqui Lambie in 2014.

Wrecking ball: Jacqui Lambie in 2014.Credit: Andrew Meares

Fitz: Can we both agree you’ve come a long way personally and politically since your early days in the Senate coming in on the Clive Palmer ticket?

JL: Well, I used to be just a wrecking ball let’s be honest. I was chaotic. When I come up here, I didn’t even know what the Lower or Upper House was. All I knew was that I need 6 or 7 per cent of the vote, so I could be half-a-chance of helping the veterans and the only way to get help was if one of us was to get inside to put things right.

Fitz: And yet, early on, that wasn’t what you were making the headlines for?

JL: No, it was for really, really nasty stuff. Which is really unfortunate. I had an adviser that was making me say things that were way too right-wing.

Fitz: What sort of things? What sort of things did you say that you look back upon now and go, “Jesus, I was too strong”?

JL: Certainly some of my anti-Muslim comments. There was no need ... So this is what happens when you don’t have the right advice around you. And you are trusting them because you have no idea about politics, and a lot of things I was saying were very divisive. I was nearly mirroring Pauline Hanson, and it was scary. When I look back now I just cringe at some of those speeches that I made. It has taken me a long while to make amends. But now I am not holding back. I’ve wanted to say a few things about Pauline Hanson for so long – she’s just so divisive, so awful – and I am not holding back.

Jacqui Lambie is not holding back when it comes to calling out One Nation and its leader (inset) Pauline Hanson.

Jacqui Lambie is not holding back when it comes to calling out One Nation and its leader (inset) Pauline Hanson.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Fitz: What about with your former political mentor? Would you break bread with Clive Palmer these days, or more inclined to throw small bread rolls in his general direction?


JL: I don’t think he needs anything more to eat to be honest. I now have a good personal relationship with Clive, but we don’t talk politics, because we knock heads.

Fitz: Somehow despite being now so well-established in Parliament you’ve maintained the feel of being an outsider?


JL: I guess to me I’m just a normal person. I don’t follow any party lines. People know who I am. They’re always talking to me and feeding into me. I can’t pretend to be anyone else but Jacqui Lambie. I don’t wear suits down in Tasmania, it’s jeans and boots. And my car is my office. I am on the ground. I’ve just got to stay true to myself in the journey. Sometimes when I see me speak on the tele, I think, ’Gee I wish I could tidy up the way I say things. But what’s the point if I come out (she feigns an aristocratic voice) talking like this ... I don’t think people would take me seriously.

Fitz: Well people talk about your authenticity. Scott Morrison also says, “I’m authentic.” Do you acknowledge his authenticity or not?

JL: No. I cannot relate to that. He is not someone I reckon I could go sit in a pub with. And there’s a lot like him. I don’t find them authentic. I don’t find them to be themselves, which is really unfortunate because they’d be so much better, and there’d be a lot more trust, if they were just who they were.

Fitz: Meantime, I’ve seen you make attacks on the government before but never like this week where you intimated the PM was a liar, the government is heading to certain destruction, and the anti-vaxx mob, starting with One Nation, need to pull their bloody heads in. You were almost on the point of tears. Are you ok?


JL: I think this is what happens with me when I have spent a lot of time with veterans. I feel their hurt. I haven’t learned to manage that as well as I probably should have for someone who has had 600 or 700 hours with psychology and psychiatry, I really feel their hurt. It can’t be healthy. But when I am on the ground, I hear them: “I’ve had a gutful of you politicians – not me – we don’t trust you, we’ve got no respect for you.” And then I pick all that up because they’re saying the same things to me over and over and over. And so by the time I come up to Canberra I’m ready, you know to say what needs to be said: “Right, that’s it.” It pisses me off, and I say it.

Fitz: You certainly said it in your condemnation of the anti-vaxxers, calling them “disgusting” and “right-wing nut-jobs”. While most of the nation cheered I gather sometimes you have to deal with nutters who come knocking with threats and all the rest of it?

JL: I had one bloke go at me. He was a One Nation supporter. I had been letter-boxing for five days, and I was pretty shitty, and I probably should have just walked away. But he called me a c---, so I went at him and I used my big drill voice, and he moved back. It was really silly of me to do that. But if you are gonna call me that and abuse me, I’m gonna go at you, but it was probably silly on my part.

Fitz: In terms of that kind of ugliness, and the recent protests you have so strongly called out, do you see the rise of Trumpism in Australia?

JL: Not so much in Tasmania. But the far-right bothers me more than anything. You know, the ones who want to pick up arms, carry guns. And that’s not where this country needs to go. The less weapons we have, the better, and that’s really, really worried me. But what’s even more worrying is public figures who support it. Or even, you know, journalists.

Fitz: What about regrets? When I put something laudatory on Twitter after your speech against anti-vaxxers, saying how much you’d evolved and grown in the role, most people said, “Yes, she’s great”, but a few attacked you over supporting the government on repealing the Medevac laws, meaning they controlled getting asylum seekers from off-shore detention centres, and not the doctors. Do you regret that?

JL: (Nine seconds of dead air.) ... No.

Fitz: Why not?

JL: (Five seconds.) ... I can’t really talk about it.

Fitz: “All right. I appreciate it’s sensitive. But a year ago, you said if the government didn’t give details of the “secret deal” done on Medevac you would. A year ago! The time’s now, Senator. What was the secret deal?

JL: (Six seconds.) “I can’t talk about it.”

Fitz: Well, at least there seems to be fewer people now in those detention centres. Can you talk about that?

JL: Not yet. I’m still waiting for the PM to come out and explain, as he said he would. But I’m losing my patience for the next election. The bottom line is that there are still some people stuck there, and I’m not happy.


Fitz: Okay, last question. How do you think the election is going to go, the federal election? What’s going to happen to the Morrison government?

JL: I think the more pressure Morrison feels, the more he falls apart. This is where it comes down to having decent leadership. If you have a decent leader, the more pressure on you, the bigger and better you should get. Instead, he’s falling apart. They’re very divided within, the Coalition appear extremely divided. Getting really, really messy, so it’s really coming unstuck, and it’s happening very quickly.

Fitz: Do you think he’s a liar?

JL: I don’t think that he tells the truth. He likes to bend the truth to suit himself, to get more votes. I don’t see him as a leader.

Joke of the Week

A man walks into a suburban bank branch in Sydney, asking for a loan for $4000. “Before we lend you the money we are going to need some kind of security”, the bank manager says. “No problem,” the man responds, “here are the keys to my car. You’ll see it, it’s a black Porsche parked in the back of the parking lot.” A few weeks later, as the man returns to pay off his loan plus the interest of $11, the manager came over. “Sir, we are very happy to have your business, but if you don’t mind me asking, after you left, we looked into your accounts and found out that you are a millionaire – why would you need to borrow $4000?”

“Well,” the man said, “It’s simple: where else can I park my car for three weeks in Sydney for $11?”

Quotes of the Week

“Amping up the prospect of war against a superpower is the most dangerous election tactic in Australian history – a tactic employed by irresponsible politicians who are desperate to hang on to power at any cost.”Penny Wong in a speech to the ANU this week, decries the Australian Government talking up the prospect of going to war with China over Taiwan.

“We lost the trust and faith of the Australian public.” - Royal Australian College of General Practitioners President Karen Price as GPs blast the federal government over its coronavirus vaccine rollout, saying a delay in rolling out targeted information campaigns left a “vacuum” for anti-vaxxers to spread their dangerous message.

“All of the attempts to override state and territory and federal discrimination laws are extraordinarily unprecedented and extraordinarily dangerous in a democratic society like Australia.” - Equality Australia chief Anna Brown saying the statement of belief provision in the government’s planned Religious Discrimination Bill would license “new forms of discrimination” by overriding state and territory laws and allowing remarks that would currently breach those laws.

“When my electorate was burning, the Prime Minister’s Office told journalists he was not on holiday in Hawaii. Why did the Prime Minister’s Office say that when it wasn’t true?” - Fiona Phillips, Labor member for Gilmore on the fire-ravaged NSW South Coast, in Parliament this week.

“I can only speak to what I have said, as the Leader of the Opposition will know because I texted him from the plane when I was going on that leave, and told him where I was going, and he was fully aware of where I was travelling with my family.” - Scott Morrison, demonstrably mendaciously – yup – in reply.

“I kept that text message confidential. As you do with private text messages between private phones.” - Anthony Albanese in reply, then adding that no stage had the Prime Minister revealed where he was taking his holiday.

“I want to confirm what the Leader of the Opposition said; that in that text I did not tell him the destination of where I was going on leave with my family.” - Morrison finally ’fessing up.

“We had frogs under our noses ... And we didn’t know the difference, that’s ridiculous.” - Australian Museum’s frog expert Dr Jodi Rowley about the recent discovery, with the help of the citizen science FrogID project, that the bleating tree frog is three species, not one. They are now the screaming tree frog, the robust screaming tree frog and slender bleating tree frog.

“One Nation is not a fighter against discrimination. One Nation seeks to profit from it. It’s just a fundraising exercise for them. If you’re able to get vaccinated, and you choose not to, discrimination is the wrong word. You have freedom to make the choice but if you make a choice, those choices have consequences ... Being held accountable for your own actions isn’t called discrimination, it’s called being, you wouldn’t believe it, a goddamn bloody adult. That’s right, being an adult. It’s putting others before yourself. And that’s what this country is supposed to be about.” - Senator Jacqui Lambie in Parliament lets fly at One Nation, which had introduced a bill intended to end coronavirus vaccine mandates.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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