

This was published 3 years ago

Not enough health staff for ICUs to manage COVID surge, report finds

By Stuart Layt and Melissa Cunningham

A staffing shortfall could lead to substandard levels of care in ICUs throughout Australia if the number of COVID -19 patients surges in the coming months.

A group of intensive care specialists affiliated with the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society found fewer than half the potential additional ICU beds could be staffed under present staffing levels while maintaining pre-pandemic levels of care.

A major review of the nation’s ICU capacity has found there isn’t enough staff to properly open more than half of the extra ICU beds earmarked to deal with a surge in COVID-19 cases.

A major review of the nation’s ICU capacity has found there isn’t enough staff to properly open more than half of the extra ICU beds earmarked to deal with a surge in COVID-19 cases.Credit:

Lead author Edward Litton, from Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth and the University of Western Australia, said the findings suggested more needed to be done to recruit and retrain health staff, especially nurses, to be able to staff the available beds.

“We did the same survey in April last year and since then there has actually been a reduction overall in the number of staffed and available beds,” Professor Litton said.

“That was surprising, but on reflection it made sense … we know a lot of critical-care nurses have gone to work in vaccination clinics and also moved away due to the demands of the role over the pandemic.”

Published in the Medical Journal of Australia, the report surveyed 194 ICUs in facilities, across rural, regional and metro areas, with the results current to September 1 this year.

It found the number of ICU beds in operation and staffed was 2183, 195 fewer than in 2020, representing an 8.2 per cent drop in the country’s capacity.

The decline was greater for rural and regional areas at 18 per cent, and private ICUs, also 18 per cent.


Co-author Anthony Holley, the president of ANZICS and an emergency physician at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, said 813 beds could be brought online during a surge of cases, but the study showed fewer than half could be staffed under that scenario.

“This is a very realistic study which shows we do have capacity to expand, but also acknowledges that intensive care is a finite resource and you can’t expand endlessly,” he said.

“The single biggest limitation to expansion is not space or equipment … it’s the nurses who are usually tasked with a single patient in the ICU, that’s a one-on-one model which needs much bigger numbers [of staff].”

The survey found a shortage of ventilators and other essential medical equipment reported early in the pandemic had been wholly overcome in every jurisdiction.

Health systems in New South Wales and Victoria have experienced extra stress owing to ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19.

NSW was the best placed health system in the nation, the survey found, which Professor Litton credited to the extra work done during the most recent outbreak to increase capacity.

The Alfred Hospital intensive care physician David Pilcher, another of the paper’s authors, said Victoria currently had notably less ICU capacity than NSW, but progressively rising ICU COVID admissions.

“At the moment, we are just keeping up,” Professor Pilcher said.

Victoria was already creating incentives for nurses with critical care training to return to the ICU, he said, as well as opening up more COVID ICU wards in smaller hospitals.

“We’ve all seen the outcomes that have happened around the rest of the world when other hospitals and other systems have had to surge up and sort of haven’t had enough nurses to look after ICU patients. None of us want to want that to happen here,” he said.


The Queensland government has been under pressure in recent weeks, with signs the health system was struggling despite the state managing to quash COVID outbreaks.

Every state and territory health minister wrote a joint letter to the Commonwealth asking for more funding for hospitals to bolster their pandemic measures, which was rejected by the federal government.

Dr Holley said stressed the figures did not take into account vaccination rates, and that very high vaccination rates would help keep pressure off ICUs by preventing serious cases of COVID-19.

“That’s the key to all of this, we’ll never have sufficient [ICU] capacity, and we will be overrun if we don’t achieve the vaccination rates required,” he said.

“This [pandemic] is a challenge, and the way out of it is vaccination and a sensible use of resources.”

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