

This was published 3 years ago


Why Keating’s dovish advice on China should be scorned

A Colorado high school was recently given an unexpected lesson in international affairs. The Wall Street Journal reports it had applied to attend the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women but hit a hurdle with the accreditation committee.

A letter from the committee pointed to a year-old article on the school’s website about a student joining the international Girl Up teen advisory board. The concern? The article described Taiwan as a country. The committee suggested modifying the reference to “Taiwan, Province of China”. The change was made and permission to attend the UN conference was granted.

Former prime minister Paul Keating.

Former prime minister Paul Keating.

As the school’s Spanish teacher Christina Vela noted: “No one was ever going to randomly stumble upon that webpage.”

China sits on the gatekeeper committee that oversees participation at UN events and has taken to holding up requests by organisations that don’t scrupulously adhere to Beijing’s preferred language. Communist Party bureaucrats scour the websites of every applicant for references to Taiwan to ensure compliance, even from organisations as obscure as the Association of 3 Hedgehogs.

But surely this is a trifle. Why worry? After all, like many things in life, giving in to Beijing is just so much easier than making a fuss. It is advice routinely offered to Australia, notably by former prime minister Paul Keating.

Keating recently savaged the Morrison government in the Australian Financial Review for “wantonly leading Australia into a strategic dead end by its needless provocations against China”.

China, in his essay, bore no blame for any trouble with the relationship. The entire fault lay here, with a government, Keating believes, driven entirely by its desire to please its puppet master, Uncle Sam. Keating’s analysis included this: “Save for its front porch, the South China Sea, [China] broadly keeps to itself”.

It’s an astonishing declaration as it both gifts the hotly disputed sea to China and blithely ignores the evidence of Beijing’s engagement with the world. The Anschluss of the South China Sea alone brings it into direct conflict with no less than six other nations and has been declared illegal by an international tribunal.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and China’s President Xi Jinping.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and China’s President Xi Jinping. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer, Getty Images


And where to begin with the blithe assertion that China “broadly keeps to itself”? To accept this is to discount Beijing’s dispute with Japan over the East China Sea and its determination to take over Taiwan, a democratic nation of 24 million that has never been part of Communist China. Its other border disputes include one with India, a trifle that left 20 Indian soldiers dead in a clash in the Himalayas, along with an unknown number of Chinese.

It disregards the vast Chinese armada that is illegally overfishing seas from West Africa, through the Korean peninsula and the Pacific all the way to the Galapagos Islands.

It skates over Beijing’s industrial-scale cyber assaults on the world’s intellectual property that threatens the security of nations and costs billions.

Likewise, it glosses over the illegal detention in China of Australian citizens, Dr Yang Hengjun and Cheng Lei, on trumped-up espionage charges. Beijing has applied the same hostage diplomacy to Sweden and Canada, among others, and its blunt wolf warrior diplomacy seems to have disturbed much of the world.

It overlooks the Chinese Communist Party’s documented interference inside Australia’s borders, through espionage, political donations, infiltrating community organisations, intimidating university students and lecturers, and dictating the editorial line of much of the Australian-based Chinese language media.


To agree with Keating’s argument is also to wantonly ignore China’s own analysis of its dispute with Australia. On this, Chinese Embassy officials in Canberra helpfully provided guidance by handing Nine News journalist Jonathan Kearsley a list of 14 grievances.

The list includes blocking some Chinese foreign investment deals; banning Huawei from the 5G network rollout; passing foreign interference legislation; calling for an independent investigation into the origins of COVID-19; supporting the international arbitration ruling on the South China Sea, and criticism of Beijing levelled by MPs and the media.

If all this can be described as “broadly keeping to itself” then God help us when Beijing decides to really get serious about asserting itself.

So, Canberra is looking after Australia’s interests, not Washington’s, when it stands its ground against Beijing. There is plenty of evidence that much of the rest of the region agrees that what is needed in dealing with Beijing is backbone, not backsliding.


Beijing has revealed itself and its plans for the way the world should run that reach all the way from dictating the language in high school essays to taking new territory by force.

Almost all of Beijing’s grievances with Australia are commands that it compromise its sovereignty and its democracy. The Chinese Communist Party’s officials and mouthpieces have made it clear that rebuilding the relationship demands compliance. Which item would Keating concede and call “diplomacy”?

Chris Uhlmann is political editor for Nine News.

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