

This was published 3 years ago

The accidental runner who’s Australia’s fastest sprinter

By Michael Gleeson

It was a foot injury that turned Rohan Browning into the fastest man in Australia.

Browning goes to his first Olympics next week with the hope, belief and expectation that he could be the first Australian male since Hec Hogan won bronze in Melbourne in 1956 to make the final of the biggest, most competitive event in the Olympics, the 100-metre sprint.

Sprinter Rohan Browning preparing for Tokyo at an Athletics Australia training camp in Cairns on Friday.

Sprinter Rohan Browning preparing for Tokyo at an Athletics Australia training camp in Cairns on Friday.Credit: Getty Images

In the blue-riband event he is Australia’s new blue-riband athlete. He could, and probably will, break 10 seconds in Tokyo’s fierce heat and against even hotter competition and so become only the second Australian after Patrick Johnson to do so.

When he ran at the national titles this year it was bracingly cold with a punishing headwind and he had no serious competition. He ran 10.04 seconds.

Rohan Browning in the men’s 100 final in Sydney in April.

Rohan Browning in the men’s 100 final in Sydney in April.Credit: Getty Images

He started poorly and tailed off that frigid night and yet at length during the race he was running at 12 metres a second. That speed is the equal of anyone in the world. He has only got stronger and quicker since and in favourably hot conditions who knows, anything is possible.

Browning, 23, is made to be the face of Australia’s Games and a next generation of athletics. He is a classic over-achiever; he is supremely gifted athletically, he is studying law, he is good looking. He appears to have it all. If he reads here as arrogant be assured he is not, he is grounded and self-aware. He’d make you sick he’s so perfect, except he is so bloody likeable.

And yet he shouldn’t be in Tokyo. Browning fell into running by accident. It was an injury on the rugby field that set off a chain of serendipitous events that made him into Australia’s best sprinter.

He was a schoolboy rugby player and injured his foot playing in year eight. He had a wound on his foot when he walked across the oval barefoot after a game. The wound became infected, didn’t respond to antibiotics and he ended up in hospital for a week on an IV drip.


It was while sitting in hospital reading anything that she could lay her hands on that his mother Elizabeth Jackson found herself thumbing through a local paper and saw an ad for scholarships to Trinity Grammar. They decided to apply. Rohan got in on an academic, not sporting, scholarship.

It was at Trinity that he was noticed by sports teacher Andrew Murphy, a three-time Olympian.

‘I take a lot of pride in building myself into a world-class athlete rather than being born one.’

Rohan Browning

“I would try to get to as many games of the kids as I could and I saw Rohan and thought ‘Wow, this kid has got potential,’ ” Murphy recalled.

It was that relationship that changed the course of Browning’s sporting career and thus his life. He started training with Murphy once a week and fixing technical flaws in his style.

The assumption with someone as quick as Browning is that they were always eye-catchingly quick and their arrival at an Olympics has about it a sense of inevitability. That would be wrong. While he was naturally talented enough for someone with an eye such as Murphy to notice, he wasn’t the who-the-hell-is-that kid who would turn heads.

“I was never one of these junior freak talents who just run riot, far from it. I’m very much someone who has squeezed and taken a real technical approach to the sport. I take a lot of pride in building myself into a world-class athlete rather than being born one,” Browning said.

“I am sure I have the right fibres for it but I mean I was just so far down the totem pole when I was in my early to mid-teens. Nobody would have noticed me.”

Browning was a rugby player not a runner.

When he was at primary school they had a school sports carnival and Elizabeth, who worked as a journalist at the ABC at the time, recalled arriving after work to collect her son and seeing his excited face.

“He said ‘Mum, I won everything, I am a really good runner.’ I thought, ‘Oh, it’s a small school, not a lot of competition’ and I said: ‘Well you can do Little Athletics if you are interested, if you like running.’ He said, ‘Oh no, I don’t like running. I just like to win.’ ”

They took him to Little Aths but he didn’t last long.

Rohan Browning at the Athletics Australia training camp in Cairns this week.

Rohan Browning at the Athletics Australia training camp in Cairns this week.Credit: Getty Images

“I used to say to Rohan why are you playing rugby? You seem to be pretty fast why don’t you do athletics? You are just an average rugby player but you know you are not bad at athletics,” Elizabeth said. “And he was about 14 or 15 and he would tell me off and say ‘You don’t know what you are talking about, I know what I am doing. I am not giving up rugby.’ ”

Browning recalled: “I have no doubt if I hadn’t gone to that school and hadn’t met ‘Murph’ I wouldn’t be in the sport at all because I had no interest in it and had no background in it either.”

His times under Murphy improved and so did his love of the sport. But it wasn’t running fast that really got him excited, it was the crowds.

Browning ran and won at the Combined Associated Schools competition in Sydney in front of frothing, chanting schoolboys and it made him love the sport even more. It was a rock-star high.

“That was where I really fell in love with it. I ended up training a bit more until I was about 16 and had a breakthrough,” he said.

Those carnivals fired his passion for the sport. He trained harder and his times improved. He broke 11 seconds and thought he was the next big thing. Then along came Jack Hale.

“I was 16 and had run at the CAS championships that year and ran 10.90 seconds. It was my first time under 11 seconds and I thought I was pretty shit hot and Jack Hale ran 10.44 and was the age group below me and had broken the Australian youth record and became this viral sensation and it was just the biggest come down to reality.

“It definitely rained on my parade and I remember saying to Murph, ‘How do I compete with that - it is half a second faster than me, that is worlds apart?’

“But I was 16. I was still growing. He just said stick with it and keep training and be patient.

“The penny-drop moment was shortly after that. I had this amazing progression, which I can only put down to more frequent regular training, which I had never done before, and a healthy dose of puberty and technical work and gym. It was the perfect concoction.

‘I am confident I have not run my best race yet. This season has all been geared towards the Olympics.’

Rohan Browning

“I had this improvement where I went from 10.90 to 10.62, to a wind-assisted 10.39, to wind-legal 10.47 and all of a sudden I was right there in the rarefied air with Jack, where literally a month before I was nowhere, and all of a sudden I was there and well and truly in the mix.

“I just feel like it’s always enlivened this belief in me that truly anything is possible and there is no value in putting any upper limit on yourself and if you think that way you shouldn’t be in the sport.”

But this is an event dominated by runners from America and Jamaica. How can a law student from Australia expect to compete against the best runners from the countries that dominate the sport? In the past three Olympics only one medal in the event has been won by an athlete who was not from the US or a Caribbean nation. That was at the last Olympics when Canadian Andre De Grasse won bronze.

“As soon as you think that way (that you can’t hope to compete with the American and Caribbean runners) you are out of the mix,” he said.

“No one is denying winning an Olympic 100 gold medal is a near-impossible task. I mean, in the past three Olympic Games Usain Bolt has wrapped up all the golds but the reality is he is not around any more and the sport has become a lot more global.

“The reality is nobody knows what my day to day looks like, what the plan is, what my training load is except me and my coach.

“I am confident I have not run my best race yet. This season has all been geared towards the Olympics.”

Murphy said Bolt had also confronted assumptions about sprinters.

“Bolt was six foot five and people said tall guys can’t sprint,” Murphy said.

The thing for Browning is he is consistently hitting fast times.

“It is all very well and good to run a good one-off time, but what do you average over 10 races? He has brought his 10-race average down substantially this year to 10-teens,” Murphy said.


“He has run a 9.96 wind assisted but he has still got his body down the track in under 10 and it was only his second race of the season.

“If he runs a PB I think he would be very unlucky not to make the final. To medal you have to run sub-10. He just has to do it in the biggest meet now. His body has done it.”

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