

This was published 3 years ago

Murray Darling Basin water recovery to be halted by Nationals senators

By Mike Foley

Recovery of water for the environment under the $12 billion Murray Darling Basin Plan would be halted in its tracks under a move launched by National party senators in Canberra on Wednesday morning.

The basin plan was created in 2012 to buy back water from irrigators and invest in infrastructure projects to return 3200 gigalitres to the environment, after scientists found extractions for farming had been over-allocated and the ailing river system needed an urgent injection of extra environmental water.

The Nationals want to halt water buy backs for environmental flows under the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

The Nationals want to halt water buy backs for environmental flows under the Murray Darling Basin Plan.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Nationals senators lodged an amendment to alter the basin plan legislation to prevent any future water recovery that would reduce the volumes available to irrigators across the nation’s food bowl. They stressed that their move was in the making weeks before Barnaby Joyce assumed the Nationals leadership.

Water recovery is unpopular in NSW, Queensland and Victorian rural electorates, with many irrigation communities calling for their Nationals representatives to stop the basin plan.

The Nationals have agreed for the amendment to be sent to a Senate committee, which is expected to report back in a month. But it remains to be seen if Labor and the Greens can convince enough of the crossbench or Liberal senators to vote down the amendment before it goes to committee.

The move creates significant risks for the Nationals, the party having wedged itself between competing interests.

On one side they face raised expectations of their constituents, who oppose water recovery. Thousands of irrigators gathered in Deniliquin, in southern NSW, to burn copies of the basin plan in the decade when it was enacted in 2012, and opposition has not died off since.

While National politicians up and down the basin have railed against the impacts of water recovery on rural communities, they have not delivered enough changes to keep their constituents happy.

If this latest amendment sinks without a trace in a Senate committee it will reinforce a view that the Nationals are all hat no cattle when it comes to policy delivery.


But the Nationals are also flanked by their Liberal party colleagues who face the real prospect of electoral losses in South Australia. It’s been said rivers die from the mouth up and the federal government will fear negative perceptions of their environmental credentials could damage their prospects at the next election.

The health of the Murray Darling Basin is front page news in Adelaide and rural seats that depend on water flowing in good volumes from upstream states where the Nationals want to staunch water recovery.

The government has already recovered about 2100 gigalitres of irrigation water, which was bought back from willing sellers including with co-investment to improve the efficiency of on-farm water use.

About 600 gigalitres have been flagged for recovery under projects to improve the efficiency of the river system and reduce water losses – but these works are not yet completed.

Another bucket of 450 gigalitres was set to be bought back from irrigators, but federal and state governments have ruled out buybacks, arguing irrigation communities cannot sustain the losses and said this water would also come from more infrastructure works.

But these moves have not been legislated and the prospect of a future Labor government using existing laws to buy back water remains live.

Nationals Senate leader Bridget McKenzie moved a motion that would change water laws to rule out further buybacks, remove the need to recover any of the 450-gigalitre bucket and add a further clause to prevent any future water recovery once the basin plan’s statutory timeframe expires in 2024.

“For too long our basin communities have been hurting, the science is now telling us the approach adopted 12 years ago is outdated and the plan must change,” Senator McKenzie said.

South Australian Labor Senator Penny Wong said the Nationals “don’t care about South Australia” and warned the Liberal party that until they “decide they are going to stand up to this sort of vandalism, you will be condemned”.

South Australian Green Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said the Nationals’ were trying to “steal water from South Australia”.

“This is shocking. Every South Australian should be angry that right now the National party is moving in the senate to cut water from SA and the environment,” she told the Senate.

She called on Liberal Senators and Scott Morrison to stare down “this whacky, crazy, untrustworthy mob”, and take the portfolio from the Nationals.

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