

This was published 3 years ago


Has there ever been a more craven collapse to a lobby group than this?

In the history of NSW has there ever been such a craven collapse to a powerful lobby group, with a government going from good policy to bad policy in a heartbeat, all while holding its nose and averting its eyes from the disaster before it? You be the judge.

I write of greyhounds. Back in early 2015, you will recall, the ABC’s Caro Meldrum-Hanna did a devastating Four Corners report on the whole poxy industry, highlighting the brutality, the use of live-bait, the shocking fate of dogs when they slowed down. Premier Mike Baird moved quickly, standing down the board of Greyhound Racing NSW, and appointing a Special Commission of Inquiry into greyhound racing, which delivered the McHugh report.

Dogs continue to be seriously injured, but the greyhound industry has government support.

Dogs continue to be seriously injured, but the greyhound industry has government support.Credit: AP

This confirmed the ABC’s report and established overwhelming evidence of “systemic animal cruelty”, including mass killing of greyhounds, the widespread practice of live baiting, racing deaths and injuries, and mistreatment of the dogs. According to Coalition For the Protection of Greyhounds, it found that “of the 97,783 greyhounds bred in NSW in the previous 12 years, evidence suggested somewhere between 48,891 and 68,448 dogs were killed because they were considered ‘unsuitable or too slow for racing’”. What is more, the inquiry heard an internal Greyhounds Australasia document proved that greyhound racing was responsible for the deaths of up to 17,000 healthy young greyhounds in Australia each year!

Baird, white with rage, announced the obvious.

“In response to widespread illegal and unconscionable activity, including the slaughtering of tens of thousands of dogs, I can today announce that NSW is putting an end to greyhound racing.”

This would bring NSW into line with most of the world where civilisation has caught up with the bizarrely cruel practice of racing dogs, and it has been shut down in most parts of the world. (One of the last hold-outs, Macau, was shut down in 2018, while the greyhound racing capital of the US, Florida, finally banned the whole thing from New Year’s Day this year, joining Texas and Alabama. There are just three US states left with greyhound racing.

But here in NSW there was an enormous backlash to Baird’s proposal, led by Alan Jones, pushed hard by Deputy Premier John Barilaro and disgracefully supported by NSW Labor. Within three months Baird pulled back from shutting it down, and a year later his successor, Gladys Berejiklian had done the full twirly-gig in the massive pike position, announcing her government was suddenly committing half-a-million dollars from the public purse to help fund the world’s richest greyhound race, the “Million Dollar Chase” at Wentworth Park.

Yes, I know. From the NSW government taking the view that the sport was so appalling it had to be shut down, it was now saying the sport was so important it needed to be artificially propped up! Of course, the apologists rushed forward to insist that the sport had changed, that not only had they done away with live-baiting, it was no longer cruel to the dogs! And yet, as I wrote at the time, just the month previously, in mid-2018, the Herald had reported the truth.


“The rate and number of greyhounds that are killed and injured while racing rose for the third consecutive quarter and is now higher than at any time since records began in 2016. There were 37 dogs killed or euthanased at the 34 tracks across NSW in the three months to March 2018 with about 15 per cent of all the greyhounds who raced suffering at least one injury.”

And just a fortnight earlier, the Herald had equally reported: “The RSPCA has uncovered a mass greyhound grave in western Sydney, on the property of a licensed and registered greyhound trainer.”

The latest outrage? I thought you’d never ask.

That would be the NSW government just announcing a ″⁣new funding model″⁣ for greyhound racing. The Minister for Better Regulation, Kevin Anderson, said this was in order to free up $25million ″⁣which can be reinvested in facilities and prize money to secure the future of the industry″⁣.

It completes the near wipe out of all the major welfare recommendations of the McHugh and later Greyhound Industry Reform Panel reports.

It had recommended a puppy bond – whereby each trainer would put forward a bond for each puppy, redeemable when it was re-homed. There is now no such thing.

It recommended the industry fund its own oversight body. That is now being funded by us taxpayers, so the industry can “free up” millions of dollars.

Most of all, from wanting to shut it down, the NSW government now wants to secure its future, and has put, when you include regional grants, well over $50 million towards it.

But perhaps things are better now, and so it is ok to put more money towards the industry? Ah, that would be no. The Coalition For the Protection of Greyhounds reports that between January 1 and June 12 this year, 1,370 greyhounds were injured while racing in NSW, compared to 1,229 for the same period last year, while deaths are also higher.

Around the state, no fewer than 20 greyhounds were injured across five race meetings on Saturday, June 12.

“According to Saturday’s published stewards’ reports,” the coalition found, “eight greyhounds were injured at the Wentworth Park track in Sydney, while four were hurt at the new straight track at Richmond. More greyhounds were injured at Dubbo, Broken Hill, and at The Gardens in Newcastle.”


In April, after the 22nd death this year, it was reported that, “across NSW, greyhound deaths have risen almost 50 per cent compared to the same period last year, despite NSW racing minister Kevin Anderson’s recent claim that the state has Australia’s highest standards of greyhound welfare”.

Trainers are still doping their dogs with prohibited substances. The Greyhound Retirement and End of Life Report records rehomed, euthanised and dead dogs in NSW. In its 2021 January to March report 288 were rehomed (either to participants or through charities or through the industry), 110 were euthanised and 43 listed as dead (accidents). So of the 441 that “left” the industry, 153 did so in a body bag.

I repeat. Rarely in the annals of politics have we seen such a craven collapse whereby a government of the same political stripe goes from good policy to shocking policy in the time it takes to say “Integrity? What integrity, officer?”

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