

This was published 3 years ago

Health director general knew about SafeWA breach of trust before WA election

By Peter de Kruijff

Western Australia’s most senior health official, who regularly meets with the Premier and Health Minister, knew before Labor’s landslide state election that check-in data for more than 2400 people from a COVID-19 contact tracing phone app had been accessed by police.

The opposition has questioned in parliament what impact the revelation could have had on the election – given the first request for West Australians’ data was made on December 14, three months before polling day – after Premier Mark McGowan made a promise in November that data from the SafeWA app would only be used for contact tracing.

Department of Health Director General David Russell-Weisz and Health Minister Roger Cook.

Department of Health Director General David Russell-Weisz and Health Minister Roger Cook. Credit: Peter de Kruijff

Public trust was rocked this week when the government revealed WA Police had used a loophole in SafeWA’s terms and conditions to access the check-in data of users to help officers investigating the killing of former Rebels boss Nick Martin, and an unrelated stabbing.

The Department of Health sought advice from the State Solicitor’s Office on the police requests but the issue does not appear to have been raised with any minister until Roger Cook was made aware through a briefing note on March 31.


The use of private information, contrary to the government’s promise, was made public on Tuesday when Attorney General John Quigley tabled a new law to prevent officers from requesting the data after Police Commissioner Chris Dawson told Mr McGowan in April he would not stop his agency from using a ‘lawful’ investigation tool.

Mr McGowan has defended not telling the public sooner about the issue, which he knew about when the state went into lockdown on April 23, as he did not want to see a loss of confidence in the app during the time it took to draft new legislation.

The urgent Protection of Information Bill was passed on Thursday night with support from the opposition but not before it was revealed police had actually made seven applications to the Department of Health for SafeWA data. The first was made less than three weeks after the app was launched.

Two were related to Martin’s killing and one to the stabbing.


A fourth was knocked back when the requested information had already been deleted after a mandated 28 days, two more were still pending approval prior to the bill passing, and the last order, made on May 27, was technically deficient and not taken any further.

A letter, tabled in the upper house during debate, dated March 12 from WA Health director general David Russell-Weisz to Mr Dawson stated police had requested information about patrons “entering venues related to an assault that resulted in a laceration to a lip, a stabbing, a murder investigation, and a potential quarantine breach”.

The letter was written one day before the state election when Mr McGowan claimed the biggest election win in Australian history.

Liberal MLC Nick Goiran told Parliament the letter tabled in the chamber showed there had been multiple discussions between Mr Dawson and Dr Russell-Weisz on or before March 12.

“The day before the election ... the director general of health wrote to the commissioner of police and referenced his multiple conversations that they had had about this issue,” he said.

“What we do not know is which Mark McGowan ministers were aware of those multiple conversations that took place between senior public servants about serious concerns about information that had been provided contrary to the assurance that had been provided by the Premier of WA.

“He assured Western Australians that their data would not be breached or provided in these circumstances. WA police did it anyway. The Department of Health had no choice but to comply with the lawful direction. Senior public servants knew about this and were having multiple discussions about this, including during the election campaign.”

Both Mr McGowan and Mr Quigley said they became aware of the issue in April.

Parliamentary secretary to the Attorney General, Matthew Swinbourn, told parliament it would be disingenuous to suggest Dr Russell-Weisz was just sitting around doing nothing and then happened to come across the issue.


“There was an election at that time during which the government went into caretaker mode, which obviously changes a lot of the Westminster conventions. There were those issues to take into account,” he said.

“The first issues relating to these matters arose in December and then there were internal workings within the health department. Advice was sought from the State Solicitor’s Office on these matters.

“It is not uncommon for departments and departmental heads to deal with matters before they raise them with their ministers.”

Dr Russell-Weisz received a response on March 19 from Mr Dawson and a briefing note was prepared on March 25 before being sighted by Mr Cook’s office by at least March 31.

Creating a new protocol

There were no senior police on hand during scrutiny of the new bill on Thursday but Mr Swinbourn told Parliament a policy was put in place some time in February by WA Police where an officer would need to go to a superintendent before seeking SafeWA data.

Mr Dawson’s response letter to Dr Russell-Weisz sought to reassure the director general.

“I have instructed my State Emergency Coordinator’s Directorate … to issue operational guidance to officers as to the process for considering SafeWA information for an investigation,” it said.

“I have required for a senior officer at the SECD to assess each request by an investigator to access stored information, prior to obtaining an order to produce [which has to be signed off by a justice of the peace] to ensure that this information is only accessed where it is defensible and required.

“This will ensure every request is justified and necessary and is specific to a serious crime. I envisage relatively low numbers of requests.”

Police Commissioner Chris Dawson claims exceptional circumstances warranted the data breach.

Police Commissioner Chris Dawson claims exceptional circumstances warranted the data breach.

Mr Dawson was unapologetic in interviews on Wednesday and told 6PR it was not his view there had been a breach of public trust.

“Police have a duty if any person is murdered ... the police have a duty to collect the best possible evidence and put it before the court,” he said.

Mr Dawson pushed the case police had only accessed information on two occasions, with one being related to a murder, which was only in relation to a minuscule fraction of the more than 240 million SafeWA check-ins.

He pointed to one instance of his discretion on the issue where he had knocked back investigators who wanted to access SafeWA data in a case where methamphetamine was being brought into a quarantine hotel.

“I overrode that and said, ‘Look, in this instance, we should not do it’, but at least in the case of a murder investigation we should,” Mr Dawson said.

Mr Dawson has maintained police acted within the law but Mr Goiran said in Parliament just because something was lawful it did not make it right or ethical.

Mr Goiran also said there was an issue with Mr Dawson being the State Emergency Coordinator who signed off on directions under the rolling state of emergency, which had given government authorities extraordinary powers to manage the pandemic.

“It is, at the very least, a massive conflict of interest when the commissioner of police signs off on a direction telling everyone to comply with contact registration, knowing that the Premier had given Western Australians an assurance that it would be used only for contact tracing, yet the commissioner’s own agency went and compelled the Department of Health to provide information within nine days,” Mr Goiran said.

Mr Dawson said he did not see a conflict between his duties as Police Commissioner and State Emergency Coordinator.

A police spokeswoman said the roles were complimentary and bound by specific legislative requirements.

What’s the damage?

Police will be able to keep the data they have already gained – 2439 check-ins related to Martin’s death and four with the stabbing.

Mr Swinbourn said there did not appear to have been any change in the app’s user behaviour given 1.23 million people had checked in on Thursday, which was in line with the the daily average of 1.2 million from the previous week.

Liberal MLC Tjorn Sibma told Parliament on Thursday night a threshold had been crossed.

“I think that trust has been significantly more undermined today as a consequence of the timeline in decision-making and the revelation that very, very senior public servants, in the course of an election campaign, knew about this problem,” he said.

“Not only was it during the course of the election campaign, the date stamps on that correspondence coincide with the early voting passage of the election campaign.

“People were voting at that time. I think there are probably more questions to answer now, as a consequence of this deliberation.”

    SafeWA timeline

    November 25, 2020 – SafeWA app is launched to help contact tracers get in touch with people who are possibly exposed to the COVID-19 virus when there are community outbreaks.

    December 5, 2020 – Checking in at businesses and venues using physical contact registers or SafeWA is made mandatory. WA Premier Mark McGowan says the app will only be used for contact tracing.

    December 12, 2020 – Rebels bikie Nick Martin shot dead at the Perth Motorplex in Kwinana.

    December 14, 2020 – WA Police served the Department of Health with an order to produce SafeWA data related to Martin’s death in terms of potential witnesses at the event.

    December 23, 2020 – WA Police receives data related to 1639 SafeWA check-ins from the Department of Health.

    December 24, 2020 – WA Police served the Department of Health with a second order to produce to access SafeWA data related to Martin’s death.

    December 27, 2020 – WA Police receives data related to 800 SafeWA check-ins from the Department of Health.

    January 31, 2021 – WA goes into a five-day lockdown.

    February, 2021 – A man is stabbed three times in Victoria Park.

    February 25, 2021 – Police make a request for SafeWA data from the Department of Health, in relation to an unknown case, but the information was older than 28 days and had already been destroyed.

    Late February, 2021 – A policy is put in place by WA Police where an officer has to go to an independent superintendent in order to try and gain access to SafeWA data.

    March 2, 2021 – Mr McGowan backtracks on comments he was in talks with Police Commissioner Chris Dawson to explore the legality of extending controlled border measures like the G2G entry pass system post-pandemic.

    March 10, 2021 – Police serve the Department of Health for the second time to access SafeWA data related to the stabbing offence and potential witnesses.

    March 12, 2021 – Department of Health Director General David Russell-Weisz writes a letter to Mr Dawson about the data requests.

    March 13, 2021 – The state election is held.

    March 19, 2021 – Mr Dawson replies to Dr Russell-Weisz’s letter.

    March 31, 2021 – Health Minister Roger Cook is made aware requests for SafeWA data have been made by WA Police which is the same day the department provides information about the stabbing to police.

    April 1, 2021 – Police make a fifth request which was still pending as of Thursday.

    April, 2021 – Sometime in early April the Premier is made aware by a staff member in his office that police are accessing SafeWA data.

    April 14, 2021 – Mr McGowan meets with the Police Commissioner and asks they stop seeking the data.

    April 23, 2021 – WA goes into a three-day lockdown after a community outbreak of COVID-19.

    May 7, 2021 – A sixth request for SafeWA data is made by police.

    May 20, 2021 – The Parliamentary Counsel’s Office, which prepares bills for ministers, is told to draft a law to stop police from being able to access SafeWA data.

    May 21, 2021 –  The first draft of a law to protect the data of SafeWA users is finished.

    May 27 – A seventh request for SafeWA data is made by police but was knocked back because of a technical deficiency.

    June 15, 2021 – The WA government announces it is introducing a new bill to stop police from being able to access SafeWA data.

    June 17, 2021 – The new law is passed in both houses of Parliament.

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