

This was published 3 years ago


Biloela family’s plight puts nation at the crossroads

By Kon Karapanagiotidis and Jana Favero

The images of Tharnicaa on a hospital bed are ones that no one can or should look away from, a three-year-old child in deep physical distress and pain with sepsis and pneumonia, a child who spent 10 days vomiting, with diarrhoea and high fever before she was medically evacuated from the prison she is held in.

But it’s not just one image that has shocked us.

Tharnicaa and her sister Kopika in hospital on Christmas Island on Sunday, June 6.

Tharnicaa and her sister Kopika in hospital on Christmas Island on Sunday, June 6.

The cruel and inhumane treatment of Priya and Nades Murugappan and their Australian-born children Kopika, 5, and Tharnicaa, 3, started long ago. They were brutally ripped away in the early hours of the morning without warning from their home in Biloela over three years ago to a detention centre in Melbourne, and since 2019 have been trapped in detention on Christmas Island.

The long-term harmful impact of detention on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of people, in particular children, has been well documented. In the past 24 hours, there have been renewed calls for the family’s release by medical bodies such as the Australian Medical Association and Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Which leads us to the question of how did we get here? How is it that a three-year-old girl is so unwell that she has to be medically evacuated and yet, still the government refuses to act? Despite calls for the family’s release from medical colleges, despite hundreds of thousands of signatures on a petition and a town pleading for the return of valued community members, they are still detained.

The answer is simple, our government is choosing to be cruel.

Instead of treating people humanely and fairly by offering safety and protection, our government is choosing to lock people up.

It is important to know what is happening to Tharnicaa is not an aberration or the exception, rather it is the intended impact and outcome of our cruel, illegal (by international standards) and hardline approach to people seeking asylum. One that has cost the lives of more than 40 people in onshore and offshore detention centres since 2010 and had left children on Nauru in comatose states, many unable to speak, walk or eat until they were all medically evacuated.


It is the cumulative price of two decades of poisonous refugee policy that has made us as a nation addicted to voting in governments that trade in the misery and fear of “the other”. A fear sustained by daily dehumanising tales of people seeking asylum as a threat to our safety who must be stopped, not people in search of that very safety and protection. It is also why the Morrison government remains unmoved by the national outrage at what’s happening, it’s simply that they think there are still votes in this debased cruelty. That we are still in theis situation in 2021 should deeply trouble us all.

The family has now been held in detention in breach of the government’s own policy that no children are to be held in immigration detention. They remain the only children in a detention facility. The truth is their own Immigration department has recommended allowing the family to stay in Australia. In May 2019, a submission was sent to the Immigration Minister with a recommendation that the Minister “agree to consider exercising s195A to grant ... [the] family a substantive visa to remain in Australia”.

Priya and Tharnicaa Murugappan in Perth Children’s Hospital.

Priya and Tharnicaa Murugappan in Perth Children’s Hospital.Credit: Twitter

As pointed out by their own department, the solution is also simple.

Immediately reunite the family and then, once Tharnicaa has recovered fully, release the family home to Biloela to be with their community, with permanent protection visas.

Talk of possible resettlement in the US and NZ is an opportunistic distraction led by the government. We’ve heard the government deflect any response to calls for humanity by declaring “no comment” as the matter is before the courts.


You may have also heard that the parents have not been found to be refugees, but the fear for Tamils returning to Sri Lanka remains credible. DFAT has been urged in the past week to retract an inaccurate report saying Sri Lankans face a low risk of torture, following a UK court ruling.

Regardless, built into our immigration system is also humanitarian and public interest considerations exactly for situations like this. It is part of the bedrock of our system that recognises the limits of the Refugee Convention to be a catch-all for people in need of safety. This is what gives the minister personally the power to intervene in the matter on “public interest grounds” and grant the family a visa.

The public interest is served in releasing this family home to Biloela permanently. End of story, no spin, no deception, no deflection.

The harm, limbo, uncertainty and tears could all stop immediately.

The compassionate treatment of this family is the tip of an iceberg. Their cruel treatment and situation is representative of the over 100 refugees trapped in detention on Christmas Island, of the nearly 140 people still in detention after being transferred to Australia from PNG and Nauru for medical treatment and those still languishing offshore.


It is time to allow this family to rebuild their lives and to continue to contribute to the community of Biloela where they are much loved, wanted and welcomed. They don’t need to be sent to NZ or US, they are already home as our newest Australians. This is our nation at our best, one that protects people seeking safety, welcomes them with open arms and allows them to build a better life, and in doing so help us build a better nation together. We are at a crossroads right now, the way we choose to go will answer the question of whether we are indeed “better than this?”

Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM is CEO and founder of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. Jana Favero is director of Advocacy and Campaigns, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

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