

This was published 3 years ago

Singapore wins mRNA vaccine plant race as fresh dose delay threatens Australian rollout

By Liam Mannix and Chris Barrett

Pfizer’s vaccine partner BioNTech has announced it will build a huge mRNA vaccine plant in Singapore, days after the pharmaceutical giant ruled out making its coronavirus shots in Australia.

The development underscores criticism from industry and experts that Australia is not an attractive place to make new drugs and treatments – even as the federal government tries to set up its own mRNA vaccine plant.

Australia has 51 million doses of Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine on order.

Australia has 51 million doses of Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine on order.

The announcement comes as Novavax, which is making 51 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine for Australia, has again delayed production, potentially further pushing back Australia’s vaccine rollout.

Construction of BioNTech’s Singapore plant will start in 2021 and the production line could be up and running as soon as 2023. The German firm is one of two companies with a licensed mRNA COVID-19 vaccine; the company partnered with Pfizer to make and sell it around the world.

“Singapore provides an excellent business climate, growing biotechnology industry and rich talent base,” BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin said in a statement.

Singapore’s Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing said the arrangement reflected the financial hub’s ambition for a role in the fight against COVID-19 and other viruses.

“It will definitely strengthen the resilience of our ecosystem, not just for the supply of domestic needs, but I think we want to play a role [in] the resilience for the global and regional supply chain as well,” he said.

The Australian government set aside millions of dollars in Tuesday’s budget to develop local mRNA vaccine manufacturing. But with only two companies in the world owning licensed mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, signing up an industry partner capable of safely manufacturing the doses remains a major hurdle.

“The money is only one part. You need the operational partner to do that. And that’s what I haven’t seen yet,” Trent Munro, one of Australia’s most experienced biotech and biopharmaceutical experts at the University of Queensland, said last week.


“In simple terms, we know what all the steps are [to make a vaccine]. But it’s like saying you can go into a Michelin-star restaurant and make the dish.”

Leaders of the University of Queensland’s vaccine team (from left) Trent Munro, Keith Chappell and Paul Young.

Leaders of the University of Queensland’s vaccine team (from left) Trent Munro, Keith Chappell and Paul Young.Credit: University of Queensland

Rather than investing in Australia, pharmaceutical manufacturers have generally been pulling out of the country, said Jurgen Lindner, head of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Manufacturers’ Association of Australia. “Here in Sydney, the industry has pretty much died, there is not much left.”

Another budget measure is designed to help.

A “patent box” will be established in 2022, allowing companies that commercialise medical and biotech discoveries in Australia to pay 17 per cent tax – the same rate as Singapore – down from 30 per cent.

Biotech company CSL, via its lobbying company TG Endeavour, has been pushing hard on the issue.

“Australia punches well above its weight when it comes to science and medical research – but to date, ideas have often gone offshore before they can provide an economic return on investment to taxpayers,” said Andrew Nash, CSL’s chief scientific officer.

Natalie Stoianoff, director of the intellectual property program at the University of Technology Sydney, said patent boxes had helped countries such as Britain build strong biotech industries.

“It depends on how it’s targeted – that’s going to be key,” she said. “If it’s willy-nilly, we’re going to end up seeing profits leaving the country. But if it’s focused on commercialisation on Australia, you’re going to see actual industry develop. ”


The value of domestic vaccine manufacturing was further underlined with news Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine had been hit by further delays. The company had hoped to hit full production capacity – 150 million doses a month – by the middle of the year. But it said on Tuesday it does not expect to reach that mark until the end of the year.

It is not clear how that will effect Australia’s vaccine rollout. A Department of Health spokesman said it was still expecting Novavax’s vaccines to arrive in the second half of the year.

Australia has ordered 51 million doses, but that deal was done after the company had already agreed to supply the US, Britain and Canada.

Those contracts run to at least 220 million doses. Novavax has said it won’t deliver the US’ doses until the end of this year or early 2022.

“For Australia, it’s quite a setback,” said Michael Toole, epidemiologist and principal research fellow at the Burnet Institute. “Without some of that this year, mathematically there is no way we could reach any semblance of herd immunity.”

Science and health explained and analysed with a rigorous focus on the evidence. Examine is a free weekly newsletter by science reporter Liam Mannix. Sign up to The Age’s here and the Sydney Morning Herald’s here.

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