

This was published 3 years ago

Paramedic warning: Ambulance network at risk of breaking point ‘within days’

By Lucy Cormack

A high ranking paramedic has warned that Sydney’s ambulance network could once again be pushed to breaking point as a result of surging demand that has been building for a month.

A NSW Ambulance inspector, who cannot be named because he is not authorised to speak publicly, said he fears emergency response levels seen earlier this week could be repeated within days.

The network’s highest possible emergency response level – “status three” mode – was activated on Monday afternoon, when educators, managers and graduates were pulled off duties to respond to an overwhelming surge in demand.

The NSW Ambulance network was inundated on Monday, with 400 calls in two hours.

The NSW Ambulance network was inundated on Monday, with 400 calls in two hours.Credit: Isabella Porras

During the rush, the service received more than 400 calls in two hours, while the network soared into status three mode for 30 minutes, requiring all available operational paramedics.

The inspector and intensive care paramedic, who was working at the time, said: “the signs were there all day.”

He said these higher response levels, once considered catastrophic, were becoming more common.

“We were at status one by 7.30am, status two by mid-morning and it just continued to climb,” he said, adding that Mondays were often the busiest day due to low hospital bed discharges on weekends.

Screenshots of the control centre status board, seen by the Herald, show ambulance response times on Monday of more than 43 minutes for critical situations including cardiac arrests. The target for cardiac arrests is 10 minutes.

Unions say paramedics are at the point of exhaustion.

Unions say paramedics are at the point of exhaustion.Credit: SMH


“This is a really good indicator of what winter is looking like and it’s very ugly,” he said, speaking as a representative from a cohort of 70 metropolitan inspectors.

In 20 years on the job, he had never seen such strain on the system, with inspectors more frequently being sent out to meet patients and pulled away from oversight duties.

A NSW Ambulance spokesman said the service was well-prepared to respond to periods of increased activity, which can be seasonal or due to particular events.

“NSW Ambulance takes staff safety and wellbeing extremely seriously and has programs in place to ensure our people have access to the tools and support they need to maintain their health and wellbeing,” he said.

The state government has invested $184 million in critical ambulance infrastructure across Sydney and recruited 750 new paramedic and call centre staff over four years since 2018. To help meet increasing demand, 100 of these paramedics will soon be deployed earlier than planned.


“NSW Ambulance thanks all of its staff for their hard work during this busier than normal time,” the spokesman said.

Data from the Bureau of Health Information last month revealed a record 319,505 ambulance responses between October and December. A median response time of 8.2 minutes was recorded for the most urgent response category, within the 10-minute benchmark.

Unions say the increasing demand is leaving paramedics at their “wit’s end”, claiming they routinely faced chronic staff and vehicle shortages and often went without shift breaks.

Kogarah intensive care paramedic Brett Simpson, who is authorised to speak as a union delegate, said higher status workloads affected every level of the ambulance service.

He said minimum operating levels for rostering had not been significantly increased since 2010, despite growth in population and demand, leaving overtime lists “exhausted”.

“You literally can’t convince people to cover a shift, even for double the money, because people are so fatigued.”

The NSW Ambulance spokesman said zone operating levels had recently been introduced to “fill all planned ambulance rosters, including short-term unplanned absences”.

Health Services Union NSW Secretary Gerard Hayes said: “when paramedics work under these conditions their safety, and that of their colleagues hangs in the balance.”

Another three-year paramedic, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the pressures of the job could be extreme.

“Whether it be hauling a 130kg male who has overdosed on a cocktail of drugs down six flights of stairs... or attempting to resuscitate a baby who has been deceased for over an hour,” she said.

“Our job revolves around looking after others... [but] a lot of us are not OK.“

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