

This was published 3 years ago


Biden has to overhaul the US economy as fast as possible

By Jim Tankersley

After a two-month, $US2 trillion ($2.6 trillion) sprint to pass aid for an economy still hobbled by the coronavirus pandemic, President Joe Biden is finally set to detail his “Build Back Better” agenda in Pittsburgh. Its name, carried over from the 2020 campaign, has become a catchall phrase that Cabinet officials and junior aides use to describe all manner of plans to overhaul American capitalism.

In the weeks ahead, the president’s strategic choices will show the country what “building” really means, to him.

Joe Biden is looking to move fast to revitalise the economy.

Joe Biden is looking to move fast to revitalise the economy.Credit: AP

Biden’s forthcoming proposals, which aides and documents suggest could cost as much as $US4 trillion over the next decade, are a pivot to the core economic agenda he campaigned on: rebuilding infrastructure, revitalising America’s competitiveness in emerging industries and reducing the barriers that hold back men of colour and women in the workplace.

Biden will have the benefit of momentum in pushing them, and of a political moment that seems ripe for another large spending bill. Democrats are riding high on the public approval ratings for their coronavirus relief bill across the country. Even the most conservative Democrats in the Senate are eager to spend big again to address infrastructure concerns that have festered for a decade, and to combat widened income inequality that has helped fuel the rise of populist politicians in both parties.

A year of protests over racial justice, and an early administration focus on racial equity, has energised liberal lawmakers to move aggressively to close racial opportunity gaps in the economy. And across party lines in Washington, warnings over increased federal deficits have quieted, as lawmakers voted repeatedly over the past year to spend trillions of dollars to sustain the economy through crisis.

Still, Biden’s next economic task will be much more difficult than his relief bill, which sailed through the House and Senate with only Democratic votes. Moderate Democrats are more insistent this time that the process engage Republicans, and that at least some of the spending be paid for with tax increases that could add up to trillions of dollars. Conservatives have already lined up to reject Biden’s plans to force corporations and the rich to pay more to fund the programs.


In navigating those obstacles, Biden faces a strategic quandary: how to pass as much of his potentially transformative agenda, as quickly as possible, through the narrow window afforded him by Democrats’ thin margins in the House and Senate.

Biden’s team has recommended that he split his efforts between two bills, totalling $US3 trillion in new spending and up to $US1 trillion more in tax breaks, seeing that as a way to ensure that at least part of his agenda makes it through Congress.


Some allies wonder whether the president is willing to compromise the “human” half of his spending priorities — his plans to invest in educational access and programs to lift women in the workforce, including help with care for children and ageing parents — to secure what would be the most expensive federal investment ever in roads, bridges, public power and the building blocks of a low-carbon energy economy.

Liberal economists stress that if he wants to truly upgrade the economy, Biden needs both.

“This is actually a really exciting and important moment, in terms of the compelling argument for expanding our concept of infrastructure to include human capital — the idea that strengthening both the workforce and the access around care is crucial,” said Thea Lee, the president of the liberal Economic Policy Institute, a think tank in Washington.

The US economy has been left battered by the pandemic.

The US economy has been left battered by the pandemic.Credit: Bloomberg

“There is an old-fashioned way of thinking,” she said, “which is the only thing that counts as an investment in the future is tangible, a structure that you can pick up or kick.”

The “Build Back Better” plan that his economic advisers recommended Biden pursue would lead with those physical investments: a combination of spending and tax incentives on traditional infrastructure, high-growth industry cultivation and carbon-reducing energy investment that documents suggest could top $US2 trillion.

Biden’s economic advisers emphasise that the economy needs more than construction to increase productivity and achieve the president’s goals. They argue that it also needs investments in education, like universal pre-kindergarten and free community college, and in efforts to relieve the burdens of caring for family that often hamper working women. Those initiatives are included in the second half of the proposal that aides took to Biden this week, along with extensions of newly expanded tax credits meant to fight poverty.

Inside the administration, aides disagree on the likelihood that both halves of the plan — the physical piece and the human piece — could pass Congress this year. Some see hope that Republicans, spurred by the business community, could join an effort with Democrats to muster 60 votes to pass a bill that spends heavily on roads, bridges, water systems and other traditional infrastructure. Some Democrats, like Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, a key swing vote, have insisted that Republicans be involved in the effort.

But most Democrats in and outside the White House see little chance, if any, of a large bipartisan bill taking shape. They point to early opposition from Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, who has called the proposals a likely “Trojan horse” for tax increases, and whose aides have begun labelling them a “Green New Deal” in disguise, even before Biden releases the details.

Lobbyists following the process closely expect Biden to allow Senate moderates to effectively test the proposition, giving them a fixed time to line up 10 Republicans behind an ambitious infrastructure bill that would almost certainly need to be financed by something other than the tax increases on the wealthy and corporations that the administration favours.

At the same time, Democratic leaders will most likely prepare to move at least one part of Biden’s plans quickly through the budget reconciliation process, which allows senators to skirt the filibuster and pass legislation with a bare majority, as they did for the coronavirus relief bill. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, the chairman of the Finance Committee, said in an interview that he is drawing up legislative text for tax increases to fund the Biden spending: “I’m going to start rolling out specific proposals so that people can have ideas about how they might proceed,” he said.

Moving on a party-line basis could leave all or most of the “human” programs behind, some in the administration fear. But analysts in Washington suggest many of them could eventually be rolled into an epic, single bill, perhaps costing $US3 trillion and offset in part by tax increases on corporations and the rich, which would pass with only Democratic votes.


The idea, said Jon Lieber, a former aide to McConnell who is now managing director, United States, for the Eurasia Group in Washington, is that by moving fast and aggressively, Biden might be able to strong-arm even reluctant Democrats, who see their political fates tied to the continuing success of the administration in the polls.

The odds of a large bill passing this year, Lieber said, are “very, very, very, very good. What would stop them?”

The New York Times

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