

This was published 3 years ago

Sonic Healthcare steps in to help aged care COVID-19 vaccine rollout

By Rachel Clun

Pathology giant Sonic Healthcare has been brought in to help get the COVID-19 vaccine rollout back on track in aged care facilities in NSW and Queensland after delays and a bungle involving the original provider.

In Victoria, 25 vials of the vaccine were thrown away out of an “abundance of caution” after workers could not confirm refrigeration temperatures had been maintained while they were stored at a Werribee aged care facility.

Sonic Healthcare will assist the aged care vaccine rollout.

Sonic Healthcare will assist the aged care vaccine rollout.Credit: Edwina Pickles

More than 90 aged care facilities have received 6500 COVID-19 vaccines since the broad rollout began on Monday, with a further 20 expected to have vaccines by the end of Friday.

It is well short of the 30,000 doses originally expected to be distributed to 240 facilities by the end of the week but Health Minister Greg Hunt said on Friday that target would be met by the middle of next week and the rollout would be back on track by the end of week two.

“Aged care is, around the country, doing incredibly well,” he told Ray Hadley on 2GB.

Across the country, about 23,000 Australians have received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, which puts the government behind its target of vaccinating 60,000 people by the end of the first week.

Mr Hunt confirmed Sonic Healthcare would assist the vaccine rollout in aged care facilities in NSW and Queensland after a doctor contracted by Healthcare Australia administered incorrect doses of the Pfizer vaccine to two aged care residents in Queensland.

“They [Sonic] are actually starting today,” he said. “They’re obviously starting slowly to be cautious and then they’ll build up.”


It has not been revealed how many Sonic staff will be involved in the rollout. Sonic has been contacted for comment.


Healthcare Australia Jason Cartwright stepped aside on Thursday after an investigation revealed the company had misled the Department of Health over the doctor’s Pfizer vaccine training.

The government has also installed former Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Deb Thoms to clinically oversee the company’s vaccination program, and new senior managers have been brought in.

Healthcare Australia had been contracted for the NSW and Queensland aged care rollouts while Aspen Medical was providing for the rest of the country.

The blunder, which compelled the department to check the vaccine qualifications of all Healthcare Australia staff, has led to vaccination delays in aged care facilities across NSW and Queensland.

Meanwhile, Aspen Medical reported to the Commonwealth’s Vaccine Operation Centre that 25 vials of the Pfizer vaccine remained unused in a fridge on site after it completed vaccinations of residents and staff at St Vincent’s Care Services Werribee facility on Wednesday.

“While refrigeration was maintained, it was not possible to verify that temperature was maintained throughout,” a Department of Health spokeswoman said. “Therefore, out of an abundance of caution, a medical decision was made not to use the remaining vials.”

The spokeswoman said those vials represented 0.15 per cent of the distributed week-one doses.

“The loss rate has been far lower than expected and assumed, which is a tribute to all involved,” she said.

Opposition health spokesman Mark Butler was confident the vaccine program would get back on track but said the government needed to stay on top of issues.


“There’s a real responsibility now on Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt to get the confidence back, get this back on track. Because this is crucial, absolutely crucial to getting the country through this pandemic,” he said on Nine’s Today show on Friday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said there would inevitably be issues with the rollout but they would be dealt with quickly and the government would learn and adapt.

“We’re on day four of a nine-month program and each day as that rolls out it’ll continue to improve,” Mr Morrison said. “We said it would start slow, and it would get to a pace and a scale. And that’s exactly where we’re heading.”

Phase 1a of the vaccine program, with its focus on aged care residents and workers, is a test of the federal government’s ability to look after the sector.

It comes as the government prepares to respond to the aged care royal commission’s final report, which it was handed on Friday.

Mr Morrison is expected to read the 1000-page final report over the weekend before its public release early in the coming week.

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