

This was published 3 years ago


Inquiry finally called into Perth Crown as questions mount

After the release of the Bergin inquiry report in NSW a week ago, the obvious questions were a) if Crown is not fit and proper to hold a casino licence in Sydney, how could it be in Perth, and b) why did it take a NSW regulator’s inquiry to uncover money laundering in WA?

WA authorities are considering the Bergin inquiry report and any ramifications for Crown Perth.

WA authorities are considering the Bergin inquiry report and any ramifications for Crown Perth. Credit: Getty

After Tuesday night’s meeting of the Gaming and Wagering Commission, it appears the WA regulator now wants to formally find the answer.

It took a week, but the Commission has now decided it will recommend an independent inquiry into the suitability of Crown as a licensee and any of its associates.

It has also recommended the terms of reference include the Commission and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ discharge of its own statutory responsibilities.

Given the revelations of this week that is more than appropriate.

WA’s system of casino regulation has come under intense scrutiny because of an inexplicable failure of governance that I still cannot quite believe is true.

When I got a tip late last week that WA’s chief casino officer and No.2 in the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries was fishing buddies with the senior managers at Crown Perth responsible for governance and regulation, it sounded preposterous.

Surely no one in government could be that naive?

Yet the tip came with the sort of detail that is difficult to make up, so it was worth checking out.


The story was confirmed in a formal response from DLGSC director-general and Gaming and Wagering Commission chair Duncan Ord, who said Mick Connolly had stood aside as chief casino officer “effective immediately”.

Department boss knew of relationship ‘for years’

Not only was it true, but the relationship had been declared to Ord and his predecessor, Barry Sargeant, for many years.

It was apparently fine with them, right up until the moment it was about to become public.

Ord and Sargeant are no dummies and they are no rookies.

Ord is paid $304,151 a year and has been a permanent director general since 2004. Sargeant, who is famously unavailable for media interviews, was director general of the old pre-merger Department of Racing Gaming and Liquor from 1992 to 2017 and the most influential bureaucrat in WA’s vice industries for three decades.

So what on earth were they thinking?

Crown Perth enjoys the lucrative privilege of a legislated monopoly and not only has the regulator failed to unearth money laundering at scale, but its chief compliance officer is great mates and fishing buddy with the casino’s managers of regulatory affairs.

Apparently it was OK because those roles “did not fit into the senior management category and are not part of the executive or senior level of management”. There is no suggestion of wrongdoing on the part of the Crown employees.

Taken as a whole, they are the sorts of revelations that deserve a swift and strong response, like the calling of an independent investigation or inquiry.

Government drags its feet

Premier Mark McGowan says he expects “higher standards” from Ord but is restrained from further action because he is in caretaker mode before the election.

In his public commentary, he has been as concerned with maintaining 5000 casino jobs as getting to the bottom of alleged criminality including the laundering of millions of dollars of drug money.

Opposition Leader Zak Kirkup, who last week expressed confidence in WA regulators, on Monday said it was the correct decision to stand Mr Connolly aside but wondered where Gaming Minister Paul Papalia was. For his part. Papalia said he could not comment ahead of Tuesday’s Commission meeting.

Is the lack of vigour from the pollies related at all to Crown’s donations of a combined $1 million to the WA Labor, Liberal and Nationals parties over the past 13 years, according to Electoral Commission records?

Greens MLC Alison Xamon, who has the “luxury” of knowing Crown will never donate to her party, thinks so.

“It’s very interesting to see what happened in NSW, for example, where they’ve made the point of explicitly banning donations from gaming interests,” she said. “It is not in the public interest to have gambling interests influence the decisions of governments.

“I don’t think (the major parties) are serious about it at all, it’s very frustrating.”

Unlike McGowan and Kirkup, she shot straight when it came to the roles of Ord and Sargeant.

“I thought it was unbelievable. How could they not know that this was a problem? And even if there is no actual wrongdoing, the perception alone is absolutely damning,” she said.


“How was this not red-flagged years ago? How is this not automatically identified as something that is a problem. I find the whole thing baffling, and it goes to the culture … they clearly have not taken their responsibilities as seriously as they need to.

“I just find it amazing that it takes media fishing around to actually draw it to people’s attention and for them to go, ‘Oh yeah, sorry, my bad’.”

We found out last night the proposed way forward, but in the meantime there have been darkly ironic murmurings in some circles in recent days: those who have been on the receiving end of “governance” processes run by the local government side of Ord’s departmental responsibilities.

The City of Perth copped a $7.8 million inquiry over political infighting and a few dodgy expense claims, and the conservative-leaning Town of Cambridge had to go to the Supreme Court to prove Local Government Minister David Templeman, guided by his department, was wrong to allege governance failures there.

What about the governance of DLGSC – which also copped a qualified opinion from the auditor general last year because of poor controls over payroll and procurement creating fraud risk – they wonder?

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