

This was published 3 years ago


A crazy coin for crazy times

By John Mac Ghlionn

Bob Dylan recognised the inevitability of change better than most. In 1964, he sang , or croaked, “the times they are a-changin”. Although Dylan was a visionary, it’s highly unlikely he envisioned a day when a dog-themed coin would break the internet, or that, indeed, there’d ever be an internet … but I digress. Back to the dog-themed coin.

Dogecoin’s value was bumped up after a tweet by Elon Musk. This is an artist’s impression, not a real coin.

Dogecoin’s value was bumped up after a tweet by Elon Musk. This is an artist’s impression, not a real coin. Credit: Getty Images

This month, Elon Musk declared his support for Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency based on a popular meme from 2013. Featuring the face of the Shiba Inu dog, the digital asset is growing at exponential speeds. Musk, clearly enjoying the chaos, tweeted: “I am become meme, destroyer of shorts.” The enigmatic billionaire and Tesla co-founder is many a thing, but boring certainly isn’t one of them. Musk recognises the ridiculousness of the situation, and he loves it.

With Dogecoin, is there a better product that captures the zeitgeist? Yes, it is ridiculous, but the ridiculousness is its unique selling proposition. In fact, Dogecoin is succeeding because of its absurdity. It’s also succeeding because the times we live in are absurd.

From astronomical Tik Tok earnings to dangerously high levels of global debt, has there ever been a more ridiculous time in the history of mankind? Just recently, a lawyer had to reassure a judge that he was, in fact, a human being, not a cat. Reality has become too strange for satire. If politics is downstream from culture, so too are the realities of tomorrow.


Dogecoin is backed by nothing but blind faith. Yet the same can be said for the US dollar (and the Australian dollar). Ever since Nixon did away with the gold standard in 1971, the US dollar has been backed by nothing but faith in the government. Faith is the antithesis of reason. Twenty per cent of all US dollars ever created were turned out last year alone. In what universe is that last sentence less crazy than a dog on a coin?

Again, Musk is capitalising on the ludicrousness of the financial market. Last Wednesday, he notified his 46 million followers on Twitter that he had just purchased Dogecoin for his 9-month old son. Cue pandemonium and an exponential rise in Dogecoin’s value. Less than 24 hours later, somewhat comically, by sending out a vague tweet about Dogecoin, Bitcoin’s value rose by some 7 per cent. Now, unsurprisingly, there is talk of the SEC getting involved and questioning Musk. Whatever happens, one wonders how the world’s richest man (and arguably the world’s busiest) has time to play with the world of finance in the same way a bored cat plays with a mouse.

Bitcoin may very well become the global currency of tomorrow. Then again, it might not. And what if Dogecoin becomes the primary form of exchange? Surely not, you scream. That’s a preposterous proposition.

Indeed, it is. But as Dylan never quite said, “the times they are a-crazy”.

John Mac Ghlionn is an essayist and crypto commentator. His writing has been published by the likes of Yahoo and Nasdaq. Twitter: @ghlionn

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