

This was published 4 years ago

How an ex-special forces captain beat ‘the hacks’ to win the battle for Menzies

By Paul Sakkal

Minutes after Keith Wolahan found out he had unseated veteran conservative MP Kevin Andrews in a preselection thrashing, a congratulatory Josh Frydenberg brought the former special forces captain into a room. The Treasurer called Scott Morrison and handed the phone to Wolahan. The PM applauded the challenger for the 181-111 result and said he looked forward to having him in Canberra.

The civility was in stark contrast to an episode just moments earlier when Andrews’ wife, displaying pure shock after hearing the result of the vote in a private room, refused to shake Wolahan’s hand. She also verbally attacked party president Robert Clark at the conclusion of the preselection event in an art deco convention hall in Ivanhoe on Sunday, a sign of the pressure-cooker atmosphere in the fractured Victorian Liberal Party.

Treasurer Josh Frydenburg with newly preselected Menzies candidate Keith Wolahan.

Treasurer Josh Frydenburg with newly preselected Menzies candidate Keith Wolahan.Credit: The Age

Wolahan’s feat of bumping a sitting Victorian Liberal for the first time since 1990, when his idol Peter Costello pulled off the same move, was a decade in the making. The 43-year-old was aggressively opposed by the right wing of the Liberal Party, but the Cambridge-educated barrister is no bleeding heart progressive.

His win has prompted a conversation about generational change in the party – which party insiders say will embolden challengers to “deadwood” state Liberal politicians – and raised the question of whether the party’s membership has shifted from the religious conservatism personified by Andrews, 63, and factional boss, Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar.

How did Wolahan win?

Wolahan was primed to challenge Andrews before the 2016 elections but backed off until 2018 when he was ready to pounce before then-party president Michael Kroger cancelled preselections and sparked years of recriminations. On both occasions, Wolahan had the numbers to roll Andrews, according to several local party insiders.

Keith Wolahan plays with his dog Jet at the river in Warrandyte

Keith Wolahan plays with his dog Jet at the river in WarrandyteCredit: Jason South

Andrews’ powerful backers – Frydenberg and a crew of federal ministers including Greg Hunt and Alan Tudge – wielded their power to shield the sitting member from a challenge, but the moderate grouping that now controls the Victorian division, led by Clark, is in a bitter war with the federal ministers and demanded Menzies members pick their candidate.

“Keith has been pushing shit up a hill for years and they’ve tried everything to stop him because they feared this result,” says a Liberal operative, who spoke on the condition of anonymity like the other MPs, officials and rank-and-file members in this story because party rules disallow them discussing the preselection in the media.


“At the end of the day it was a bunch of political hacks against a former special forces captain.”

Wolahan’s win was no miracle. On the day of the vote the Sukkar forces were confidently predicting a 30-vote win. Wolahan was keeping his numbers secret but those in his inner circle were quietly confident knowing their more subtle campaign, built on dozens of personal relationships he established with local members, would pay off.

Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar.

Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar.Credit: Alex Ellinghauusen

When the date for last Sunday’s preselection was announced in December, Wolahan, who had no official campaign manager, methodically worked through a list of party members. Often accompanied by wife Sarah, a lawyer and party member, he met with most of the 300 delegates who would ultimately send him to Canberra. In lunches, dinners and afternoon teas at members’ homes, Wolahan talked to people about their lives and concerns.

By contrast, Andrews had distanced himself from local politics for several years. Two Andrews allies say the campaign became panicked in the final week as the threat of losing grew. Tony Abbott, Hunt, Tudge and Andrews’ numbers men made a flurry of calls asking for members’ votes. Wolahan did not pressure members to commit their vote, Menzies sources say.

“I wanted to know them deeply and learn their stories. It was important I earned their trust,” Wolahan told The Age.

Undecided voters probably shifted to Wolahan on the day of the preselection, according to six people who attended it. With Frydenberg intently watching from the front row, Andrews spruiked his service as defence minister by referencing his role in the 2015 airstrikes in Syria. Wolahan’s speech, which he honed with his high-school drama teacher, focused on the future.

Kevin Andrews (left) was defence minister in  Tony Abbott’s government.

Kevin Andrews (left) was defence minister in Tony Abbott’s government.Credit: Andrew Meares

“It’s pretty obvious now that delegates who told our people they’d vote for Kevin did not,” said a party official loyal to Andrews.

Wolahan’s bold act to challenge a respected party elder backed by the sitting PM and John Howard was publicly contested, but he had prepared for these attacks for months. The aggressive questioning at the preselection event reeked of factionalism and breached the golden rule of Liberal internal politics: don’t tell branch members, who pick candidates on merit, how to vote.


Andrews told the crowd, who skewed elderly, that Australia should be on a “war footing” with China. Critics were surprised by the hawkish comment given the significant number of Chinese delegates in the room.

Andrews, in a written statement provided to The Age, said he was “naturally disappointed” by the outcome but respected the decision of local members.

“[Wolahan] served our nation as a member of the Australian Defence Force and I know he will bring that same sense of duty to the service he will provide in our nation’s Parliament,” Andrews wrote.

It was Wolahan’s military precision that may have boosted his winning margin, as a team of 25 former special forces members provided transport for locals who could not make their own way to Sunday’s vote. Back-up cars were stationed at landmarks, including the nearby McDonald’s in case another car broke down.

A shift to the left? Yeah, right.

He may have knocked off a conservative stalwart but Wolahan doesn’t want anyone calling him a “moderate”. Factions in the Victorian Liberal Party congregate around individuals and do not always espouse an overarching ideology. Wolahan was backed by the more moderate grouping in the party, which is in a counter-intuitive alliance with Karina Okotel, a leading party figure with hardline religious views who used to sit with the right faction.

Liberal Party federal vice-president Karina Okotel.

Liberal Party federal vice-president Karina Okotel. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

An economic and constitutional conservative, Wolahan says economics and national security were his priorities and he would “always stand up for free speech, democracy and liberal values”.

“My dog tags say Catholic but, for me, my faith and my politics are separate,” says Wolahan, in a departure from Andrews’ decades of public campaigning on religious touchstone issues, including euthanasia and the introduction of abortion medication RU486.

So are voters in Menzies getting a more progressive Liberal? Wolahan voted to legalise same-sex marriage in the 2017 plebiscite, but is known to have a “safe, legal and rare” stance on abortion and has personal reservations about Victoria’s euthanasia laws. He describes himself as a classical liberal in the Peter Costello mould.

Monash University senior politics lecturer Dr Zareh Ghazarian says the result, in isolation, does not indicate a tectonic shift for the party. More than 10 Liberal sources from both sides of the party had a consensus view that Wolahan’s win was rooted in his groundwork and credentials, rather than a repudiation of Andrews.

Captain Keith Wolahan in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in February 2010.

Captain Keith Wolahan in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in February 2010.

“This was one guy, who everyone respects, who’d clearly had his time versus a bloke who has so much ahead of him … it was nothing more or less than that,” said a state Liberal MP.

Whether the events of the past week realign the factional balance in the party is another matter.

As one federal MP observed on Friday: “There are early signs this week that Josh is sniffing the wind. He’s reflecting on the wisdom of listening to Michael Sukkar. Obviously he should listen to him, he’s a close colleague, but he needs to listen to others too.”

It might be a party convention for federal MPs to back their colleagues in preselections, but the vigorous support by Frydenberg’s close circle of Sukkar, Hunt and Tudge was seen by some critics as an inappropriate interference in grassroots party affairs.

Kevin Andrews after losing preselection last week.

Kevin Andrews after losing preselection last week.Credit: Penny Stephens

“The days of big swinging dicks calling in from Canberra and leaning on regular party members is over. It won’t happen to this extent again,” a federal ministerial staffer said.

Andrews’ loss will dent the power of the right-wing bloc because the Menzies electorate office was used by the faction for party political purposes. There was also speculation Sukkar would jump into Menzies if a redistribution made his neighbouring seat of Deakin more marginal.

Frydenberg is a savvy operator. He met with Wolahan in the days before the preselection and the pair respect one another. People want Frydenberg to use that canniness to rise above the internecine battle and heal the divide in the party ahead of the upcoming state and federal elections, when unity will be key to running strong campaigns.

The Treasurer’s motives will be tested in two key upcoming internal party votes. One will be who he decides to support for a senate vacancy, and another will be whether he backs a looming challenge against president Robert Clark.

“If he wants all of the Victorian division of the party behind him, he can’t side with one group or another,” the federal MP said.

Andrews first, who’s next?

The Liberal Party’s federal seats in Victoria are filled by either current ministers or probable future frontbenchers, such as Tim Wilson and James Patterson. In the Victorian Parliament, however, talk of clearing “deadwood” MPs – older members who are unlikely to serve in a future ministry – has dominated internal party discussions for years.


State MPs from across the factional divide predicted the Menzies result would embolden party members to overthrow sitting members. “If you’re a long-standing member and you’ve been there forever, watch out,” said one right-wing powerbroker. “That is the takeout from this.”

Upper house MP Bernie Finn is likely to be challenged by an Indian candidate in the western suburbs, where a large proportion of members are of South-Asian descent. Other state MPs who state Liberals predicted would face challenges include Beverley McArthur, Gary Blackwood, David Morris and Ryan Smith, who has sporadically told colleagues of his ambition to lead the party in recent months.

A redrawing of electoral boundaries designed to ensure each seat has a similar number of people in it could result in the abolition of three seats held by the Liberals. Current MPs may need to switch seats as a result, meaning there will be jostling for seats even before considering preselections.

Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien – whose MPs privately discuss timings for a leadership challenge and count numbers on the leader semi-regularly – would be under pressure to defend his colleagues.

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