

This was published 3 years ago


Australia's 'bloke blindspot' - we keep overlooking the people most at risk of suicide

By Pete Shmigel

If we middle-aged white men are running the patriarchy, we should be sacked for not looking after ourselves. The numbers underscore a depressing situation in Australian men’s health. Yet positive action on the ground – men taking ownership for their health – and at the national policy level this week are new reasons for optimism.

Men account for seven of the nine daily suicides in Australia.

Men account for seven of the nine daily suicides in Australia. Credit: Getty Images

But first, a portrait of pain for millions of men, their partners and their families: men die six years younger on average than women – at 79 versus 85; men are more likely to die by cancer than women, particularly from bowel, lung and liver cancer; and men account for more than 90 per cent of workplace deaths.

Perhaps the saddest statistic comes from the new data on male suicide in Australia. According to government figures released last month, we reached the highest ever number of male suicides in our history in pre-COVID 2019. Of the 3318 deaths by suicide, 2502 were males and 816 were females. Now, seven of nine daily suicides in Australia are men – more than 75 per cent.

This week it was encouraging to hear the Prime Minister call out the tragic and male-specific aspects of suicide when he released two significant and positive reports: the Productivity Commission on mental health and the interim advice of the new national suicide prevention adviser, Christine Morgan. It was unprecedented. Morgan's report said Australia needed specific strategies to target suicide among men.


And yet Australia has a "bloke blindspot" when it comes to this tragedy. The vast majority of formal and funded programs are not made with men in mind. Current policies, such as the 5th National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan, fail to address the very specific challenge as it applies to men. They use techniques, language and approaches that have largely not included men in designing and delivering their own help.

For instance, many of the better known initiatives pose the male-unfriendly and emotionally packed question: "What are you feeling?" Whereas we know men broadly respond to: "What’s going on?"

We know that male suicide has specific dimensions. About half are linked with relationship issues, one in six to money concerns and one in 10 to unemployment.

It seems that in our very necessary quest to be inclusive of at-risk groups, such as Indigenous people, the LGBTQI communities and young women, for whom suicide attempts are increasing – and we absolutely must do this to save lives – we have somehow excluded the group that remains most at risk: men. Perhaps it’s so obvious it gets overlooked.


Consistently over the past 10 years, the number of suicide deaths has been about three times higher for males than females. Now is the time to check the policy mirror for our "bloke blindspot".


It doesn't help when men’s behaviour is sometimes generalised as “toxic”. Putting aside that “male toxicity” is in part an ideologically fuelled stereotype, this is unproductive. Shame and blame don’t change someone’s behaviour, especially if they are mentally ill or emotionally fragile or developing as men.

As the father of young sons at a private school said to me: “We know the boys are growing up in a really privileged way. Therefore, it’s our job to impart lessons about values like humility and responsibility. But it’s hard when there are so many messages out there saying that boys are somehow inherently bad. You can see how that explains a lot of hopelessness and defeat.”

My friend, Gus Worland, the media personality and star of the ABC’s groundbreaking Man Up series, tells me he gets some 1000 messages a day through social media – from men and those who care about them – concerning suicidality and other emotional crises.


But there is good news, too. In an unprecedented way, hundreds of thousands of men are now taking greater responsibility for their health, especially for their mental wellbeing. It’s been part of the COVID-19 phenomenon that literally hundreds of male-built, peer-support groups have emerged online over the past nine months. Men being there for other men.

At the community level, Australian men are leveraging their greatest characteristic: mateship. Hopefully, together with the government’s expanded social safety net during the pandemic, this self-help based on lived experience partly explains a curious thing about 2020’s suicide rates. At this stage, they are not showing more devastating spikes, despite coronavirus, the lockdowns and the job losses.

Perhaps it is the safety net working. If so, what happens if it is withdrawn?

Clinicians are also understanding that men do communicate about their internal lives. They just do it differently. A counsellor mate working with hi-viz blokes in the Hunter Valley does "tattoo therapy". That is, he asks about their ink and they start talking about their lives and struggles.

Let’s hope the Prime Minister's support, a new evidence base and the movement of mates helping mates come together as a genuine plan to save more of the lives of fathers, sons, brothers and workmates. Not only for their sake but for that of their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.

Pete Shmigel is a former chief executive of Lifeline and board member of two health NGOs.

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