

This was published 3 years ago


Morally unsustainable: gig workers don't need labels, they need rights

By Michael Kaine

As millions of Australians locked down during COVID-19, delivery-men Dede Fredy, Xiaojun Chen and Chow Khai Shien were traversing our streets on their scooters, dropping fast-food to doorsteps. They hustled for one-off jobs from digital platforms, where pay is dictated by opaque algorithms.

Lihong Wei holds a portrait of her husband Xiaojun Chen, who was killed while working for a delivery company in Sydney.

Lihong Wei holds a portrait of her husband Xiaojun Chen, who was killed while working for a delivery company in Sydney.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

As their customers dined on pizzas and burritos, the three contractors rode long hours without the normal Australian employment standards generations fought so hard for: sick leave, workers compensation, the right to challenge an unfair sacking, training or proper protective gear.

The three men were killed in separate road crashes last month: Dede Fredy and Xiaojun Chen on Sydney streets, Chow Khai Shien in Melbourne's CBD. Their companies were not even required to provide insurance for their riders.

Like many engaged in the gig economy, Dede, Xiaojun and Chow were temporary migrants. Perhaps this is what makes it easier for us to turn a blind eye to their exploitation.

This is not morally sustainable. Australia cannot abide the existence of a secondary labour market, without rights, minimum pay rates, superannuation or injury insurance. Soon enough the wrecking ball of gig work will crash into other industries, turning fully fledged jobs into cut-price parcels of work.


Platforms such as Airtasker have tried to fray all manner of jobs into gigs, under the camouflage of connecting consumers and providers for "odd jobs". Uber has laid waste to the taxi industry, and now Amazon Flex is encroaching on the work of couriers. Uber Freight and Amazon’s freight brokerage are expanding into the trucking sector in the US and elsewhere, pulling rates right down. There are concerted attempts to expand gig economy work into aged and disability care.

Independent contracting is the Trojan horse making this exploitation possible. This category of work has exploded over the past decade and now accounts for more than a million Australian workers.

Of course, this contracting is not really ''independent''. The notion conjures an in-demand tradesperson or professional who can negotiate a decent return based on demand for their labour. But in the world of food delivery, there is no negotiation. The worker is told what they will be paid by an algorithm, and their work is assessed by a star rating. There is no negotiation, no input from the worker and no right of appeal. It is a system of take it or leave it. And it results in pay rates well below the minimum wage.


A simple fix for this might seem to be to classify riders as employees or invent a new category of work, so they can enjoy the benefits and protections under our labour laws. This route is a mistake and recent developments in California should serve as a stark warning to Australia.


The California legislature passed the AB5 law last year stating anyone who works in the gig economy should be considered full-time employees not independent contractors.

This lit up the path for powerful tech companies to work around. They initiated a ballot referendum on a law exempting them from AB5. Workers fought hard against it but they faced a $300 million aggressive advertising campaign from gig companies. Not surprisingly California’s voters approved the new law, Proposition 22.

Gig workers are now back to square one. The new law has woefully inadequate provisions for workers and makes it difficult to overturn or change, while restricting local regulation of gig companies.

Now the likes of Uber, which saw 18 per cent market share gain when the ballot passed, are pushing to have the law used as a model in other parts of the US and around the world.


Australia must make sure we do not repeat the mistakes of California.

The simple truth is that gig workers do not need labels or a new type of classification. They need rights. We should ensure that our system is flexible enough to allow them to demand rights, that can’t be worked around by powerful, cashed-up tech giants. We need to put in place an independent tribunal system which can listen to the demands of gig workers and make orders giving them the benefits and protections they need.

This is not new. The Transport Workers' Union has represented independent contractors who own their own trucks since our union began more than a century ago. In NSW these drivers have long had access to a system which allows them to band together and demand standards for their work, including rates which cover all the costs of their labour and business.

We need politicians with spine to stand up for gig workers in Australia. We cannot be content to allow an army of mostly migrant workers to be used and abused. We cannot sit back as other industries get subsumed into this new way of work, offering “gigs” rather than jobs.

A global elite of digital entrepreneurs have been reaping billions, presenting their tech innovations as shiny and clean, without ever acknowledging the sweat and tears of the vulnerable men and women they rely on.

We owe it to Dede Fredy, Xiaojun Chen and Chow Khai Shien and the thousands of workers like them to put in place the right type of regulation in Australia.

Michael Kaine is national secretary of the Transport Workers’ Union.

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