It's past 5pm, which means the vote counting has finished for the day, and therefore so is Poll Call.
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There were no official seat declarations today, but those will come in the following days.
What is clear is there has been a historic victory for the Labor party, which has turned around its fortunes from a party that would famously fit into a mini-van after the 2012 wipeout, into a three-term dynasty for Annastacia Palaszczuk, who now has four straight years to make the state according to her and Labor's vision.
The final makeup of the parliament remains to be seen, but it now appears clear Labor will have a majority.
Brisbane Times will bring you all the latest political news as it happens over the next week and the leadup to Christmas, with Ms Palaszczuk already promising a full budget and estimates hearings before then.
However I'm now putting the blog to bed more permanently - after 27 days of campaign, election day and aftermath, I can't type "Palaszczuk" or "Frecklington" without my hands involuntarily seizing up, so this feels like a good time to stop.
Poll Call has been an enormous team effort with Brisbane Times Editor Danielle Cronin pointing the way and providing valuable support, State Political reporter Lydia Lynch reporting all the latest from the ampaign trail, ably supported by reporters Toby Crockford and Matt Dennien, Cameron Atfield answering your questions with Ask a Reporter, Tony Moore speaking directly to voters on Marginal Streets, and the rest of the Brisbane Times team providing much needed extra stories, support and laughs.
It's a total cliche at this point but the fact that Australia has elections that run so smoothly is a gift that we can never take for granted. But it's also four years until the next one (in Queensland at least) and that's not terrible either.
Take care of yourselves, and see you on the hustings.