

This was published 4 years ago

AFL call means Rio Tinto has lost 'social licence': Indigenous leader

By Jake Niall

The loss of a partnership with the AFL would show that mining giant Rio Tinto had lost the company's "social licence" in Australia, according to leading Indigenous academic and activist Professor Marcia Langton.

Langton, the foundation chair in Indigenous studies at Melbourne University in faculty of medicine, said the AFL and the NRL were leaders in "closing the gap", with up to 12 per cent of their players having Indigenous backgrounds and called an AFL withdrawal from Rio Tinto "an acute sign" that the company had lost its social licence.

Professor Marcia Langton says the end to the partnership would show Rio Tinto has lost its "social licence".

Professor Marcia Langton says the end to the partnership would show Rio Tinto has lost its "social licence".Credit: Arsineh Houspian

"If they've been deserted by the AFL, then they've lost their social licence to operate [in Australia]," said Langton, responding to The Age's report on Tuesday that the AFL was set to end a decade-long partnership with Rio Tinto over the company's destruction of a sacred site in the Pilbara at Juukan Gorge in Western Australia in May – a decision, yet to be officially ratified, that will cost the AFL close to $1.5 million's worth of Indigenous programs and sponsorship unless it finds a replacement.

Langton, who has made two submissions to the senate inquiry into the Rio Tinto incident and has had extensive experience in the mining industry's relationship with Indigenous people, said to operate a "social licence" meant having "the standing and approval of the Australian people and the Australian government in how they operate".

Gary Murray, another long-standing activist and board member of the Nicholls Foundation – named after Sir Douglas Nicholls, a celebrated Australian and former footballer – said the AFL's expected withdrawal from Rio Tinto was appropriate "given the desecration of those sacred sites via explosives".

Murray said had the AFL opted not to end their association with Rio Tinto, it would be hypocritical after promoting all "wonderful" achievements in Indigenous football following the destruction of those sites. Rio Tinto detonated the explosives to access iron ore.

"The AFL would be accused of hypocrisy," said Murray, whose son is former Bomber Nathan Lovett-Murray and who himself is the grandson of Sir Douglas Nicholls.

Rio Tinto's partnership with the AFL consists of three pathway programs for Indigenous kids or young adults – the Flying Boomerangs (boys), the Woomeras (girls) and the Footy Means Business program.

The AFL executive has recommended that the AFL end the partnership, but it still has to be ratified by the AFL commission.


The company's partnership with the AFL was up for renewal this year in an association that has been in place for a decade.

The traditional owners at Juukan Gorge, the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura (PKKP) people, gave evidence to the senate inquiry and have said that the site's destruction via explosives had caused "immeasurable cultural and spiritual loss and profound grief".

The AFL's head of inclusion, Tanya Hosch, consulted widely with Indigenous leaders and experts on the Rio Tinto issue – including the league's Indigenous Advisory Council, which includes Richmond assistant coach Xavier Clarke, AFL commissioners Kim Williams and Gab Trainor and chairman Paul Briggs – in forming a position on the Rio Tinto sponsorship.

Rio Tinto has apologised and conceded that it missed opportunities to better engage with the traditional owners and keep them fully informed of the company's actions.

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