

This was published 4 years ago

From the Archives, 1891: A very Melbourne mystery

By Staff writer

First published in The Age, October 12, 1891.



Parliament House, the scene of the crime.

Parliament House, the scene of the crime.Credit: State Library of Victoria

Early on Friday morning the Speaker’s room at Parliament House was broken into and the mace stolen, and so far the detectives have been unable to recover the "bauble." What would have occurred tomorrow when the Legislative Assembly meets had there been no mace members are at a loss to conjecture, but fortunately there is another—the original—a humbler instrument, it is true, but still a genuine mace, with which the House was content until 1864, and this will be made to do duty for the present. When the Assembly rose early on Friday morning, Mr. G. E. Upward, the Sergeant at Arms, deposited the mace in its oaken box, near the wardrobe in the ante chamber leading to the Speaker's private room. The case was locked and the key, in accordance with the usual practice, put in hiding place known only to Mr. Upward, and Davis, the Speaker's messenger.

When the attendant was dusting the furniture, shortly after midday on Friday, he noticed the marks of a "jemmy," and reported to the Sergeant at Arms that someone had been trying to open the oak case. Mr. Upward made on examination, and it was then ascertained that the mace had been stolen. The Criminal Investigation department were informed, and detectives were told to make inquiries. A window catch had been moved back, and three black marks, such as would be made by fingers soiled in the ascent of dusty stonework, were noticeable on the frame. The police came at once to the conclusion that the thief was not a professional burglar. Valuable plate was lying about within ready access, but this he had not touched, and altogether the job was done in such an unworkmanlike manner that it was suggested that some practical joker bad been at work to deprive the Assembly of the cherished mace.


The Sergeant at Arms and Mr. Watson, second clerk assistant of the Legislative Assembly, slept on the premises, their bedrooms being almost immediately over the Speaker's room and the anti-chamber. Both sate they were awakened by a noise at daybreak, which would be about 5 o'clock, but they did not take much notice. Besides these gentlemen there were in the building the caretaker of the Assembly and his family; the caretaker of the Legislative Council and his family, in the basement; and two messengers, who were sleeping upstairs. Mr. Watson says he saw a light flash into his room, but judging from the position of his apartment, this can hardly have been connected with the robbery. It seems evident that the mace was taken by a person who was thoroughly well acquainted with the construction of the rooms at Parliament House. He had merely to scale a fence bordering the garden on the east side of the House, and he would find a ladder used by the workmen who have been erecting the new north eastern wing, the basement of which is nearly completed, and on this the burglar could walk up to Sir Matthew Davies’s rooms. The window was secured only by an old fashioned catch without the pawl, found on must modern window fastenings to prevent the hasp being forced back by a knife inserted from the outside. He had merely to introduce a thin piece of metal between the cross bars of two sashes, work the catch back and throw open the window. This accomplished from his standing place, which would be very little more than 3 feet below the window sill, he could noiselessly creep through the aperture and find himself in the Speaker's apartment. The door lending into the ante-room was left open, and a walk of 10 yards would bring him to the box in which the mace was supposed to be secured, with a clear retreat open behind. The case in which the "bauble" was standing was fitted with an ordinary box lock, the top part of which was attached to the lid by three slender screws, scarcely an inch long, and must have yielded easily to a little gentle pressure with the most primitive jemmy. Once the box was opened the mace could easily be carried away, provided the suspicions of any stray constable who might be met on his beat were not aroused, and a green baize trombone cover thrown over the imposing emblem would have deceived the most prying policeman, while a small cart would have absolutely defied detection.

The old mace, relegated to an attic in 1864, was dusted off and pressed back into service.

The old mace, relegated to an attic in 1864, was dusted off and pressed back into service.Credit: Illustrated Australian News

No doubt the Sergeant at Arms will meet with a hearty outburst of mirth when he marches into the Chamber with the old mace over his shoulder and announces the Speaker. This instrument was relegated to an attic when that which has been purloined arrived from England. The stolen property was a facsimile of the mace used in the British House of Commons since the reign of Charles II., with the exception of the Victorian coat of arms. It was 5 feet long, and consisted of a staff headed with a bowl, on the top of which was a crown surmounted with a Maltese cross. It was, of course, hollow, and was elaborately worked, and the staff was strengthened by the insertion of a solid piece of hardwood. It cost £300; the chief expense was in the workmanship of the silversmith, and, if melted down, the 217 oz. of silver of which it is composed would not be worth more than £40.

The larceny of a Parliamentary mace seems to be a unique event in history. The English House of Commons has had three, but neither of the two that have gone was ignominiously purloined. The first disappeared when the people of England made their protest against the "right divine of kings" by sprinkling Whitehall with Charles's blood. The second had a very short life, being ordered by Cromwell to be removed.

The matter has been placed in the hands of Detectives Ward and Macmanamy, who are being assisted by nearly all the detectives and plain clothes men in the police force, but up to the present no clue to the thief has been received. The robbery however, must have been committed between the time the House rose and 7 o'clock in the morning, for at that hour the room was entered by the charwoman, Susan Hadley, who states that she found the window closed with the catch back. The window of the ante-chamber looks out on the basement of the new wing, and the men working there might frequently have seen the mace taken from its box at 4.30 in the afternoon.

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