

This was published 4 years ago

HESTA demands high-level accountability, external review at Rio Tinto

By Nick Toscano

The fallout from Rio Tinto's destruction of 46,000-year-old Aboriginal rock shelters at Juukan Gorge continues to deepen as the board considers removing top executives and demands for a moratorium on works imperilling other sacred sites spread across the Pilbara.

While Rio Tinto's board holds crisis meetings amid investor calls for senior staff including chief executive Jean-Sébastien Jacques to be dismissed, Australian superannuation giant HESTA has added to pressure for strong action, saying on Thursday that accountability for the disaster must "rest at the highest levels" of the organisation.

Rio Tinto investors are calling on the board for accountability at the 'highest levels' for the blasting of an ancient Aboriginal site.

Rio Tinto investors are calling on the board for accountability at the 'highest levels' for the blasting of an ancient Aboriginal site.Credit: Michele Mossop

The $52 billion super fund, which owns shares in Rio, also launched a push for the board to urgently address the "larger, systemic" issue surrounding the company's treatment of traditional owner groups by commissioning an independent external audit of all its agreements with First Nations people.

"Mining companies that fail to negotiate fairly and in good faith with traditional owners expose [themselves] to reputational and legal risk," HESTA said in a statement. "Without an independent review, we cannot adequately assess these risks and understand how they may impact value."

The destruction of the two culturally significant Juukan Gorge rock shelters, against the wishes of the area's traditional owners, the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura (PKKP) people, has shed light on the power imbalance between resources giants and Indigenous groups. It has also sparked concerns about the inclusion of restrictive contractual obligations in some land-use agreements that prohibit traditional owners from voicing concerns and objections publicly

Mining companies that fail to negotiate fairly and in good faith with traditional owners expose [themselves] to reputational and legal risk.


HESTA said it had lost confidence in the miner's ability to conduct the review on its own, and had contacted Allan Fels, a former head of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, to potentially conduct the review of Rio's agreements.

The super fund's pressure on Rio comes as another iron ore miner, the Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest-backed Fortescue Metals Group, faces a shareholder push to suspend works that would "disturb, destroy or desecrate" significant Aboriginal sites.

The resolution, which is being supported by leaders of key Indigenous land councils and native-title groups, asks for the moratorium to remain in place until an ongoing review of heritage-protection laws has been completed. It also asks Fortescue to remove clauses from land agreements preventing traditional owners from objecting to works.


The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR), a shareholder activist group that drafted the resolution in collaboration with the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance, said investors could not "simply stand by and watch another Juukan Gorge disaster unfold".


"As investors, we believe it’s necessary that this shareholder resolution receives strong support – or is proactively adopted by Fortescue Metals Group's board –because there is far too much at stake to allow any further destruction of Indigenous cultural sites," ACCR director Brynn O'Brien said.

Fortescue chief Elizabeth Gaines said the company, which worked closely with traditional custodians and had protected nearly 6000 Aboriginal heritage places, did not use so-called "gag-order" clauses.

Ms Gaines said Fortescue did not support the proposed moratorium. "The moratorium, proposed by people unfamiliar with the West Australian mining industry, is not supported by Fortescue as it would disempower local Aboriginal people in the Pilbara and limit the positive contribution the mining industry is making to the state and national economies, at a time when it is needed most," she said.

Rio Tinto, Australia's second-largest miner, has faced widespread condemnation from Indigenous land groups, the federal government and the wider public over its destruction of the rock shelters. Rio Tinto had legal approval to conduct the blast, and said it believed it had the consent of the land's traditional owners, the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura (PKKP) people, until it was too late to call off the detonation safely.

Mr Jacques and two other senior executives were last month stripped off $7 million in bonuses after an internal investigation found they must bear some responsibility for the blowing up of the two rock shelters, which had evidence of human occupation dating back 46,000 years and ranked among the most significant archaeological sites in the nation.

However, large investors in Australia and the United Kingdom told Rio's London-based chairman Simon Thompson that the disaster calls for a significantly stronger response from the board. Investors are expecting an update on the matter from the Anglo-Australian company's board this week.

Rio Tinto investors have told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald that any further financial penalties would be considered inadequate, leaving the board to mull the question of whether to stand down any, or all, of the three executives identified as being responsible.

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