

This was published 4 years ago

New Olympic protest guidelines don't hinder athletes - they actually help them

By Darren Kane

Rules, however conceived, written and implemented - must be reasonable, purposeful and sensible. Otherwise, people simply won't follow them.

It's through this same lens that it's imperative to critically evaluate the current rule 50 of the Olympic Charter; measured against the rights that athletes should enjoy, to use the Olympic platform to shine a light on issues so incredibly more important than sport itself. For it must be stated up front that athletes could be stripped of Olympic medals lest they refrain from demonstrations and activism during an Olympic Games.

Mack Horton refused to stand on a podium with Sun Yang at the world championships.

Mack Horton refused to stand on a podium with Sun Yang at the world championships.Credit: Getty

With all that's so awful about the world right now, recognising the dreadful injustices and prejudices suffered by our own First Nations people and others worldwide, it's entirely understandable and reasonable that Olympic champions such as Nova Peris would call for the abolition of the IOC's restrictions on athletes protesting at the Olympics. I wholeheartedly agree with her that athletes must be entitled to use their athletic prowess as a vector to agitate for meaningful change.

The Mercedes Formula 1 team will this year race its cars in an all-black livery; a signal of defiance against racism, amplified by the words "END RACISM" emblazoned on the driver's halo. The West Indies' Test cricket team's shirt this Northern summer will carry a prominent "BLACK LIVES MATTER" logo on the collar. But what about the Olympics in a year's time, where demonstrations are pretty much outlawed?

Rule 2 of the Olympic Charter - the constitutional instrument of the Olympic Games - does on one hand decree that the IOC's role includes opposing "any political abuse of sport and athletes"; and, that the IOC's role includes positioning sport "at the service of humanity and thereby promote peace".

US athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, with Australia's Peter Norman, in their famous pose at the 1968 Games in Mexico.

US athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos, with Australia's Peter Norman, in their famous pose at the 1968 Games in Mexico. Credit: AP

It's peak naivety to contend that the Olympic Games is insulated from politics and protest. Everything about why cities bid for rights to host the Games, is political. North and South Korean athletes marching under a single flag in Pyeongchang in 2018, was political. The USA and USSR tit-for-tat boycotts of the Olympics in the 1980s, was political. In the Olympic Museum in Lausanne there's an exhibit commemorating John Carlos and Tommie Smith (and Australia's 200-metre silver medallist, Peter Norman), celebrating Carlos and Smith having transformed the Olympic podium into a "stage", with their Black Power salute of defiance. That's political, and indelible.

But rule 50 is the issue. It states that "no kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas". Whatever the four corners of that rule are, is anyone's guess; the boundaries haven't really been tested. And the rule isn't new - the 1985 iteration of the Olympic Charter stated at rule 53, that "every kind of demonstration or propaganda, whether political, religious or racial, is forbidden in Olympic areas".

The by-laws to the current rule 50 elaborate by saying that potential consequences of breaching rule 50 include disqualification of an athletes' results, as well as the forced surrender of Olympic medals. There's no harsher sanction the IOC could impose on athletes, than to nullify everything that an athlete has achieved, in Olympic competition.


If you're an Olympic athlete possessed of even a scintilla of a possibility of being able to climb atop any step of a medal podium in Tokyo in a year's time – and also desirous of an opportunity to use that utter privilege to advocate a position on contentious world issues – naturally, you'd be concerned. The Olympic Charter is crafted in such grandiose and rubbery words, athletes can't reasonably assume that any act or behaviour is acceptable, or not.

With that issue squarely in focus, guidelines were released in January this year (before the world shuddered off axis), putting "flesh on the bones" of rule 50. It's incorrect that the IOC itself published these guidelines. It's likewise incorrect to suggest these guidelines somehow impose more onerous restrictions on athletes than does the charter itself. Moreover, it's wrong that the IOC has only recently decided to "crack down" on athletes' protests.

Indeed the rule 50 guidelines are actually guidelines written and developed by the IOC's Athletes' Commission (comprised of Olympians including Australia's James Tomkins, charged with advocating athletes' interests), after consultation with the elite athletes worldwide. The guidelines were finally agreed to by the IOC at a joint meeting of its Athletes' Commission and the IOC's Executive Board, however the IOC didn't write the guidelines.

The athlete-developed guidelines don't establish new restrictions imposed on athletes. They certainly don't say that things that athletes previously could do under the current Olympic Charter are now the same things that could cause an athlete to lose medals; this isn't a new proverbial squashing of athletes' rights. Instead the guidelines provide some exactness about the boundaries of rules that have been in place for decades. That's absolutely imperative frankly, when athletes representing more than 200 countries are present in one place and not all of them actually have a cause celebre to champion.

The guidelines seek to clarify what the Olympic Charter already says, in that the field of play and medal ceremonies aren't the place for waving around armbands with scribbled-on coded messages, kneeling during national anthems, and overt protests of other kinds.

The real issue though, is of course whether these restrictions on protest should exist in the charter at all.

I understand the argument, that the Olympic Games should serve as the permanent stage on which John Carlos and Tommie Smith so defiantly stood more than a half century ago; so today's athletes are able to express their views on politics, religion, sexuality, racism and other forms of discrimination. The athletes from the lion's share of the more than 200 countries competing at the Games won't ever have a better opportunity to spotlight issues to the world, which might otherwise never garner attention.


But what might be the unintended consequences of deleting rule 50 altogether? Every second medal ceremony might be overrun by activism and purposeful activism will be rendered white noise. And what about athletes with no protests to make?

A sensible approach for athletes might therefore be to consider the rule 50 guidelines in the context of tax law. Tax is a huge game with purposely difficult-to-decipher rules. Nobody actually wants to pay tax, yet tax avoidance is a crime. Tax minimisation isn't a crime; and therein lies the crucial distinction. If you know the rules of the game, you can plot and scheme with some real degree of precision, the extent to which you can legally minimise how much tax you pay.

These new guidelines on what Olympians can and can't do at the Games, have been developed by the athlete representatives because the guidelines are meant to be a tool for athletes. Once athletes are properly counselled, on the intricacies of the rules … if you're an athlete who wins Olympic Gold 12 months from now, there'll be incredible and myriad opportunities (outside the few fleeting minutes of a medal ceremony) to parlay athletic success into change for much more important good.

The eyes of the world will be on Tokyo in a year's time, like the eyes of the world have perhaps not ever focused on any sporting event. Anybody who says athletes' rights to protest have been extinguished doesn't understand the details - which is no criticism of Nova Peris or anybody else, but instead an invitation.

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