

This was published 4 years ago


Australia will have to spend a lot of political capital to save Karm Gilespie

By Don Rothwell

The conviction in China on June 10 of Australian man Karm Gilespie on drug trafficking charges will create a series of diplomatic, legal and political challenges for Australia.

Gilespie was reportedly detained on New Year's Eve 2013 at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and subsequently charged with being in possession of 7.5 kilograms of the drug ice.

After his detention, Gilespie vanished from public view and nothing has been known about his circumstances until the weekend.

This may be explained by a family request that his case not be publicised, or by a position taken by the Australian government that any advocacy be conducted behind closed doors and not in the public domain. That has now changed as a result of the decision of the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, which has sentenced him to death. Gilespie has a reported 10 days to appeal his conviction.

This case comes against the backdrop of China’s response to Australia promoting an inquiry into China’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was eventually endorsed by the World Health Assembly on May 19. Since then, China has imposed trade measures on Australian beef and barley, warned its citizens against travelling to Australia (and Chinese students from studying at Australian universities). These actions by China, at a time when Australia is entering its first recession in 29 years during the COVID-19 pandemic, will have significant economic impacts.

China will also be well aware that Australia has a strong bipartisan opposition to the death penalty globally and has previously taken a concerted diplomatic stand against countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand when Australians have been sentenced to death in those countries. However, challenging China on capital punishment will be vastly different from responding to south-east Asian neighbours, none of whom are a superpower or Australia’s biggest trading partner.

Australian actor Karm Gilespie has been sentenced to death in China. 

Australian actor Karm Gilespie has been sentenced to death in China. 

Australia will want to ensure three outcomes. The first is that Australian consular officials gain access to Gilespie to check on his health and welfare.

That he has been detained by China, awaiting trial, for six-and-a-half years would in itself be cause for concern, but given China was heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and it is known that prison populations have been particularly at risk, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will want to make sure Gilespie is fit and well.


In this respect, a 1999 Agreement on Consular Relations between Australia and the People's Republic of China will come into play. Article 11 of that agreement makes clear that Australian consular officials should have monthly access to any Australian detained in China. While Australia does not provide citizens with legal advice in these circumstances, consular officials are able to facilitate access to local Chinese lawyers.

Second, Australia will want to ensure that Gilespie’s appeal rights are respected. To that end, Gilespie’s legal team will need to formally lodge an appeal. There will also be a need for Gilespie and his legal team to properly prepare for an appeal, and consular officials will want to ensure that those communications can take place without interference. Nevertheless, the rates of success for appeals in the Chinese legal system are very low, and while every legal avenue needs to be pursued, there is every prospect that the appeal will fail.

Third, Australia will want to ensure that this case moves through the Chinese legal system without any undue haste and that an appeal decision is not reached very quickly. In the normal course of events, an appeal may not be resolved until 2021 or longer, and this may be to Gilespie’s advantage as he would not want to have his case being finalised during the current bilateral tensions. It would be preferable for any appeal outcome to be delayed until such time as the bilateral relationship had returned to some of the levels of pre-COVID normalcy, because at that point there may be need for an intense diplomatic campaign to save Gilespie’s life.

The legal options for Gilespie are not strong. The Chinese legal system is opaque and exceptionally difficult for under-resourced foreigners to access and enjoy success in criminal appeals.

China has increased the use of capital punishment to deal with drug crimes and serious crimes, such as murder. The annual number of official executions reported by China is considered unreliable by Amnesty International, which has long monitored capital punishment globally. Nevertheless, Amnesty considers China the world’s “top executioner” and estimates the number to be in the thousands.


Australia will need to expend considerable diplomatic capital if it is to save Gilespie. China will fiercely resist any efforts to interfere with what it considers its national sovereignty to deal with drug crimes.

Lessons will have been learnt by Australia from the unsuccessful 2015 legal and diplomatic campaign to save Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan from execution by firing squad in Indonesia.

Whether the Morrison government will want to put in the diplomatic effort to save Gillespie and risk further harming Australia’s relations with China will be a major political calculation.

Don Rothwell is professor of international law at the Australian National University.

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