

This was published 4 years ago

A monumental debate: why a slave trader's statue is UK's Black Lives Matter tipping point

By Bevan Shields

Bristol: For the protesters who tore down the statue of Edward Colston, there's a certain satisfaction in knowing a monument to a 17th-century slave trader has been consigned to the watery depths of Bristol Harbour.

Colston built his fortune through misery on the high seas as an influential member of the Royal African Company. The firm used its legal monopoly over the west African slave trade to brand the initials RAC on the chests of 100,000 men, women and children and ship them to the Americas and the Caribbean. Some 19,000 never made it - tossed into the ocean after drawing their last breath in the filth below decks.

"We had a statue up to someone who made his money buying and selling people," says Marvin Rees, the Bristol mayor and descendent of enslaved Africans. "That statue is now underwater, which is a piece of historical irony because undoubtedly people would have been thrown off the sides of ships during that journey and there would be many African bodies on the bottom of the water.

Protesters pull down a statue of slave trader Edward Colston during a Black Lives Matter protest rally in Bristol.

Protesters pull down a statue of slave trader Edward Colston during a Black Lives Matter protest rally in Bristol.Credit: PA

"But at the same time we are in a city in which some people find the tearing down of the statue problematic for them. They feel that they are losing their ownership of Bristol, their place in the city and for them it's a sense of loss."

Emotions are running high in this city after an angry crowd ripped the bronze statue from its stone plinth on Sunday, dragged it through the streets and dumped it in the same harbour Colston's slave ships once sailed in.

Residents are divided into three groups: those who backed the statue's destruction; those who supported an orderly relocation from its prominent location to the city's museum; and those who worry history is being airbrushed.

One of the city's most prolific philanthropists, the Colston name is synonymous with the growth of Bristol. A private school is named after him, so too an office tower and two streets. The city's concert hall also carried the Colston name but will be rebadged when it reopens later this year.

The statue has stood in the city centre for 125 years, along with a plaque that simply reads: 'Erected by citizens of Bristol as a memorial of one of the most virtuous and wise sons of their city'.


It was an obvious target when the Black Lives Matter movement stirred to life on Sunday. The city has debated for 20 years about what to do with such a prominent monument and the council and other vested interests squabbled for the past two on the wording of a new plaque that would acknowledge Colston's full story. In the end, people had enough of waiting and took matters into their own hands.

Massive Attack, the pioneering trip hop band closely associated with the rise of Bristol as a music scene in the late 1980s, tweeted their support: "Finally. The Colston statue should never have been a public monument. Its history could have been understood in a museum.

"The elevation of a slave trader clashed badly with our civic identity. A philanthropy derived from crimes against humanity is as hollow as the statue itself."

"I'm glad to see it gone, I think it was a stain on the city," said Sebastian Anderson, who went to inspect the damaged plinth on Monday. "The sad thing is it had to happen this way, rather than a way that was more responsible.

"A statue in a position like this, right here by the cenotaph which is probably the most important monument in any city, town or village in the UK, should be a point of honour, but this was not a man of honour. He was a disgrace. We should learn about our colonial history and our slavery history, we shouldn't be honouring it with statues."

People look at the pedestal of the toppled statue of Edward Colston.

People look at the pedestal of the toppled statue of Edward Colston.Credit: AP

A snap YouGov poll on Monday found just 13 per cent approved of the way the statue was toppled, compared to 40 per cent who backed the statue's removal but not how it was achieved. One third of all respondents said they disapproved of the statues' removal under any circumstances.

"My family have lived in this city for over 500 years and I have never been more ashamed of some of the inhabitants of this city as now," says Richard Eddy, a Conservative councillor in Bristol who calls Colston a "great Bristolian" and opposes the renaming of the city's concert hall.

Bristol has vibrant black community and has long wrestled over racial discrimination. The city has often found itself central to flashpoints in British race relations. It was the scene of the 1980 St Pauls riots triggered by a controversial police raid on the Black and White Cafe, and a major boycott of the Bristol Omnibus Company in 1963 over its refusal to hire black or Asian crews for its fleet.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the dying words of George Floyd in police custody in the United States "have awakened an anger, and a widespread, incontrovertible, undeniable feeling of injustice" around the world, including in the UK. He said "in too many cases" racial discrimination fears were "founded in a cold reality".

"This country has made huge strides. I remember the 1970s and the horror of the [far-right political party] National Front. I truly believe that we are a much, much less racist society than we were."

Johnson however chastised protesters for breaking coronavirus social distancing rules and said he would not indulge Brits who "attack police or desecrate public monuments".

"If you want to change the urban landscape, you can stand for election or vote for someone who will," he said.

A worker cleans graffiti from the statute of former prime minister Winston Churchill.

A worker cleans graffiti from the statute of former prime minister Winston Churchill.Credit: Getty

An attack on the Winston Churchill statue in central London has stoked particular outrage in Britain. A small group of masked protesters on Sunday painted 'was racist' under the name of the former prime minister who defeated Nazism but was hostile and contemptuous about Indians.

Labour's shadow foreign secretary Lisa Nandy says Floyd's death had "brought forward something very, very deep that people feel and have felt for a long time".

"Don't forget that black and minority ethnic people in Britain have been far more likely to die from COVID-19," Nandy says. "There is a lot of hurt there, there's been a sense that the government hasn't been particularly interested in that issue and hasn't been very active or proactive about it."

Bristol's mayor says the Colston statue - which he felt was a "personal affront" every time he walked past it - will eventually be hoisted out of the harbour, even though this could now risk further confrontation. The significance of Sunday's events means the damaged bronze monument will likely be guaranteed a spot in the city's museum as an enduring piece of Bristol's history.

A petition to replace the Colston statue with another local identity is now gaining steam. The suggested candidate? Paul Stephenson, a black civil rights activist who led the 1963 bus boycott. That campaign helped create Britain's Race Relations Act.

- with Latika Bourke

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