

This was published 4 years ago

JobKeeper faces political test as all sides call for changes

By David Crowe and Nick Bonyhady

The Morrison government is facing a Senate test over its JobKeeper wage subsidy as Labor and the Greens try to broaden the $130 billion scheme just as Liberal MPs express alarm at its cost.

The moves could also scale back the assistance to younger workers who have gained a "pay rise" because the wage boost offers them more than they earned before the coronavirus crisis.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

In a growing tussle over the scale of the scheme, some employer groups are complaining of workers who do not turn up to shifts because they could stay at home on the government payments.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg heard complaints about the JobKeeper scheme in the Coalition party room and in question time but he stood by the design of the wage subsidy, declaring it a "significant support" for the economy.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese warned some casual workers were getting a pay rise when older workers experienced a cut from higher incomes to the base subsidy of $1500 a fortnight.

"A mum with three kids who's worked in a casual job for 11 months receives nothing, whereas a student, working half a dozen hours a week for pocket money while they're at uni, who has been in that casual job for more than 12 months, potentially will be getting $750 a week when previously they earned $150," he said.

"So, some of the design of the program has had flaws."

The Labor caucus has backed a plan to seek changes in the Senate to disallow some of the JobKeeper rules, a plan that could succeed with the support of the Greens and some of the crossbench.


The Greens want JobKeeper extended to universities and Labor also want changes on this front, but extending the benefits too broadly to workers in tertiary education could add $500 million to the scheme.

Centre Alliance Senator Rex Patrick backed an extension of the scheme to more casual workers including those at universities, but Labor also needs support from One Nation to succeed.

Labor also wants to extend JobKeeper to workers at companies such as dnata, an airport services group owned by the Investment Corporation of Dubai and banned from the scheme because it is a state-owned enterprise.

A spokesman for dnata said the company employed 6000 staff and had invested significantly in Australia, including the acquisition of Qantas' catering business two years ago.


Labor's treasury spokesman Jim Chalmers named the company as an example of the "bungling" of the scheme.

Adding the company's 6000 workers to the policy would cost $117 million over six months but the cost could soar if the scheme was extended to more state-owned enterprises.

Struggling businesses are concerned casual workers are refusing to work because they are entitled to $1500 each fortnight in JobKeeper payments regardless of whether or not they set foot on the shop floor.

Dominique Lamb, chief executive of the National Retail Association, said her organisation had heard reports from its members of all sizes that some casuals were staying home when they had the opportunity to go back to work because they are paid more under JobKeeper.


Unlike permanent full-time and part-time workers, casual workers are allowed to refuse shifts, but JobKeeper provides the same amount of money for eligible employees regardless of whether or not they are working.

About 1.7 million workers are estimated to be paid more under JobKeeper than their regular wage.

The JobKeeper scheme is up for review in a month and Ms Lamb said "we imagine there will be a number of changes made at that time".

"But what they are we'll have to wait and see."

ACTU president Michele O'Neil said the country's peak union body did not support moves to take money from workers whose earnings had been raised by JobKeeper to give to others in the scheme.

"I don't think it would be good for anyone to add uncertainty into the system that has been announced and announced for six months," Ms O'Neil said. "We don't support that approach."

She said the government should instead extend the scheme to casuals and visa workers who had missed out and introduce measures to let casual workers swap to permanent employment to give them job security.

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