


Victoria locks down while Australia opens: what are the COVID-19 rules now?

What are the rules of the Victoria's lockdown 2.0? And where is the rest of the country up to on our reopening roadmap?


Shutting down then reopening – but not all the way, and not in the same way state to state … Coronavirus rules across Australia are confusing and shifting fast beneath our feet.

Australia has so far weathered the COVID-19 storm well, even as the case count continues to accelerate globally. Most of the country has rolled back the very same social restrictions that helped us curb the spread of the virus early on. Then came a devastating twist in Victoria – a sudden surge in cases and a need to lock down much of the state again, as outlined below.

In recent days, new Victorian infections have climbed higher than when the virus first hit its peak in Australia in March. Premier Daniel Andrews says it shows COVID-19 has not gone away “and there's no vaccine, no plan B”.

The difference this time is that most of Victoria's infections have been caught in the community rather than brought back from overseas – a dangerous sign the virus has gained a foothold in the state. “You have to assume [if] you’re finding even small numbers, there’s more there,” Premier Andrews has said.

That's why NSW has now joined jurisdictions such as Queensland and South Australia and shut its border to neighbouring Victoria for the first time in a century. The last time that happened it was 1919 and a soldier travelling by train from Melbourne had just brought a case of the devastating 1918 Spanish flu into Sydney. Victoria is certainly not the only place see outbreaks flare up after lifting restrictions (a number of cities around the world from Wuhan to Texas have also been forced to reimpose lockdowns). Experts fear a major second wave of infections, as seen during past pandemics – such as that 1918 flu – could yet be on the horizon for the world later in the year.

Victoria’s outbreak, while itself more a surge than a second wave in the usual (global) use of the term, could become a problem for the rest of Australia too. Experts have widely backed the Melbourne lockdown and the Australian Medical Association says all jurisdictions should press pause on their own plans to further wind back restrictions in the meantime, even as pressure mounts to wake the economy from a painful shutdown hibernation.

There are fears infections could have spilled over into other states, as testing ramps up at NSW and Victorian border towns Albury and Wodonga. Drones, police and soldiers are now patrolling the roads – and the skies – along Australia’s busiest border.


Here is the federal government's three-stage roadmap for reopening the nation– read on to find out how your state has opted to inch closer to "normal", how the border closures will work and when, in the now immortal words of Daniel Andrews, we might once more "get back on the beers".

Whichever state you live in, caution (and commonsense) still applies – life is not back to normal yet.

"[The virus] is still out there," Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned. "It can come back pretty quick and we've got to be sure we don't get this further wave and the way we don't do that is people practising all those simple things that have been put in place."

That means elbow bumps and handwashing remain the order of the day. Go to the shops to get what you need, not to linger and socialise. If the lift is full, take the stairs. If you feel sick, even just with a sniffle, stay home. In fact, work from home anyway if you can.

Outside Victoria, the national rules say venues can now shelve specific capacity limits and instead just follow the rule that there must be four square metres of space per person. Venues with 40,000 seats or less must stay below 25 per cent of their usual capacity and those with more than 40,000 seats cannot have more than 10,000 people. Seat allocation must keep the golden 1.5-metre rule of social distancing in place between all patrons.

But beyond these revised rules, how states are choosing to reopen varies wildly on the ground.




"Do it once, and do it properly," said Premier Daniel Andrews of lifting restrictions in Victoria on June 1. At least, that was the plan …

But since the Victorian government eased its rules, then among the toughest in the country, the state has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases, prompting drastic measures and ramped-up testing (almost a million people have now been tested since January in Victoria). Many of the new cases are connected to an outbreak among security guards hired to enforce the government's hotel quarantine – the state's management of the sites is now the subject of a judicial inquiry.


In early July, 12 coronavirus hotspot postcodes across Melbourne were reissued stay at home orders, followed by Australia's first hard lockdown on nine public housing towers in the city’s north. Dubbed "vertical cruise ships" for the capacity of rapid spread within their confined quarters, the towers were sealed off entirely by police and more than 3000 residents told they could not leave for any reason.

And now, from midnight on July 8, the entire metropolitan Melbourne area (and one regional shire, Mitchell) will go back into lockdown for six weeks, meaning residents can leave their homes only for the four "essential" reasons: to purchase food and necessities, for exercise, for medical care, care-giving or to go to work or school.


Hospitality businesses will return to takeaway only, visitors will not be allowed at homes (except romantic partners) and public gatherings outside will again be limited to just two people.

The state's school holidays have been extended for another week as the government weighs up instituting a fresh stint of distance learning. Students taking Year 11 and 12 subjects and those in special schools will still return to classrooms as planned next week, after facing particular difficulty during the last period of school closures.

Police will be actively patrolling Melbourne to enforce the lockdown and keep the "hard boundary" with regional Victoria, which is comparatively coronavirus-free. Premier Andrews says that means booze-bus style checks rather than roadblocks. But while places such as Geelong will escape the slide back to tougher rules, the Mitchell Shire (which includes towns north of the city around Seymour) has been folded into the metropolitan "ring-fence".


And this time, Premier Andrews warns, the rules will be a little stricter – you can't go to your holiday house and you can't exercise outside the Melbourne area. You can't, say, whip down to the shops in Geelong if you live in Mulgrave. And you can't go for a "six-hour hike [or go fishing] hundreds of kilometres away from home and into regional Victoria", Mr Andrews says.

"Even if you follow all the rules when you're there, if you have the virus it will travel with you. It is just an unacceptable risk."

You can still fish, boat, play tennis, golf or surf provided you adhere to the golden 1.5 metre of social distancing and stay within the metropolitan Melbourne area.


Mr Andrews has likened the crisis to "a public health bushfire" such is its seriousness, and urged all Victorians to follow the rules, otherwise new case numbers could climb into the thousands. "Then it will get right away from us and we will have thousands of people in hospital and we all know what that means. That means tragedy ... people will die."

The state's Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, said he and his team would not have called for a second lockdown if the situation was not grave. But, by shutting down now, Victorians could again turn the tide of the outbreak the way they did the first time around in March and April.

The state government will soon announce additional fiscal stimulus for businesses and individuals as lockdown measures grind the economy to a halt.


“We’re in for a very difficult time,” Mr Andrews said, but noted the six-week lockdown period was based on the best scientific advice available, allowing authorities to monitor the outbreak over three 14-day incubation cycles of the virus to ensure there was no false sense of security that it can been brought under control.

"We know we are on the cusp of something very, very bad if we don't take these steps today."

Some experts have raised concerns that the "pressure cooker" of hard lockdowns imposed on public housing towers could produce more cases, rather than prevent them. Mr Andrews said authorities were looking to ramp up testing at the towers and so end the lockdown "as soon as possible" – before the 14-day order expires.


Asked whether the 70-odd people who had already tested positive for COVID-19 in the towers were being moved out to avoid more infections, he said: "Anyone who tests positive is treated differently and if there are particular vulnerabilities in their household the public health team tries as best as they can to respond to that."

Extra precautions are also being rolled out for healthcare workers, with staff and some visitors to Melbourne's largest hospitals now told to wear masks at all times.

Even before the stay at home orders returned to Melbourne this month, Victorians were barred from entering almost every state in the country. The Prime Minister has said: "Now is the right time for Victoria to isolate itself".

More details at the Victorian government's COVID-19 website.


New South Wales

Once at the centre of Australia's outbreak, NSW is on a slow but steady path to reopening. Schools and universities, zoos and drive-through cinemas are open and pubs, casinos, beauty salons and museums are all running again under the one-person for every four-square-metres rule, though activity must be seated only.

The NSW government says its also "considering solutions for smaller venues" beyond that rule, "particularly in regional NSW, where [it] is not practical for small businesses".

But the 20 visitors cap for homes will remain in July and interstate travel is not encouraged. In particular, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says, we should keep our doors closed to Victorians.

How will the border closure work between Victoria and NSW?

NSW had long resisted following other states in closing its borders to Victoria. But on July 6, as cases of community spread continued to climb down south,  NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian decided it was time to close up shop to Melburnians - likely for a matter of weeks rather than days.

Within hours, Victorians were rushing across the Murray River into NSW to beat the closure at midnight the following day. It's been described by the freight industry as a "Berlin Wall", set to push back economic recovery, but the Premier says it is vital to keep NSW open.

A massive operation is now underway to secure the 55 crossings along the border - some of which are dirt roads. NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller has said some roads will be closed and at least 29 patrolled by both police and Australian Defence Force personnel as drones surveil the area overhead. 

"It's a big border, it's a thousand kilometres long and the river goes through...but I don't expect we'll be chasing people across [the water]," he said ahead of the closure on July 7.

A hastily-set up permit system now allows essential workers through and local residents to move between border towns Albury and Wodonga, but the Service NSW website would not take applications until just hours before the midnight closure and long queues are already forming. Cross-border health services will still operate but some doctors have raised concerns about delays in patient care.

Elsewhere in NSW, outdoor cultural and sporting events can sell seated tickets once again (at reduced capacity) and entertainment facilities are reopening. NSW stadiums with a capacity of more than 40,000 people can now host up to 10,000 fans at AFL and NRL games but venues had already decided to bar Victorians from attending and had vowed to check drivers' licences.

Community sport and kids' sport competitions and training can also resume. But music festivals and nightclubs will remain closed in July, with restrictions likely to relax in August if community transmission remains low.

See here for more details.



Queensland had come under fire from other states and the federal government for keeping its borders closed during the crisis, requiring those arriving from interstate to undergo a 14-day quarantine. But the Sunshine State is throwing open its borders from July 10 to all states – except Victoria – and is bringing forward some other parts of its Phase Three reopening.

Those crossing the border will need to sign a declaration swearing they have not visited Victoria in the past 14 days (reminiscent of the travel declarations once used when the 1918 Spanish flu reached Australia a hundred years ago). Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says anyone who makes a false declaration will face fines of up to $4000.


Within the state, travel is already unlimited under stage two restrictions, and locals have been urged to go on holiday to support tourism operators.

Right now, up to 20 people can visit households and funerals can have up to 100. Auctions, theatres, libraries, gyms and other places are open but with capacity limits.

Larger venues such as theme parks have already started to reopen too. Sea World and Currumbin Sanctuary opened on June 26 in time for Queensland school holidays, while Movie World and Wet'n'Wild are set to follow by July 15. Dreamworld has not yet announced a date for reopening but cinemas will also reopen in July, with the 100-person limit considered now viable for showings.

Live music venues, including Brisbane's The Zoo and The Triffid will reopen from July 10 – former Powerfinger frontman Bernard Fanning is even locked in to headline the Triffid show.

The rules began to dramatically relax from July 3:

Queensland rules from July 3

  • A 100-person limit will apply for gatherings of people in private residences as well as venues such as churches for weddings and funerals.
  • All forms of community sport, including kids sport and contact sports, will be allowed to restart.
  • Smaller venues between 100 and 200 square metres of total floor space only have to provide two square metres of space for each customer, with an upper limit of 50 people.
  • Patrons can now buy a beer from the bar of a pub and order a counter meal, while dance clubs are urged to maintain social distancing on their dance floors. “Perhaps people can just listen to the music,” Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk suggested when making the announcement.
  • Stadiums can now have up to 50 per cent capacity in their stands, with an upper limit of 25,000 people for large stadiums

- Stuart Layt

More detail at the Queensland COVID-19 website.


Western Australia

Plans to reopen WA's interstate borders on August 8 have been shelved amid fresh outbreaks in several Melbourne suburbs – and that won't change until Victoria's case numbers improve.

WA became the first state to introduce a two-square-metre rule, rather than four, as part of Phase Three restrictions in June, which also came ahead of schedule. By June 27, it was moving to its own Phase Four, expected to run for another three weeks with a Phase Five (coming July 18) and Phase Six now added to the plan too.


Under the current Phase Four rules, all existing limits on gatherings vanished – a move welcomed by hordes of partygoers who queued up for clubs. The state's biggest private employer, Crown Perth, has also reopened its gaming floor.

Premier Mark McGowan predicted socialising at levels higher than pre-COVID. "If you go out to our entertainment precincts, our tourism businesses, you'll find many of them are operating above what they were before, because there's such pent-up demand," he said.

But the two-metre rule still applies for venues holding more than 500 people. And, while music festivals are out for the forseeable future, major sport and entertainment venues can operate at 50 per cent of their usual crowds and gyms can operate un-staffed – as long as regular cleaning is maintained.

- with David Presipino

For more detail, visit the WA government's COVID-19 website.



Premier Peter Gutwein’s message on "Fortress Tasmania" has been consistent: the state will "continue to march to the beat of our own drum" on social restrictions. Tasmania was the first state in Australia to throw up its borders and is not expected to relax them until July 24.

In early April, north-west Tasmania faced one of Australia’s largest outbreaks, putting 5000 people in isolation. Gutwein imposed the "toughest restrictions in the country" on the region, with non-essential businesses shut and visitors banned under a "ring-fence" of containment.

Rules began to ease from May 11 as Tasmania recorded three days without a new case. National parks and reserves reopened. Exercise and contact sport is now allowed and a swathe of venues have reopened – from food courts and markets to strip clubs, casinos and brothels. Nightclubs are also open with table service only and density limits indoors have been reduced to one person per two square metres rather than four.

Gatherings of up to 250 inside and 500 outside are now allowed – although households can still only have 20 visitors over at once.

See the government's recovery roadmap here.


South Australia

South Australians are reaping the rewards for their impressive suppression of coronavirus, enjoying the return of many freedoms ahead of other states. Between April 11 and May 11, there were just 11 cases in the state, and only one after April 22. The state has not had a new case since May 26.

SA had promised to completely open its interstate borders on July 20 but announced on June 30 it would not be reopening to Victoria any time soon. The decision has already forced the AFL to reschedule upcoming games. While Premier Steven Marshall acknowledged at the time that the move "would have a dramatic effect" the game, he said the risks posed by Victoria's outbreak could not be ignored.


Back when Australia's overall caseload was still climbing in March, the state put hard limits on gatherings in step with most other jurisdictions but did not enforce them with fines. These rules were dropped entirely on June 29, allowing South Australians to have as many people over to their house as they want. Essentially, very few restrictions remain in force.

Shops and other businesses can have one person for every two square metres of floor space, with no hard capacity caps. There are no maximum capacity restrictions on weddings and funerals. Caps on public-event numbers – such as the football – have been lifted entirely. "We’ve done well. But let’s not become complacent," the Premier has said. "We do not want to go backwards."

School students returned to classes as usual on April 27 while, at universities and TAFEs, face-to-face learning was allowed to resume from May 11.

See more details here.



The nation's tiny capital has so far weathered the COVID-19 storm remarkably well – with no active cases as of June 17.

There are no longer limits on household guests and all public gatherings and venues can have up to 100 people, provided they follow the one person per four-square-metre rule. Canberra's well-known institutions – the galleries, libraries and historic sites – have now thrown open their doors again along with pubs, salons and gyms.

From July 10, even food courts will be allowed to seat up to 100 patrons.

Organised tour groups can have only 20 people, excluding staff, but swimming pools and contact-sport training is back up and running.

The ACT held out closing its borders for long months, though it did discourage Canberrans to reconsider travel. Then on July 6, it began denying entry to Victorians. ACT residents returning from Melbourne also have to quarantine for 14 days.

For more information, visit the ACT's COVID-19 website.


Northern Territory

With just 29 cases of COVID-19 (none of them now active), the territory has been the jurisdiction least affected in Australia. It also quickly became the most envied, after NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner announced on April 29 that pubs could reopen on May 15. His exact words were "May 15 date night; June 5 Sunday sesh."

With no deaths to date in the state, it seems the state’s Chief Health Officer Hugh Heggie has had much to be pleased about, with his "social distancing dance" going viral on social media in May.

The NT became the first jurisdiction to remove limits on the number of people allowed to gather indoor or outdoors and open up businesses. It is now set to be the first to remove self-quarantine requirements. From July 17, locals returning home and interstate visitors will no longer be required to self-quarantine for 14 days.

Since June 15, people arriving from interstate have been able to choose their own quarantine arrangements instead of the government-run hotel isolation seen in other states.

There will continue to be no limits on the number of people at indoor or outdoor gatherings in July and businesses and national parks, including the World Heritage-listed Kakadu have already been allowed to reopen.

For more information visit the NT government's COVID-19 website.

  • Reporting by Sherryn Groch, Liam Mannix, Stu Layt, Pallavi Singhal, Michael Fowler and David Presipino

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